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General/Other - Jacqui Briggs Jacqui Briggs General Discussion


Plus on block.
I still think she has too many far better uses of meter to waste it on that.


Still can't believe she's getting two costumes.

They may not be fixing all of her problems but even the smallest buffs and cosmetic love means a lot.
This is HUGE for her. Her only two reasons she wasn't top 10 is bc of unsafe armor and worst pokes in the game.

They fixed one of them. If her pokes got some attention the ... I'll be off of shinnok and back on jacqui
I actually agree, like her pokes have good frames (no reach though) apart from d4 which I think they should speed up a bit cos it does have reach on that.
Do not forget that exBF2 is 23fr startup. Its very slow move ( but long range )
The move is used when you establish your zoning at mid range if you're unpredictable and catch them neutral ducking sometimes it's hard to react to. It also has some combo usage. But more importantly you'll have a solid threat at mid range and a get off me move to better established based control


The move is used when you establish your zoning at mid range if you're unpredictable and catch them neutral ducking sometimes it's hard to react to. It also has some combo usage. But more importantly you'll have a solid threat at mid range and a get off me move to better established based control


Lost Street Fighter Player
It's slow to start up but being safe is cool. 'Means your other options need to be considered more by the opponent because EX BF1 is harder to break but can be low profiled while EX BF2 can't be low profiled but it looks like they give up pressure if they block it.

Is anyone going to cycle through the movelists for Jacqui and upload it? Even the smallest of changes in the attack data can be spotted when you can pause a video to look at it (I noticed chip damage has gotten decreased for a lot of moves for other characters).
It's slow to start up but being safe is cool. 'Means your other options need to be considered more by the opponent because EX BF1 is harder to break but can be low profiled while EX BF2 can't be low profiled but it looks like they give up pressure if they block it.

Is anyone going to cycle through the movelists for Jacqui and upload it? Even the smallest of changes in the attack data can be spotted when you can pause a video to look at it (I noticed chip damage has gotten decreased for a lot of moves for other characters).
I took pictures individually, chip is reduced on a lot of things and moves have more advantage for example b3


Loud and Klear~
That bf2 buff is huge, we have a safe advancing mid that pops up. Plus we now have a get-off move that isn't suicide on block :D

it helps fullauto where opponents would be sitting around half screen neutral ducking waiting for guns, now we have a threat to keep them honest with a lot less risk.
Plus it can be a blockstring ender where guns was punishable by some characters (i think there's a gap tho before the bf2?)


Steel cable bungee jumper
So Ive been playing the wg kotal mu alot the other day and came to the conclusion that its almost impossible to aa him.
I figured I'd dance in and out of the range of his advancing normals fishing for a whiffpunish with 4qbrc which works fine so far.
The Problem is that it puts him at a range where his jumpin is almost guaranteed.
I couldnt for the life of me aa him. Not even stanky worked bc his body seems to be so high in the air.

Really cant figure out what to do.
Anyone got any ideas? Im meaning high tech viable options.


Plus on block.
So Jacqui now has a safe armored wake-up! That's really huge by itself.
You know what, I didn't really think about it in terms of having a better wake-up, I guess it actually is okay after all.

Still feels like it should do more...

Though I can't think of anything it could do that wouldn't ruin that perfect and humiliating animation.

Besides making it hit as an overhead maybe....