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The MKXL Bug/Glitch/Issue/Stability Reporting Thread


Beso de Muerte + Fantasía Oscura
Ive tryed to delete it and start over again but get the same result. 0.229-02 is what the game code starts with but still no online feature or story mode....
All other ps4 games work fine


Few Whiffs:
Jin's Neutral Jump when your opp is literally right infront of your face

Lao's hate spin, running into a grab, if the opp is dunking and it hits them, and you go to grab, you will not grab them, leaves you wide open.


Beso de Muerte + Fantasía Oscura
Since the last time i posted my problem has gotten worse. I have not been able to play the game properly sinve the last patch. And as of two days ago the game completely freezes my ps4. I have to un plug it to get back to the dashboard or get it to spit the disc out. It just stays stuck at the mkx splash screen. Every other game works and loads fine. I have wiped and reinstall every piece of data on my ps4 3 times now. I really need help. Its frustration in high right now not to mention im falling behind.


Hi all,

Tried playing a friend Online last night, and every invite we sent one another, be it through Private Versus or in a Room ended with the infamous "Game Session is No Longer Available" message. We tried for over half an hour and were unable to connect to each other.

We each were able to get matched to others in Ranked matches no issue (outside of wait times), and we each have three to four green Ping bars, as well as High FPS performance off the Benchmark.

The last time we played together was in early September, so pre-9/29 patch, and we've never had issues connecting before.

My friend and I are also a 15 minute drive from one another, so clearly we're in the same region.

He also tried both his laptop and desktop, we each rebooted our PC's a few times, etc.

Another issue we had is sometimes when we went to a Room, it would say "No Rooms Are Available, Try Again Later," which I've never seen before. A few retries and we could see the Rooms.

Anyone have any troubleshooting tips?

Also, unrelated, but does the console version of the game's have Motion Blur? Saw some people on the Steam boards saying they do not, but I'd be surprised if they didn't.



I want Kronika to step on my face
If he's 15 minutes away from you why on earth would you play online? Lol

For real though, always try to restart Steam when you get these issues. Usually solves them for me.


If he's 15 minutes away from you why on earth would you play online? Lol

For real though, always try to restart Steam when you get these issues. Usually solves them for me.
Because he's chasing after four kids so meeting up in person is not always possible ;).

And as I mentioned, we each rebooted our systems a few times; no luck.


Data Collecting
I have this error consistently when trying to play against my brother on xbox one, strangely though i very rarely ever get it on ps4 when i play against ranked or public.


So my buddy and I gave it a go again tonight, and the same results for Private match invites. Tried Private King of the Hill, and nada.

So we went and simply searched for a Public Player match, and got matched up. We were able to play a full best of seven set without issue.

So for some reason, Private invites are not working...
here is my feedback about pc version and mkx in general

-the fps counter and ping counter finally make the game very enjoyable and you can find players where you are sure they wont, lag fps or ping wise! but pings still not get shown from players who are already in a match when you join the room
-when you sort players after ping it wont get remembered you have to press after every match 5-6 times r1
-the frames drop to 30 on video sequences and x ray
-game could be a bit better optimized especially shadowns , have to deactivate them to not get lag
-if you get invited to a private game from someone with a worse upload rate internet connection the game wont recognize that you have 100 mbit internet with good upload speed and use yourself as host (always the best connection should be host automaticly)
-faction battles not have enough players to be played (would love to team up with a training mate to fight others)
-ranked battles take too long time to search an opponent, compareable to the lenghs of the match (imo it should be best of 3 Matches)
-there is no elosystem for ranked, that it will pick players with your skill lvl and you can work yourself upwards from bronze league up to silver,gold, diamond ...
-NRS should try to make mkx cross platform play like capcom will do it !! to allow an elo value , and better ranked system and to get the community not splitted up since mk is
fortunately a game not released every year
-Koth is a nice mod but when there is one player, much better then all others, he will stay king forever and you cant play the other players , imo koth need a mod where the king loose 5 percent health every round after he won every player in the room so someone else get king after some matches
-complicated to install mods , somehow i love modding and changing my character models, i own the dlc skins but would love to have some sexy female skins for tanja and some reskin for shinnok etc, you have to drop the files inside the foilder when the game is started ... and start the game again with the original files next time
-not very much maps !!! imo NRS should add new maps with the dlc packets and more hidden maps to play free, the game is missing maps
i would love to see
a predator ship ,a bridge map an acid pool map, an inside a temple map , like in mk9 where you can do nice stage fatalitys. somehow loved those maps in mk9
The Bell Tower , The Temple, dead pool, Graveyard (laged a bit back in the times) ,subway

and im not the only thinking the game have a lack of maps

all in all good game which could and hopefully get further improved because mk is a game not get pushed out every year.
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I want Kronika to step on my face
It happened to me once. It was kindda random I think we clicked a bunch of buttons and selected a character then canceled then selected again and so on and the game got a bit confused lol.


^ You have no idea who this guy is ^
It's a glitch that can only be done as player 1. You have to select Destroyed city (alternate) and then back out and let player 2 select the level. Bug Me will be the level shown EVERY time if you follow that input. I do it every time just to mess with people lol.
It's a glitch that can only be done as player 1. You have to select Destroyed city (alternate) and then back out and let player 2 select the level. Bug Me will be the level shown EVERY time if you follow that input. I do it every time just to mess with people lol.
Thanks for the help


Superman and I disagree

Inputs are 11/10 on the new netcode, but there are a little quirks here and there with the rollback. Some animations skipping frames early/late, tons of jumps. Lots of trades now in comparison to before. Anyone else getting this meter bug too?

Also sorry for the lack of game sound, I was streaming when I did this and was playing my own music, had to take it out :(


Superman and I disagree

Ran across another bug. It looked like I nutpunched him as he was breaking, and the game continued even though he was dead. Probably something to do with rollback, i'm not sure


Has anyone out there have this ever happen to them before? There's this weird freeze or lock out bug that will happen when playing MKX randomly during a match where inputs will drop and both players will be locked out for some time. This bug is rare but when it happens, it's extremely apparent and can completely kill the momentum of the match and throw players off. It's happened before when I've played against @YOMI DJT and @YOMI MITYEAP in long sets of casuals and when it hit, we just said "WTF?" and looked at each other as if our controllers suddenly broke or something of the sorts. I've never been able to capture it on video or have it on stream until NOW.

Below you can see this bug occur at 01:20 in a match of casuals between myself and @EMPEROR_JUPITER. The bug happens at the end of Predator's throw animation at around 01:20. Pay attention to the button log and notice how mysteriously our button logs silence and then mine floods with sudden left over inputs during the span from where we were both "locked out". I was trying to perform an EX straight laser right after my throw on his knock down and couldn't move. Nothing would come out and no inputs were registering. Check it out below:

An issue similar to this happened during one of my pool matches at EVO when I was trying to get an armor attack out after a string and my character was stuck in place for over a second. I originally thought it was a controller malfunction on my part... But now that I think back, it most likely had something to do with this bug. Something like this can be a serious buzz kill and soul crushingly devastating to have it happen in the heat of the moment during an intense tournament set. Hopefully some of you tech monsters can look into this and find the potential cause of what could be possibly making this happen.

And before anyone asks. Yes, all other controllers were desynced from the PS4. The only controllers connected to the PS4 console were myself and Jupiters. We even double checked after the bug occurred and it was confirmed. This freeze bug also happened with me against the Terry brothers off-line with no internet connected at the Yomi house. So this should weed out any random internet connection issues or theory some of you guys may conclude.



The world's least hype player
REO you are a god send! Thank's for raising awareness of this. Were there any commonalities in these freezes? Is it a stage thing?


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Yes this literally happened with me vs @Crathen today.

My char was stuck in crouch lock facing the opposite direction non of my inputs worked