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KIT Injustice/MKX Pools & Stream Schedule


My blades will find your heart
Yeah we're going, just didn't know we were 100% until after reg closed lol. Huge thanks to @HoneyBee for giving us a place to stay so we could go! Leaving to head to NC tomorrow then we're going over to TN Friday I believe.
I thought Vandy didn't do on-site registration?


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Thes are some really safe predictions I'm seeing so far.



Credible Sources on all things Hayatei
According to my credible sources, The Canadian adonis aka Hayate is now chartering his planecraft to Memphis for this weekends tournament.
I have been told ever since his flu ridden loss in Philadelphia that he is now on a mission to reclaim his throne and show everyone his true powers when not poisoned by fast food.

I have exclusive photographs of Hayate training hard in the harsh winter mountains of Montreal, Canada with nothing but a joystick made of stone and wood preparing for the task at hand. However I have been instructed not to release these photos to the public in order to prevent attempts at copying of this magnificent training routine.

Hayate over the last month ever since his loss has increased his skills exponentially, the patented wooden joystick has served as a hyperbolic time chamber to increase his reaction speed. He has played on 1mbps dial up internet in order to increase his reflexes by fighting lag. He has gone beyond the need of muscle memory.
This Saturday I guarantee a sweep of every player by Hayate.
