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Who is your main and how do I beat you?


Dojo Trainee
Venomous D'vorah

Armor through my follow up pressure after a connected spray. Don't let me keep mixing you up with 50/50s and string staggers. You can armor through 90% of my follow up options. I'll think twice before continuing my pressure next time.

Deleted member 5032

Pumped Up Jax

He has trouble dealing with strong zoning (Cybernetic, Summoner, HQT, etc).

His restand is only +3, so you still have options in the corner. Safe armor is best, but low pokes can be effective as well.


Thread Referee
After he blocks it, it starts again all over.

And I was speaking about plus frames, Johnny for example.
And if you have him blocking, then you have begun to manipulate his actions and can capitalize on this. Get him to respect your poke and then go for your own offense on reading his block attempt.

And as for Johnny... play him. Put in half the work we Johnny mains have and you will start seeing the holes and problems in his offense that "OMG DAT PLUS FRAMEZ!!!11!!!" doesn't cover. You know, learn a match up?


Reptile / Noob


Learn to punish forceballs

learn to punish forceballs on block (b1d4 forceball f.e. is a free combo punish)

141 => know the gap

learn to punish bf2 (it´s hard to punish, but possible). Also learn to punish slide and ex klaw / overheadklaw


Learn the possible invisible mixups from reptile

[starter] ex invis f412 [combo] - almost everyone will block this a lot because it is the best way to start a combo in deceptive and people know it
[starter] ex invis f3b4 / b34 - low dmg output but a low (this will hit a lot against people who know the reptile MU)
[starter] ex invis b1d4 [combo] - good mix together with f412, but invis will run out when you finish the combo
[starter] ex invis run b2 [combo] - low dmg output, might also get blocked a lot
[starter]ex invis grab - it´s still worth to grab after an blocked invis


If someone activates ex Basilisk in the near of you - Wake Up, X-Ray or stay on the ground
If he does it far away -> shoot a mid projectile or a fast forward advancing move (maybe with armor)


do not wake up when you see someone doing dd3 after a combo, because it´s probably safe


Lost Street Fighter Player
Main FA Jacqui:
How to beat me: duck under the gunshots, play a character who trades better at long range or zones a bit easier, or end all your strings right outside of my poking range (which is really short for Jacqui).

Secondaries: FF Liu Kang, A-List Johnny, Ethereal Mileena, Warlock Quan
How to beat me with them: Just pick your main because I don't know wtf I'm doing yet.


Main - Slasher Jason

How to beat me - Relentlessly pressure me and throw in plenty of mix ups/50-50s to throw me off, I wont know what hit me most of the time XD


Sun Gawd Cuddle
Main: Sun God Kotal Kahn
How to beat me: Play Sub-zero.

On a serious note: Sun God's mix up game primarily comes from tick-throwing. Just don't get caught out by that and block correctly and you'll do fine.

Tony at Home

I main all Sonya variation s.

Covert Ops

Opt to backdash instead of blocking low on oki. Her b33 has awful recovery and many can actually punish on backdash. You can backdash it even if she runs up to your corpse on HKD.

If you block low you have to deal with MS and are still in trouble.

(Sorry Erron Black and Kenshi)

Special Forces
Forward run counters mid screen low drones

Do not do delayed wakeup in the corner. She can't safely reload after 2134 otherwise.


ermac - you can play with me only on steam.
how to win: wait until i either panic or lose patience and do wrong teleport read then punish for 45%. do this two times.