ETC Mcfly
Not satisfied with this at all, the teleport combo buff is a bill, in order do connect you have to Jump with standing 2, then you have to perform ex teleport while in the air so you can connect the throw, not to say its very difficult to get that timing right. none of his ground strings link into ex tele grab, so you cannot use punishes with this new change at all.
The worst part is, Hat Call Backs will still have a low float if hits anyone crouching, still whiffs on some characters neutral crouching, we will have to be japan level to play hat trick.
Above hat trap is the same, no adictional commands no trajectory corrections, all strings frame data are exactly the same.
He also got some random buffs he didn't needed
Away low trap has now 25 recovery frames just as a regular trap, low hat trap also has 25 recovery frames.
Its also worth mentioning that 44 links in Hat Trick was untouched, we still get 36% raw damage, and Hatarang combos are all intact damage wise.
Well, it seems most of what we've been debating was all for nothing after all, meanwhile Tempest gets new ways to extend his damage from the new Hat Spin change which even allows him to switch sides with the opponent while he combos, as if he wasn't viable at all.
Its been fun guys, but if you are willing to play hat trick, you have to be more than just good, the odds will continue to be against you not because you suck, but because the game itself will work against you, can't wait to rage out of HCB whiffing on pixel life costing me the match when i need it the most (it has happened before).
Can't wait to my opponents to wakeup holding down to make my jugglers nearly impossible to fill on my own right reads. GGs Hat Trick Community.
Good Job @Eddy WangMore news, Hat Trick got some stealth nerfs.
If you use Hatarang, you can no longer hat trap right before the hat gets back to your head, the variation was already ass why his only reliable tech was removed? makes no sense.
Hatarang~(hits long range)~tele 2 no longer links since now he spawns on the other side hatless, so ETC Mcfly tech is gone.
Replace the old combo with this: (Fullscreen) Hatarang (first hit connects), jump in~dive kick~1, B32~spin, b321~low hat trap, it does 25% damage.
Will try to work on with the new hat traps random buffs later.
@God Confirm
@ROG Moonspell
@ETC Mcfly
@Big Pampering
@colt This is the most beautiful game mode. Help us to Improve this variation can be really feasible and this is the way it has to be a priority for Kung Lao.
It has all the help of "Hat Trick Community" to help make it better.
Really Thanks