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Question Do we like the game?

Do you like MKXL

  • Yes

    Votes: 177 64.8%
  • No

    Votes: 96 35.2%

  • Total voters

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
Yes. It's the best NRS title to date. Not sure why everyone's panties are knotted about it.
It's not really the NRS thing, even though i've played it alot and loved it before. Now it's just stale. It may be the best NRS game. But not fun for me anymore.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I enjoy playing the game and certain aspects of the mechanics are another step in the right direction for NRS titles.

That being said I feel it is the weakest of the 3 games they've produced. I do not like the stamina/run mechanic, I have a love/hate relationship with the variation system, and I'm sick to death of coin flips and full screen advancing strings.

This also the first NRS game where no characters playstyle has clicked with me, Im not surehow with 90+ variations everything can feel so repetitive. Maybe it's a problem with me and not the game though lol.

I look forward to the next title they release and hope WB/NRS keep supporting the competitive community because this game has been hella hype to follow through ESL and the massive grass roots pot bonuses.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
i noticed that alot of people who seem to really love the game are pretty casual or play maybe 3 or 2 days a week for like an hour. You know, those guys that make threads about skins or brutalities and know the lore or whatever - those types. Then you have the people who play it competitivly or understand higher levels, and they complain like a lot

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
It's ok.

I feel the same way as most do when it comes to the defense and 50/50's and everything thing else but I'm taking a break from it right now and I think I'll pick it back up again soon.

I would rather play MK9 though. It was a bit more fun and enjoyable.

Tekken 7 and sfv is my next goal. Along with a PS4.


At first I really did enjoy the game. But over time I got sick of the constant bullshit 50/50 overpowered pressure. I'm more of a zoning player and I feel like MKX didn't suit my playstyle at all. I was good at it, but I had to play a different style than I was accustomed to unless I was playing predator. The constant nerfs to him (possibly the only true zoner in the game), and the lack of ACTUAL nerfs to crazy rushdown really made me dislike this game over time.

This game never catered to what I feel like are my strengths (defense, zoning) and defense was never rewarded for the most part. Fun game but as of now, no, I don't like the game.


Sub and kotal FTW
I like the story of mk9 over mkx, but that's just nostalgia really. Mkx is definitely a lot of fun, if I feel that there isn't anything new with a character I've been playing for a while, a variation change spices things up, or picking up a whole new character. Plus I really like the addition of the new cast, I've played scorp and sub since arcade days, kotal and takeda are a lot of fun.


You inspire no fear.
The game to me just got really stale. Almost every character had some form of corner carry and some form of 50/50s and it seemed like the entire meta was based on rushdown and offense more than footsies/defense. Not to say the latter don't exist in the game, but they didn't seem as prevalent. All that just led to frustration and boredom. To be blunt, the game wasn't fun, and devolved into the same meta almost every match.

I will say though that I am a reactionary defense/zoning type of player, so the game's mechanics were pretty much going against everything I like to do in FGs. Take that for what you will.
This basically sums up my exact thoughts/feelings about the game, including the last sentence.

Honestly, just make MK9 backwards compatible with PS4 and give it XL netcode and I'd probably play it every day.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
Don't know about tekken but imo SF V is awesome!
I nor most can't get there hands on Tekken until it's released but seeing the footages from the various tournaments and cups where it's been brought to and the many vids from over seas as well makes me excited to play Tekken again.

There's a serious shortages of 3D fighters and I find those types of fighters to be more core balanced then 2D fighters.

I've heard nothing but great things match wise about SFV and that it's far better balanced then MKX. This has really intreaged me and I NEED a PS4 to put that to the test. But I do know that SFV is not a complete game and that kinda bothers me a bit.

But yeah MKX is aight.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Given that I'm in the process of grinding with my team in preparation for CEO, I'd say I like it quite a bit.

It's not perfect, but no game is. You have characters that can zone like Kitana, Leatherface, Sektor, characters that grapple like Kotal, Jax, and Kano, characters that pressure you like Cage, Lao, and Liu Kang, I feel like there is plenty of variety if you look for it.

I really like it, even when I complain. ;-)

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I think it is a lot of fun. If I didn't find characters I enjoy in Sub, Mileena, and Kitana I wouldn't at all. I hate everything about the way characters like Kano and Sonya are designed gameplay wise. I'm super mixed on it, but I'm borderline addicted. It kinda just clicks with me.


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
I enjoy the gameplay (aka me actually sitting down and playing the game etc) a lot more here in MKX. But i completely understand why people have issues with it (some characters are a bit silly mech wise).

But i enjoyed and missed some of MK9's "isms" so to speak....like toastybeing back in the game/toasty boost, the fact that it seemed like while the story was dark at times it wasnt taking itself TOO seriously, the new school music right alongside the oldschool stuff, secrets,old school stages redone etc...

But yea i enjoy the faster pace of MKX and find myself playing it a lot more then I did MKX...and as others have stated I wouldnt be here on TYM doing what I do with the community if I didnt enjoy NRS games haha!


FGC Cannon Fodder
Hell yes I do. My all time favorite game, and I make no apologies for it. I haven't played a game this much since the SF2-SSF2T years, and I feel like it's the first time I actually understood a fighting game.

It's easy to play, has lots of personality, visual polish, and lots of content that feels legitimately diverse. I said other stuff here ( http://www.testyourmight.com/threads/the-benefit-of-50-50s-to-the-long-term-success-of-the-mkx-community.59994/page-4#post-2094053 ) that I think is better than what I can think of now (since why was getting asked)

I think that covers anything I would have to contribute.


Seriously Casual Player.
It's a very well-polished title with a lot of variety.
Of course there are things that could be removed. We've still got some balance issues toward the very top of the tier list, though less than the previous NRS fighters. There's an abundance of 50/50 combo starters, some of which shouldn't be as safe as they are. Strange blockstun. Female hitboxes being weird.

But the game offers so much more in the way of a satisfying delivery. The online UI is very easy to navigate; the netcode post-beta is fantastic. Unique first-person krypt. Practice mode is one of the best out there. In a game with 100 variations, I'd say about 70 of them are absolutely tournament-viable at the highest level. I enjoy how different most variations are from each other as well, and it's a suffice amount to keep me invested.

I played it the day it was released, I played it a week later, and I'm still playing it a year and 2 months after release. I can't say that for many games. MKX is just a lot of fun.
This gentleman said everything I think. Nicely put.


cr. HP Master
I actually enjoy spectating this game more than playing it. Even then there are moments when I see top players being gobbled up by 50/50's and it makes me think, "meh." NRS needs to chill with the 50/50's in the next title or at least make overheads slower.


Online Punching Bag
The game is fun, but the thing I liked best about Mk9 was diversity of characters and playstyles, some were rushdown, some were zoners, some were keepaway, some just hit like a truck with simpler play styles. MKX kind of feels like everyone is trying to just keep pushing rushdown until someone guesses wrong in a vortex or 50/50 and they lose.


I'm a bit of a Mortal Kombat fanboy so I'm gonna like it for that reason alone. But aside from that I like it because it's the first fighter that I've gotten into competitively. I like it because it introduced me to the FGC and TYM. I like it because this will be the first game I travel to compete in (KIT boyz). I like it because of the friends that I've made and the awesome people that I've been able to associate with, both locally and online.

MKXL is a flawed fighter and everyone seems to agree on that at least, but I like it anyway. I welcome Injustice 2 with open arms and I really do hope that NRS learns from some of their mistakes.