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Guide - Pyromancer Tanya Pyromancer Full Advanced Guide + Combos + Setups + Tech + Strategies

Vak Phoenix


Hello Guys and Girls!

As the most dedicated Tanya player i present to you my 3rd Tanya guide. This time it is for Pyromancer, i have done Dragon Naginata and Kobu Jutsu guides in the past and received a quite positive feedback from you guys so here it is.

Lets get to it! Pyromancer is arguably Tanya's best variation currently, because of the minor changes that it has received. This variation compliments Tanya's incredible mobility and runaway game due to the fireballs that she gets in this variation. Yet the fireballs seem to have a rising arc and huge recovery, they have extremely plus frames on hit. This variation cannot be specified as a 'zoner' per say, due to the arc, recovery and block advantage of the fireballs. I classify this variation as a runaway, conditioning, hit and run and a mix-up variation. Yet Pyromancer has a very gimmicky pressure itself that i will get into further down in my guide.

As mentioned, Tanya receives fireballs in this variation, but that is not all, she also gets the unique variation string that adds fire to the very last hit of her universal string. (B3,1,2) She also has the access to the air fireballs and the best tool that she gets in this variation the Dark Shroud, which can be meter-burned and it gains armor.

Pyromancer allows Tanya to access 6 different fireballs, High Fireball,(DB1) Low Fireball,(DF1) Surging Blast (EX DF/DB1) Air Close Fire Blast, (DB1) Air Far Fire Blast (DF1) and Air Surging Blast (EX DF/DB1) all of these fireballs are mid hitting and have a lot of recovery except for Surging Blast.

High Fireball, DB1

This fireball is used for anti airing the opponents, its startup is 13 frames and is -26 on block, it also does 7% damage on hit. 7% Damage

Low Fireball, DF1

This fireball is a rather straight going although it has arc to it, that allows the opponents to run under it and punish Tanya. Its startup is 20 frames and is -13 on block, and on hit it is +22. So lets say, your opponent gets hit by Low Fireball up close, they must respect Tanya's F2, otherwise they will get hit and punished for not respecting it. 7% Damage

Surging Blast, EX DB/DF1

One of my favorite moves in the entire game, this fireball resembles the classic Mortal Kombat 4 and Deception fireballs that Tanya had. A very useful tool for Tanya, because unlike other ground fireballs, Surging Blast has no arc and goes straight. Surging Blast also eats other projectiles, knocks down on hit, is 9 frames startup and is -3 on block, it can be used as a wakeup tool at times as well, when the opponent is running at you. 10% Damage

Air Close Fire Blast, Air DB1

A slow air fireball that hits near the ground that Tanya is hovering over, it is used to trick the opponents when they are running at Tanya when they might expect a far fireball. It is 14 frames on startup, -31 on block and has 24 frames of recovery. If Tanya does the Air Close Fireball after Air Teleport, the recovery frames will increase up to 35 frames. 6% Damage

Air Far Fire Blast, Air DF1

A far reaching air fireball that is used to keep the opponents in check. It is 13 frames on startup, has 16 frames of recovery and is -33 on block. If Tanya does the Air Close Fireball after Air Teleport, the recovery frames will increase up to 26 frames. 6% Damage

Air Surging Blast, Air EX DB/DF1

Armor breaking dual fireball from the air, i find this tool to be quite unuseful, due to the fact that unlike ground Surging Blast, this one does not absorb any projectiles, is not as fast and has same startup frames and recovery frames as the Air Far Fire Blast, although it does 12% Damage.

Dark Shroud & Devil's Dust DF2 & EX DF2

A key tool to this variation, that allows Tanya to mix up the opponent when either of them hit. Dark Shroud Does 5% Damage and Devil's Dust does 7% Damage. They both have 18 frames of startup, are -4 on block and +52 on hit. Although the Devil's Dust gains armor when it is used, because it is the meter-burned version of Dark Shroud. Now, hence the fact that they are +52 on hit, it allows Tanya to get mix ups which are fully charged F3, B31 and throw. The opponent is forced to block when the shroud hits, and has to anticipate the mix up. However due to this move Tanya loses damage on her punishes, not that she has good damage with meter or without meter to begin with. The priority of Pyromancer is to get the opponent hit with the dust, then make them guess or respect the block frames. A huge thing that shroud and dust add are the ridiculous damage to fireballs, if any of the fire move will hit the opponent while they are dusted it will do bunch of damage, High and Low Fireballs do 17% damage, Surging Blast does 20%, Air Close and Far Fireballs do 16% and Air Surging Blast does 22% if they both connect. Not only it adds damage to fireballs on hit, but it does great amount of chip as well, such as regular air and ground fireballs doing 6% on chip and meter-burned fireballs doing 7% on chip. Also this is the best wakeup option that Tanya has access to, counting every other variation of hers, because the Devil's Dust has armor and is -4 on block. They both last for 6-7 seconds if they are hit.

Dark Burst B3,1,2

A variation unique string that Tanya gets, although it is not unique per say, it adds fire damage to the very last hit of the string that affects dusted opponents as well. This string starts with a Shin Strike which is a 12 frame low, that goes on to a mid and then a high. The last fire part of the string has a gap, between second and third hits, the opponents may backdash, low poke and armor out. However the whole mind game is stopping at the second hit and waiting if the opponent will armor out or not, also to see if they will backdash to catch them with F2. This string does 9% damage and knocks the opponents down, without any sort of launching, it pushes them full screen for Tanya to get her fireballs tossing. While the opponent is dusted and get hit with this string, they will eat 23% damage, and on chip it does 9% also it is +2 on block regularly and +4 if the opponent blocks this string dusted.

Now that i have mentioned the tools and its uses that Pyromancer has the access to, i would like to explain the game plan and pressure. Tanya has to mainly annoy her opponents by running away when she gets a health lead to punish them while Tanya gets chased. It is quite easy to get a health lead in this variation, due to dust and the amount of throws that Tanya needs to do in this variation. Although it is quite impossible to hit the opponent with a fully charged F3, even after a dust, Tanya can run cancel her F3 while it is charging to trick the opponents. The whole game plan of this variation mainly is sitting with dust, if it hits Tanya gets a mixup and if it is blocked, due to its frames on block, Tanya can unleash a second and third armored dust, to catch the opponents.

This variation is heavily depended on meter, however Tanya can build the meter quite easy in Pyromancer due to the amount of teleporting, fireballs and block strings. Speaking of which B31 and 34 are the only strings of Tanya that does not allow her to jail it into dust on block, rest jails 112, 24 and F2. The pressure that Pyromancer gets is quite gimmicky because of the teleport cancels and committing to B3,1,2. Even though B3,1,2 is plus on block people have options so it is all about committing to the string and seeing if the opponent will respect it. Another gimmick is 112 dust, ex dust, ex dust, yet this may seem as a meter waste, it allows Tanya to get in the control of the match if they get hit with the dust. Tanya gets a guaranteed JIP or JIK after the dust hits so, you can do JIP 34 EX Fireball for 11% of chip.

The main weaknesses of this variations are the facts that Pyromancer does not excel at anything in particular that she brings to the table, also the lack of damage. Yes it does seem like Tanya hits hard when the opponent is dusted, but dust goes away after 6-7 seconds and the main plan is to get them dusted again and sacrifice damage. Another weakness is the recovery and the arc of her fireballs, unless the opponent knows how to punish them, you may keep throwing them, although do not get excited because as i have mentioned before, Pyromancer is not a 'zoner.'

There is this thing that i have found some time ago, full screen if the opponent gets hit by the Low Fireball and then High Fireball the following Low Fireball or Surging Blast will combo. Here take a look at the video.

The thing is that high fireball will miss on a ducking opponent full screen, but if they get hit with the low fireball they must respect the high fireball due to +22 on hit, if they will not they will get comboed with another fireball.

In general, i do find Pyromancer to be a lacking a lot, without have a crazy rushdown or crazy damage, but a dedicated Tanya player will have to massively outplay their opponents to win the match.

Here is my combo video, will full damage and dust set ups as well.

In Dust


2U3 RC 4 EX TELE JI4 TELE NJP RC 4 EX Fireball 36%
2U3 RC 4 EX Drill B312 34%
F2 EX Drill 24 B312 35%
112 EX TELE JI4 TELE NJP RC 4 112 EX Fireball 35%
112 EX TELE JI4 TELE NJP RC 112 EX Fireball 33%
112 EX Drill B312 31%
112 EX Drill 24 F2 EX Fireball 36%
F3 F2 EX Drill B312 37%
F3 F2 EX TELE JI4 Fireball 35%
F3 F2 EX TELE JI4 TELE NJP RC 4 EX Fireball 39%


112 EX Drill 4 112 EX TELE NJP B312 42%
2U3 24 11 112 Fireball 32%
2U3 NJP 4 11 112 Fireball 33%
2U3 24 4 112 EX Drill B312 38%
2U3 4 4 112 EX Drill B312 41%
2U3 24 EX Dust 112 EX Drill B312 42%
2U3 4 4 112 EX TELE NJP 4 EX Drill 112 EX Fireball 47%
F3 11 11 B312 33%
F3 4 112 EX Drill B312 42%
F3 4 112 EX Dust 112 EX Fireball 45%
F3 4 4 EX Drill 4 EX Fireball 45%
F3 4 112 EX Dust 112 EX TELE NJP 4 EX Drill 4 High Fireball 49%
F3 4 112 EX Dust 112 EX Drill 112 EX Fireball 51%
F3 4 EX Dust 112 EX TELE 4 EX Drill 112 High Fireball 52%
Anti Air EX Fireball 112 EX Dust 112 EX Drill 112 High Fireball 53%

This concludes my third Tanya guide, if you have any questions on concerns please feel free to address them, and please remember folks do not post your combos into this thread. ;)

@Awkward Sloth @InfamousSloth @SethHendrixson @16 Bit @chrisisnice @EdenianWarrior @Ravager @vegeta @Rip Torn @Laos_boy @BillStickers @Sindelia @Dragons Rule!!! @TrulyAmiracle @KGA Prosaic @deg222 @xKhaoTik @Tim Static
Last edited:


EX Ovi should launch
Really good guide dude, lots of good info! FYI you have a couple 4 bar combo in your list ;
F3 4 112 EX Dust 112 EX TELE NJP 4 EX Drill 4 EX Fireball 49%
anti Air EX Fireball 112 EX Dust 112 EX Drill 112 EX Fireball 53%

Vak Phoenix

Really good guide dude, lots of good info! FYI you have a couple 4 bar combo in your list ;
F3 4 112 EX Dust 112 EX TELE NJP 4 EX Drill 4 EX Fireball 49%
anti Air EX Fireball 112 EX Dust 112 EX Drill 112 EX Fireball 53%
those are supposed to be regular fireballs in end! thank your for pointing that out for me!


Do you think that this is fair?
15 frame Fully charged F3
Ex shroud stunning opponents for continued combos
Surging blast scales less
Less combo scaling
New string-242 last hit has fireball hit. Does 26% shrouded.

Dragons Rule!!!

"I enjoy these encounters."
Cool guide. I've always liked to use pyromancer, but it's been never my style. But some of the combo possibilities in this variation are really cool.

Dust combos!

2u3 rc 4 EX Tele Jik Tele Njp rc 24 high fireball (35%)

112 EX Tele Njp 4 EX Drill 24 high fireball

24 EX Drill 4 Ex Tele Njp rc B312 (40%)
(My favorite!!)

24 EX Drill 4 Ex Tele Njp 4 Ex fireball (42%)


Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
Thanks for the tag. I only have fun playing this game when I use Tanya now. Maybe I'll stick it out with her, I dunno anymore lmao.


Tanya Loyalist, Cassie main in MK11.
Thank you for tagging me. This was a good read. Hopefully this will help more people get in to playing the best character in MK history. ;)


Dust Combos
4 ex tele njp rc 4,4 ex tele jk air fireball-42%
4 ex tele njp rc 4,4 ex drill 24 high fireball-43%

(While opponent is jumping) 4 rc 4 ex drill 4 high fireball-38%


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched

Hello Guys and Girls!

As the most dedicated Tanya player i present to you my 3rd Tanya guide. This time it is for Pyromancer, i have done Dragon Naginata and Kobu Jutsu guides in the past and received a quite positive feedback from you guys so here it is.

Lets get to it! Pyromancer is arguably Tanya's best variation currently, because of the minor changes that it has received. This variation compliments Tanya's incredible mobility and runaway game due to the fireballs that she gets in this variation. Yet the fireballs seem to have a rising arc and huge recovery, they have extremely plus frames on hit. This variation cannot be specified as a 'zoner' per say, due to the arc, recovery and block advantage of the fireballs. I classify this variation as a runaway, conditioning, hit and run and a mix-up variation. Yet Pyromancer has a very gimmicky pressure itself that i will get into further down in my guide.

As mentioned, Tanya receives fireballs in this variation, but that is not all, she also gets the unique variation string that adds fire to the very last hit of her universal string. (B3,1,2) She also has the access to the air fireballs and the best tool that she gets in this variation the Dark Shroud, which can be meter-burned and it gains armor.

Pyromancer allows Tanya to access 6 different fireballs, High Fireball,(DB1) Low Fireball,(DF1) Surging Blast (EX DF/DB1) Air Close Fire Blast, (DB1) Air Far Fire Blast (DF1) and Air Surging Blast (EX DF/DB1) all of these fireballs are mid hitting and have a lot of recovery except for Surging Blast.

High Fireball, DB1

This fireball is used for anti airing the opponents, its startup is 13 frames and is -26 on block, it also does 7% damage on hit. 7% Damage

Low Fireball, DF1

This fireball is a rather straight going although it has arc to it, that allows the opponents to run under it and punish Tanya. Its startup is 20 frames and is -13 on block, and on hit it is +22. So lets say, your opponent gets hit by Low Fireball up close, they must respect Tanya's F2, otherwise they will get hit and punished for not respecting it. 7% Damage

Surging Blast, EX DB/DF1

One of my favorite moves in the entire game, this fireball resembles the classic Mortal Kombat 4 and Deception fireballs that Tanya had. A very useful tool for Tanya, because unlike other ground fireballs, Surging Blast has no arc and goes straight. Surging Blast also eats other projectiles, knocks down on hit, is 9 frames startup and is -3 on block, it can be used as a wakeup tool at times as well, when the opponent is running at you. 10% Damage

Air Close Fire Blast, Air DB1

A slow air fireball that hits near the ground that Tanya is hovering over, it is used to trick the opponents when they are running at Tanya when they might expect a far fireball. It is 14 frames on startup, -31 on block and has 24 frames of recovery. If Tanya does the Air Close Fireball after Air Teleport, the recovery frames will increase up to 35 frames. 6% Damage

Air Far Fire Blast, Air DF1

A far reaching air fireball that is used to keep the opponents in check. It is 13 frames on startup, has 16 frames of recovery and is -33 on block. If Tanya does the Air Close Fireball after Air Teleport, the recovery frames will increase up to 26 frames. 6% Damage

Air Surging Blast, Air EX DB/DF1

Armor breaking dual fireball from the air, i find this tool to be quite unuseful, due to the fact that unlike ground Surging Blast, this one does not absorb any projectiles, is not as fast and has same startup frames and recovery frames as the Air Far Fire Blast, although it does 12% Damage.

Dark Shroud & Devil's Dust DF2 & EX DF2

A key tool to this variation, that allows Tanya to mix up the opponent when either of them hit. Dark Shroud Does 5% Damage and Devil's Dust does 7% Damage. They both have 18 frames of startup, are -4 on block and +52 on hit. Although the Devil's Dust gains armor when it is used, because it is the meter-burned version of Dark Shroud. Now, hence the fact that they are +52 on hit, it allows Tanya to get mix ups which are fully charged F3, B31 and throw. The opponent is forced to block when the shroud hits, and has to anticipate the mix up. However due to this move Tanya loses damage on her punishes, not that she has good damage with meter or without meter to begin with. The priority of Pyromancer is to get the opponent hit with the dust, then make them guess or respect the block frames. A huge thing that shroud and dust add are the ridiculous damage to fireballs, if any of the fire move will hit the opponent while they are dusted it will do bunch of damage, High and Low Fireballs do 17% damage, Surging Blast does 20%, Air Close and Far Fireballs do 16% and Air Surging Blast does 22% if they both connect. Not only it adds damage to fireballs on hit, but it does great amount of chip as well, such as regular air and ground fireballs doing 6% on chip and meter-burned fireballs doing 7% on chip. Also this is the best wakeup option that Tanya has access to, counting every other variation of hers, because the Devil's Dust has armor and is -4 on block. They both last for 6-7 seconds if they are hit.

Dark Burst B3,1,2

A variation unique string that Tanya gets, although it is not unique per say, it adds fire damage to the very last hit of the string that affects dusted opponents as well. This string starts with a Shin Strike which is a 12 frame low, that goes on to a mid and then a high. The last fire part of the string has a gap, between second and third hits, the opponents may backdash, low poke and armor out. However the whole mind game is stopping at the second hit and waiting if the opponent will armor out or not, also to see if they will backdash to catch them with F2. This string does 9% damage and knocks the opponents down, without any sort of launching, it pushes them full screen for Tanya to get her fireballs tossing. While the opponent is dusted and get hit with this string, they will eat 23% damage, and on chip it does 9% also it is +2 on block regularly and +4 if the opponent blocks this string dusted.

Now that i have mentioned the tools and its uses that Pyromancer has the access to, i would like to explain the game plan and pressure. Tanya has to mainly annoy her opponents by running away when she gets a health lead to punish them while Tanya gets chased. It is quite easy to get a health lead in this variation, due to dust and the amount of throws that Tanya needs to do in this variation. Although it is quite impossible to hit the opponent with a fully charged F3, even after a dust, Tanya can run cancel her F3 while it is charging to trick the opponents. The whole game plan of this variation mainly is sitting with dust, if it hits Tanya gets a mixup and if it is blocked, due to its frames on block, Tanya can unleash a second and third armored dust, to catch the opponents.

This variation is heavily depended on meter, however Tanya can build the meter quite easy in Pyromancer due to the amount of teleporting, fireballs and block strings. Speaking of which B31 and 34 are the only strings of Tanya that does not allow her to jail it into dust on block, rest jails 112, 24 and F2. The pressure that Pyromancer gets is quite gimmicky because of the teleport cancels and committing to B3,1,2. Even though B3,1,2 is plus on block people have options so it is all about committing to the string and seeing if the opponent will respect it. Another gimmick is 112 dust, ex dust, ex dust, yet this may seem as a meter waste, it allows Tanya to get in the control of the match if they get hit with the dust. Tanya gets a guaranteed JIP or JIK after the dust hits so, you can do JIP 34 EX Fireball for 11% of chip.

The main weaknesses of this variations are the facts that Pyromancer does not excel at anything in particular that she brings to the table, also the lack of damage. Yes it does seem like Tanya hits hard when the opponent is dusted, but dust goes away after 6-7 seconds and the main plan is to get them dusted again and sacrifice damage. Another weakness is the recovery and the arc of her fireballs, unless the opponent knows how to punish them, you may keep throwing them, although do not get excited because as i have mentioned before, Pyromancer is not a 'zoner.'

There is this thing that i have found some time ago, full screen if the opponent gets hit by the Low Fireball and then High Fireball the following Low Fireball or Surging Blast will combo. Here take a look at the video.

The thing is that high fireball will miss on a ducking opponent full screen, but if they get hit with the low fireball they must respect the high fireball due to +22 on hit, if they will not they will get comboed with another fireball.

In general, i do find Pyromancer to be a lacking a lot, without have a crazy rushdown or crazy damage, but a dedicated Tanya player will have to massively outplay their opponents to win the match.

Here is my combo video, will full damage and dust set ups as well.

In Dust


2U3 RC 4 EX TELE JI4 TELE NJP RC 4 EX Fireball 36%
2U3 RC 4 EX Drill B312 34%
F2 EX Drill 24 B312 35%
112 EX TELE JI4 TELE NJP RC 4 112 EX Fireball 35%
112 EX TELE JI4 TELE NJP RC 112 EX Fireball 33%
112 EX Drill B312 31%
112 EX Drill 24 F2 EX Fireball 36%
F3 F2 EX Drill B312 37%
F3 F2 EX TELE JI4 Fireball 35%
F3 F2 EX TELE JI4 TELE NJP RC 4 EX Fireball 39%


112 EX Drill 4 112 EX TELE NJP B312 42%
2U3 24 11 112 Fireball 32%
2U3 NJP 4 11 112 Fireball 33%
2U3 24 4 112 EX Drill B312 38%
2U3 4 4 112 EX Drill B312 41%
2U3 24 EX Dust 112 EX Drill B312 42%
2U3 4 4 112 EX TELE NJP 4 EX Drill 112 EX Fireball 47%
F3 11 11 B312 33%
F3 4 112 EX Drill B312 42%
F3 4 112 EX Dust 112 EX Fireball 45%
F3 4 4 EX Drill 4 EX Fireball 45%
F3 4 112 EX Dust 112 EX TELE NJP 4 EX Drill 4 High Fireball 49%
F3 4 112 EX Dust 112 EX Drill 112 EX Fireball 51%
F3 4 EX Dust 112 EX TELE 4 EX Drill 112 High Fireball 52%
Anti Air EX Fireball 112 EX Dust 112 EX Drill 112 High Fireball 53%

This concludes my third Tanya guide, if you have any questions on concerns please feel free to address them, and please remember folks do not post your combos into this thread. ;)

@Awkward Sloth @InfamousSloth @SethHendrixson @16 Bit @chrisisnice @EdenianWarrior @Ravager @vegeta @Rip Torn @Laos_boy @BillStickers @Sindelia @Dragons Rule!!! @TrulyAmiracle @KGA Prosaic @deg222 @xKhaoTik @Tim Static
Great guide, I hope that well prepared guide can lead willing people to learn!