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Question - Summoner What improvements would you like to see with summoner for kp2?


Designer for BxA
Yeah, I know people will disagree, and I only want this as a change to Warlock(new animation, won't happen but w/e). A 6 frame D1 means nothing to me at +3 on hit. I'd rather the slower start up for the pressure in return.
We could compromise with 7f start and +5 on hit.

Sold, to the goose with the lovely caboose.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Yeah, I know people will disagree, and I only want this as a change to Warlock(new animation, won't happen but w/e). A 6 frame D1 means nothing to me at +3 on hit. I'd rather the slower start up for the pressure in return.
I know, and it might be hard for non Quan mains to understand why we want this change but Warlock is a completely different character to Summoner in strengths weaknesses and playstyle, shouldn't be restricted to base normals that Summoner while they balance them around him. Let us trade our only overhead for a decent poke, the 50/50 is Summobers game not Warlocks /rant


I think alternatively if they made portal scoop a universal move and sped up the portal stab to keep warlock viable that would also help summoner
I was about to suggest that as soon as I saw the thread title))) Universal Scoop would finally give him defensive options in every variation. Although the Portal Stab in Warlock would have to have better tracking as well as speed to make it a viable alternative reversal/wake up.
I would also love to see the bat command grab put opponent in the same state that Portal Stab does so Summoner gets a free mix up after that and can keep you in the vortex with that option)


King of the Jobbers 2015
- Make b324 +2.
- Give him a gas blast.
- Give him a 1f start up nomad dash.
- Let him combo after the breaker and make him generate enough bar during the combo to do it over and over again.
- 80% bnbs.
- All his attacks are unblockable.
- Make him purple and change his name to Ivan Ooze.
- Remove Kenshi's and Goro's moves from the game. Change their in-game model to a punching bag.


The harder I work, the luckier I get
So far what I'm getting from all of this is that everyone hates summoner's 50/50s...
1. You can run through the NJP setup
2. you can backdash the b2 setup
...and before i get the "but thats haaaaaard :(" messages, just know that the effort it takes to create those situations is at least equal to the effort it takes to get out

If something is gonna get nerfed, I'd listen to @Rude and @STB Shujinkydink seeing as they are the ones who know the most about high level quans. Above all though, please TYM, don't take out your rage on Sorcerer and Warlock, they are perfect where they are.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
If something is gonna get nerfed, I'd listen to @Rude and @STB Shujinkydink seeing as they are the ones who know the most about high level quans. Above all though, please TYM, don't take out your rage on Sorcerer and Warlock, they are perfect where they are.
Why do you think they have the most knowledge of high level Quan play, because they are the two who post about him the most? Shunink quit the competitive scene a month or two ago and Rude isn't even really a part of it... On top of that, they have two VERY different opinions basically contradictory if you've read them... Rude might be the "lesser known" player but you can tell he has a much better/perfect understanding of the character unlike Shujink who is still asking for buffs for his main/trolling like a moron.. This is why we accept people's opinions on the merits of their statements not just off name recognition... in fact "Highest level Quan" to use your words is pretty much undoubtably KING and we all know how he feels bout Summoner

That being said I do think we should listen to Rude, because he has a very sensible opinion on it and a lot of foresight (but not because he posts the most)

People are asking for ridiculous Quan nerfs but they forget the character was mostly fine before the recent buffs... It's very easy to take him down to Milerna tier and we gotta be gentle about it, revert his auto lock Unbreakable damage changes and remove the hard to block and he's literally worse than before


In all honesty the only thing I think needs fixing is the low bat into crossover jump punch. It's actually unblock-able. I think Michelangelo did it to Pig in ESL. Everything thing that people say is unblock-able is actually very block-able/avoidable it's just great pressure like the rest of the S Teir. It's just long and frustrating. Starting a trance vortex is dangerous against some people because if they block it right you actually lose the game. You're going to the corner and you're going to get coin flipped/trapped to death by most of the cast. Anyone who thinks that Quan vortex is God tier needs to go play Quan Chi and get dumped on by a couple Lui Kangs before they talk shit.

Sky Drop is total ass. It is without a doubt the worst teleport in the game and F4D4 is only used when your testing peoples reaction speed because it's fucking slow as shit as well. I also get bats that fly through people a lot especially when I use DF3 with the bat. DF3 bat would send Summoner zoning to the moon. But, it's glitchy and dangerous.

I would only like just one of these.

Better Sky Drop
Better D1 for pressure characters that just get to push buttons with Quan in the corner (Not faster just safer on block. They'll still be able to 33/33/33 you if they block the poke. D3 is so much more reliable than D1 it's sorta silly)
Better F4D4 because I really like the kombos name. I just wished it didn't suck.
DF3 Bat throw needs to not be riddled with tracking glitches.

Good luck to everyone else's main in KP2. Stay viable.

STB Damashi

Holy crap, one simple question and all of this hatred lol. I don't know what improvements I could make to Quan but I'm really curious to hear what @PND_Ketchup thinks in terms of improvements that should be made to Summoner. He is sincerely objective about characters and he knows Quan Chi inside and out so I definitely want to hear his take on this.


Publicly Educated
Yeah, I know people will disagree, and I only want this as a change to Warlock(new animation, won't happen but w/e). A 6 frame D1 means nothing to me at +3 on hit. I'd rather the slower start up for the pressure in return.
Kitana's d1 is 8f startup, -9 on block, +3 on hit. And she's doing very fine. You should think other ways or play mind games with your opponents to make good use of that d1, don't just think on paper "Oh I hit you with D1, but I'm at +3 i can't do anything".


Patches are on the way! What kind of changes should we be asking for summoner come kp2? How do we get him into top 8s?

Personally I think they need to add a better hitbox to sky drop so it can actually hit people on the way down.

For summoner exclusively I'd really like correct frame data for the bat. As well as maybe a slight speed up on bat grab.
Imo skull should be a mid , air skull should actually be plus on hit and not -45 ON HIT. Id like for the bat to have no cooldown , and i also would like for him to be able to summon the bat in the air , and for d1 to be +10 on hit id also like for b1 to have more range and for it to be 9f so he can punish properly

Edit : on a serious note , nerf his damage , make low bat hit mid BUT make bat have no cooldown. And make air skull +5 on hit instead -45.