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Things From IGAU That You Hope WON'T Make It In Injustice 2


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I disagree. There shouldn't even be any room for making a mistake when choosing a character. A design that allows that is flawed.

Not to mention, it's easy to trick someone into choosing a wrong character against their will. Wait until a few second in before choosing a character and map, choose a map, when the other person is moving the map cursor around, back out, and now they have moved their cursor on the select screen and the timer has run out so they can't change it. Of course, that only applies to online.

They fixed that in MKX, but it's still not great.
No, a design like that is flawed in your opinion because you've messed up when doing it however many times. The only reason you're going to end up with a character you didn't want is you pressing the wrong button. If you don't want to mess up don't hidden cursor, noone's forcing you to.

I mean that's an extremely specific situation, and the other person doesn't have to pick a map. Only need player 1 to do it. And if they're player 1 they can also just let the timer run out. It's really not a problem.


Get over here!
Slow walk speeds and overly powerful interactables immediately come to mind.

Also I think the wager system was an interesting idea but I don't want to see it again


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
No, the design is flawed objectively.

It's very simple.

When there are two ways of doing things, and one allows for mistakes and the other does not, without any other negative consequence or trade off, then that design is superior.

Am I wrong, or is it only NRS games that do the character select like this. Besides, if the design was not flawed, they would not have improved it like they did with MKX.
No, it being flawed objectively is your opinion. And putting "Simple." after your sentence doesn't make you right or work in place of an actual explanation. You are claiming it's flawed based on one potential situation you may or may not have been involved in yourself. The hidden cursor mechanic is only designed to hide your cursor and it does that so how is that flawed?

What other way is there to hide a cursor????

Did they improve it though? Seems to work the same to me.

Deleted member 5032

No, it being flawed objectively is your opinion. And putting "Simple." after your sentence doesn't make you right or work in place of an actual explanation. You are claiming it's flawed based on one potential situation you may or may not have been involved in yourself. The hidden cursor mechanic is only designed to hide your cursor and it does that so how is that flawed?

What other way is there to hide a cursor????

Did they improve it though? Seems to work the same to me.
They're saying just make the cursor invisible to the opponent by default. There are several pros and zero cons.


What other way is there to hide a cursor????

Simple. Just get rid of the mechanic completely and as I said make it so that you don't see who your opponent picked until the match about to begin like the Capcom FG do. This way you also won't have to worry about the other person trying to counterpick. Some people will actually just sit and wait until you pick first so they can counterpick. Hell I remember one time I was trying Deathstroke out and as soon as I picked him, the other person(having already picked his character) would go back and pick Scorpion.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
  • Slow walkspeeds
  • clashes (replace this wager system stuff. Its not very good at all and is anticlimatic every time)
  • Balance of interactibles on both sides of the stage. You shouldn't have a stage where you start by an interactible like Fortress of Solitude nor should you have side advantage so heavy like on the Watchtower with the flying drones. It was waaaaaaay too imbalanced on level design with these.
  • Dull mission mode extras. Bad minigames are worse than no minigames IMO. I'd rather have test your luck style matches than another dodge game with lex in the ocean or rhythm game. Bring on the Gear based missions with crazy hell reigning down on us. Bring on pinball or angry birds style superman kicking soldiers into buildings or something
  • batman's idle stance. Not badass at all. Its all Thor about to give a speech like. Ick.
  • Flash's idle stance. Everyday I'm shufflin....
  • Woman having horrible facial anatomy. Please...please. Spend more time on your low poly models before baking your high poly textures this time. Those crazy jaws and chins were awful.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
Whatever that stupid bargaining thing was or whatever it was called. Seriously... what a dumb idea.



All too easy...
Oh yeah, the double life bar I would rather not have back for sure. If you got wrecked in the first round it made comebacks such a daunting task
no, it made comebacks legit. there was no such thing as giving up and throwing a round away for meterbuild for the final round like in mkx, you played from start to finish. IT works in Killer Instinct and it works in Injustice.

Also I have no idea why people hate the clash system, they should 100% keep it as it was a defining mechanic of the game that helped with comebacks if you managed meter better. Clash dialogue was sick too, whats wrong with taking 2 seconds to breath and plan your comeback?


kick kick
Ambiguous crossup shit, that was pretty much the equivalent of a safe 50/50 in Injustice 1 imo, besides the actual safe 50/50s.


I liked Clashes. It slowed down the game and gave you a minute to think, especially in tournament. I doubt they will take them out tbh. Or they will add another gimmicky breaker system that might be even worse lol.

Please increase walk speed. Certain characters (especially ones I played) really got hurt by the bad walkspeeds. Green Lantern would probably have been top tier if he didn't have terrible walkspeed, and lex would have been around top 10 too imo.

Unblockable interactable unscaled OTGs GOT TO GO. It nearly defined the tier list towards the end of the game. I do think they should be more useful than MKX's though, I still don't even know all of MKX's interactables, barely use them. Mainly I use the ones I can jump out of the corner with. Maybe make them unblockable and able to OTG but make them scale like Tremor's OTG (I'm worried they'd fuck it up like Tremor's OTG though tbh, it can still be unscaled if you do it properly)

Better Backdashes pls. MKX backdashes were pretty good, maybe some needed a littel work but overall a big improvement compared to inj 1.

Make it so some characters are not one string wonders. This is what killed injustice for me. Some characters used 1 string an entire match pretty much. Aquaman, Lantern, Superman, etc. really only had 1 great string. I'm sure they will work on this since MKX didn't suffer from this.

I wonder if they will bring back the "hold down to block both ways" mechanic.


I don't think the walkspeed hurt lex at all. I've mained him for the last 3 years, and only walk when blocking, and I like the walkspeed for blocking. I don't want to get too far away when I'm blocking. When I'm getting in I corp charge or dash or jump...so I really don't see walk speed as an issue. At least for Lex.

Cyborg/zod/Deathstroke beat him near 9-1 because of walkspeed. Especially Zod and Cyborg. They were practically unwinnable.