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I really like a lot of your suggestions REO.

These are some changes I'd like to see in KP2 that I believe are reasonable for Sonya.

Covert Ops

-Military stance 1, 3, and 4 give you super meter. The reason I say this is because Covert Ops doesn't build meter naturally like other characters, and unlike every other character that has block pressure, uses special moves to launch, uses special moves to extend combos, or for ending combos she only builds it when she's losing. Also Erron Black gains super meter when he uses every move in his Stand Off Stance with the exception of canceling stance.

-(Luxury) EX Air Strike. I wouldn't even want more damage with this honestly, I think it's a really useful move because it's unbreakable and can't be throw teched. What I would like is a side swap option, similar to Ferra/Torr with their EX grabs. It really hurts when you have your opponent in the corner and using it will side swap and put you in the corner.


-Grenades should be Unbreakable. I don't think it's too unreasonable for the 17% ~24% you get from just using grenades back-to-back is too much to ask.

-B14 is a hard knockdown again, or give Sonya an option (like a demolition specific string?) that allows her to reload safely after a knockdown with out being negative since grenades are her only source of a launcher.

Special Forces

-Give special drone moves a buffer window. I'd like for the drone to be as easy to use as Quan Chi's bat, it's the only variation I know with this issue (correct me if I'm wrong).

-I agree with REO's B2 change


-(Luxury) Make EX Leg grab +20 (On hit). This may be a Covert Ops and Demolition only buff, it could be really OD for special forces.

-Fix whiffing issue on 121. At certain ranges when using the 121 string if blocking the 1 will land, the 2 will whiff, and the next 1 will land. Not only is this armorable but you can also d1, d2 (with the exception of Ferra/Torr), d3, and d4 with most of the cast.

-Make 222 neutral or +1. Sonya's 222 string is a 9 frame high starter, that has a gap, that leads to an uncancelable techable knockdown, and it's -17. It could help Sonya in the neutral instead of having to use f2b1 making you -6, having to jump in, or doing instant air dive kicks.

-Make B33f4 -3 or higher (or an overhead to justify it being punishable, this would be a luxury though) . This chang isn't needed at all, but it's a really useless string, it's punishable at -9, uncancelable, and doesn't launch. You're better off using b332 which is -5, cancelable, and extendable with 12 (which is also cancelable). Even b33u4 is better at -7, with pushback, and launches in the corner.

-Make throw -2
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This dream has a sad ending
i kind of want kitana's f+2 to be an overhead since her damage got heavily normalized. 30% is what the entire cast does on damage so i don't see why that would be such an issue.
Reactions: REO

Killer Xinok

"Online is your forte!" - A Wise Man, 2015
>Nerf all pressure characters
>Block Breakers now cost one bar of super meter and all of your energy meter
>Sell your copy of MKX
I would say that his mind game is not that good, so he want to nerf all those who put him in a position of making choices :coffee:


Here... I am a god!
Agree with everything except taking away the advantage for Tremor in Crystalline. I mean really, he's only plus 2 and with the low profiling he doesn't even get too much of it. Sure he can get a poke in afterwards but if he follows that up with another shatter it can be armored through, and if it's blocked it's only neutral. He needs it. :oops:


Ready to lose your head?
General play:​

-Reduced time for energy to build back up after breaking. Like, I could've sworn I broke no more than 5 minutes ago... -___-

-D2 buff across the board, BUT make them less safer. As it is, most while being -16 or whatnot are still safe with massive push back

-Increase whiff recovery on jump attacks that aren't empty jumps

Character specific:


-Greatly reduce air sai recovery

-Fix the xray bug where she HITS for 2% and then loses all 3 bars

-f4 not being -32 on block.....

-Gap removal in f44 or making f44 -4 on block. Like cmon, can't cancel, unsafe all the way, midway AND in between? -____-

-Fix air sai active frames. She shoots the sais out of her hands and for 2 frames AS its traveling, they aren't active and WILL pass right through the opponent if they're in that range

-Adjusted gravity for telekick/EXtele/air sai/Exair sais/EXroll follow ups. You burn meter for the "damage" and all it does is significantly add weight to the combo and/or flat out miss before the special even ends

-SOMETHING that's 6 or 7 frames that isn't roll

-reduced recovery on roll, tele and sai whiffed

-remove the gap between EXsais and EXlowsais. EVERY character can D2 in between EXsais and she isn't even plus if they don't (she's -7) nor does the high become a mid

-low sais not being -23 on block/ Exlowsais are -20 on block

-low sais having better advantage than being only +2 on hit yet over -20 on block

-F343 last hit being an overhead IF both strings (f344) are going to remain unsafe after already taking away their canceling

-the 2 in B12 in Piercing being a true mid

-Either faster startup for tele, or removing those 3-4 frames where she's IN the ground and can get hit or thrown out of it

-not getting grabbed during roll


-low pounce being a legit tick throw when crouched or crouch blocked and NOT whiffing even when they're crouch blocking

-Either 1-2 frame faster startup or reduced whiff recovery on low pounce


-Either reduced recovery of faster startup for regular Fade


I want Kronika to step on my face
General play:​

-Reduced time for energy to build back up after breaking. Like, I could've sworn I broke no more than 5 minutes ago... -___-

-D2 buff across the board, BUT make them less safer. As it is, most while being -16 or whatnot are still safe with massive push back

-Increase whiff recovery on jump attacks that aren't empty jumps

Character specific:


-Greatly reduce air sai recovery

-Fix the xray bug where she HITS for 2% and then loses all 3 bars

-f4 not being -32 on block.....

-Gap removal in f44 or making f44 -4 on block. Like cmon, can't cancel, unsafe all the way, midway AND in between? -____-

-Fix air sai active frames. She shoots the sais out of her hands and for 2 frames AS its traveling, they aren't active and WILL pass right through the opponent if they're in that range

-Adjusted gravity for telekick/EXtele/air sai/Exair sais/EXroll follow ups. You burn meter for the "damage" and all it does is significantly add weight to the combo and/or flat out miss before the special even ends

-SOMETHING that's 6 or 7 frames that isn't roll

-reduced recovery on roll, tele and sai whiffed

-remove the gap between EXsais and EXlowsais. EVERY character can D2 in between EXsais and she isn't even plus if they don't (she's -7) nor does the high become a mid

-low sais not being -23 on block/ Exlowsais are -20 on block

-low sais having better advantage than being only +2 on hit yet over -20 on block

-F343 last hit being an overhead IF both strings (f344) are going to remain unsafe after already taking away their canceling

-the 2 in B12 in Piercing being a true mid

-Either faster startup for tele, or removing those 3-4 frames where she's IN the ground and can get hit or thrown out of it

-not getting grabbed during roll


-low pounce being a legit tick throw when crouched or crouch blocked and NOT whiffing even when they're crouch blocking

-Either 1-2 frame faster startup or reduced whiff recovery on low pounce


-Either reduced recovery of faster startup for regular Fade
List not long enough m8

Need 10-15 more buffs for Mileena.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Reo, calm down with that cassie nerf. You want to ruin her only safe armor? It has shitty range anyway and she doesn't do enough damage midscreen to warrant that.

I barfed when I got to Kobu Tanya


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
For Inferno's specific tools to actually bring something to the table akin to the current utility of his other variations, I would say:

EX Low Minion:
+ Armor on startup
+ startup reduced to 16 frames
- Initial damage reverted to 3%
- Tracking now the same as regular low minion

EX Overhead Minion:
+ Startup reduced to 28 frames
+ +8 on block

EX Mid Minion:
+ Armor on startup
+ startup reduced to 23 frames
+ -5 on block
- Damage scaling when hitting an airborne opponent increased by 33%

(note to the "OMFG FULL SCREEN ARMORED COMBO STARTERS ARE TEH DUMBZORZ" crowd, friendly reminder that Scorp also had one in MK9 and made little impact, the idea is to give him more rewarding armored reversals to work with here exclusively to make up for how abysmal they are in the other variations)

My thoughts on Ninjutsu, Hellfire and universal tools are still a WIP, just wanted to bring Inferno to attention since it was already mentioned.

As for Quan....


- Bat cannot be summoned if already used in the same combo (hard coded the same way Tempest's Hat Spin/Hellfire's Flame Aura is) - this will tone down vortex/damage potential, he can still go for psuedo unblockables, but if he wants to keep you in the blender, he'll have to do it the old fashioned way.

I'd like to see some kind of improvement for the portal grab in Warlock too, but I'd have to know what exactly NRS intend it to do in the neutral in the first place before giving a concrete suggestion.


"Strength isn't everything"

Generic round timer down to 50 seconds, rounds are currently only lasting 30 seconds max with the range of offensive options.

Push block, or block breaker should cost only one bar, and half stamina.

Universal damage buff on uppercuts when connected with a jumping opponent, around 25%; As jump in punches can land big damage, and considering AA'ing the opponent is a always a risk in MKX, and the AA ALWAYS DEALS LESS DAMAGE than the JIP combo, it seems there should be a deterrent to jumping in this game.

Invincibility increased on back dashes, too many normals and jump in's in this game crush back dashes, and considering some characters have horrible mids AND horrible back dashes, they are forced into a up close game and can always be low profiled during it.

Can no longer tech a MB throw.
Greatly improved netcode.

All variations have the hell fire move.
All variations should have his F2 overhead, Ninjutsu f2 remapped.
Option to enhance the regular spear on hit, not just the MB version.
Enhanced version of the spear on hit should deal a considerable amount of damage and deal damage over time.
MB Spear should be armoured and remain mid.
Regular takedown slide should be safe at -6 (exception to Special reversals at 6 frames or quicker)

F4 recovered frames lessened to allow tick throwing and staggering.
Third hit added to the F42 string and B12 string.
112 should be 0 on block, while 114 should be -6 on block.

Grand master klone shatters on a grounded opponent should allow for a follow combo, even when connected from a F4 shatter, it should not launch the opponent full screen.

Cryomancer F12 should be +2 on block.
Cryomancer D2 start up should be 9/10 frames.
Cryomancer NJP animation should include the sword.

Unbreakable regular aura cancels should all have the same advantage that F4 does, from all major strings.
Parry should recover instantly on projectiles, and build an additional chip of meter for every successful projectile parry.
MB aura should boost sub zeros damage output.
When in the regular Aura, sub should build the same meter Blood God Kotal Kahn does while blocking.
When in MB Aura, sub should build the same meter and take the same damage that Blood God Kotal Kahn does.
When in MB Aura, his DB1 Aura shatter should be plus on block.
MB aura shatters should push his F42 Throw conversion to 30%, same as most other MB launcher conversions in the game.
Consider a ground freeze move making a come back, but actually useful...possible caltrop style move with those properties.

11 should be 0 on block, and not +2, as his throw then crushes every counter poke, in the corner, this all adds up, especially in Tempest.

Regular hat spin should be high, not mid. He already has plenty of mid options, this MID hat spin ruins most of the cast.
Should not be able to cancel hat spin from D1, D3 and D4, IF it remains MID.

Hat trick hat call back should not launch the opponent, but keep them grounded, like tempest hat spins.
Hat trick MB call back should be armoured.
Hat trick Air call back should allow Kung Lao to special into Teleport or dive kick.
Hat trick should be allowed to call the hat back from a teleport.

Can no longer back dash or armour his Claw Swipe after F21.
34D4 should be -5 on block.
F21 should be -2 on block, recovery shaved off.
14 should be 0 on block.
21 should be +2 on block.
Slide should be a HKD.
MB Elbow dash should follow through, like MK9, possibly +2 on block.
Stopping the MB Slow ball shouldn't require another bar of meter.

MB ACID SPEW: Absolute overhaul.
Should disable wake up attacks.
Add options for Acid Spit ranges, close, mid and far.
Area of puddle increased.
Should still deal damage while the opponent is knocked down.
Damage increased on spit puddle.

Both stink clouds (DD3) should stay on hit and block.
Damage on both DD3 and MB DD3 should have the damage increased.
Should be able to connect both DD3 and MB DD3 from 34, 12, 21, B1D4 and F21.

Increase the start up speed of normal DD3.
Remove chip damage scaling when in DD3 or MB DD3.

Regular stealth should start up at the same speed at the MB version.
Regular steal should stay on block and hit (exactly like predator)
Regular stealth should reduce the chip damage he takes, if not negate it completely.

Uppercut start up increased.
D4 start up increased.
Start up on F2 should be faster on start up, and +2 on block.
Gap in F212+4 removed.
Should be to stop the MB fire ball in all variations.

MOS Static ball thing should deal way more damage on hit, instead of the pathetic 0.00000000000001 percent it does over time.
The first static ball should never disappear until it is connected with another.
Any static trap that is connected to an upward static balls should stay for 10 seconds until the opponent comes into contact with it.
MB Static trap should be mid.

Option for away teleport.
MB Teleport from all strings should frame trap into standing 2.
MB Teleport from B2 should allow for an easier combo extension.
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Most humble shit talker ever!!!

Generic round timer down to 50 seconds, rounds are currently only lasting 30 seconds max with the range of offensive options.

Push block, or block breaker should cost only one bar, and half stamina.

Universal damage buff on uppercuts when connected with a jumping opponent, around 25%; As jump in punches can land big damage, and considering AA'ing the opponent is a always a risk in MKX, and the AA ALWAYS DEALS LESS DAMAGE than the JIP combo, it seems there should be a deterrent to jumping in this game.

Invincibility increased on back dashes, too many normals and jump in's in this game crush back dashes, and considering some characters have horrible mids AND horrible back dashes, they are forced into a up close game and can always be low profiled during it.

Can no longer tech a MB throw.
Greatly improved netcode.

All variations have the hell fire move.
All variations should have his F2 overhead, Ninjutsu f2 remapped.
Option to enhance the regular spear on hit, not just the MB version.
Enhanced version of the spear on hit should deal a considerable amount of damage and deal damage over time.
MB Spear should be armoured and remain mid.
Regular takedown slide should be safe at -6 (exception to Special reversals at 6 frames or quicker)

F4 recovered frames lessened to allow tick throwing and staggering.
Third hit added to the F42 string and B12 string.
112 should be 0 on block, while 114 should be -6 on block.

Grand master klone shatters on a grounded opponent should allow for a follow combo, even when connected from a F4 shatter, it should not launch the opponent full screen.

Cryomancer F12 should be +2 on block.
Cryomancer D2 start up should be 9/10 frames.
Cryomancer NJP animation should include the sword.

Unbreakable regular aura cancels should all have the same advantage that F4 does, from all major strings.
Parry should recover instantly on projectiles, and build an additional chip of meter for every successful projectile parry.
MB aura should boost sub zeros damage output.
When in the regular Aura, sub should build the same meter Blood God Kotal Kahn does while blocking.
When in MB Aura, sub should build the same meter and take the same damage that Blood God Kotal Kahn does.
When in MB Aura, his DB2 Aura shatter should be plus on block.
MB aura shatters should push his F42 Throw conversion to 30%.
Consider a ground freeze move making a come back, but actually useful...possible caltrop style move with those properties.

11 should be 0 on block, and not +2, as his throw then crushes every counter poke, in the corner, this all adds up, especially in Tempest.

Regular hat spin should be high, not mid. He already has plenty of mid options, this MID hat spin ruins most of the cast.
Should not be able to cancel hat spin from D1, D3 and D4, IF it remains MID.

Hat trick hat call back should not launch the opponent, but keep them grounded, like tempest hat spins.
Hat trick MB call back should be armoured.
Hat trick Air call back should allow Kung Lao to special into Teleport or dive kick.
Hat trick should be allowed to call the hat back from a teleport.

Can no longer back dash or armour his Claw Swipe after F21.
34D4 should be -5 on block.
F21 should be -2 on block, recovery shaved off.
14 should be 0 on block.
21 should be +2 on block.
Slide should be a HKD.
MB Elbow dash should follow through, like MK9, possibly +2 on block.
Stopping the MB Slow ball shouldn't require another bar of meter.

MB ACID SPEW: Absolute overhaul.
Should disable wake up attacks.
Add options for Acid Spit ranges, close, mid and far.
Area of puddle increased.
Should still deal damage while the opponent is knocked down.
Damage increased on spit puddle.

Both stink clouds (DD3) should stay on hit and block.
Damage on both DD3 and MB DD3 should have the damage increased.
Should be able to connect both DD3 and MB DD3 from 34, 12, 21, B1D4 and F21.

Increase the start up speed of normal DD3.
Remove chip damage scaling when in DD3 or MB DD3.

Regular stealth should start up at the same speed at the MB version.
Regular steal should stay on block and hit (exactly like predator)
Regular stealth should reduce the chip damage he takes, if not negate it completely.

Uppercut start up increased.
D4 start up increased.
Start up on F2 should be faster on start up, and +2 on block.
Gap in F212+4 removed.
Should be to stop the MB fire ball in all variations.

MOS Static ball thing should deal way more damage on hit, instead of the pathetic 0.00000000000001 percent it does over time.
The first static ball should never disappear until it is connected with another.
Any static trap that is connected to an upward static balls should stay for 10 seconds until the opponent comes into contact with it.
MB Static trap should be mid.

Option for away teleport.
MB Teleport from all strings should frame trap into standing 2.
MB Teleport from B2 should allow for an easier combo extension.
Good call on the Timer it def should be adjusted

And the Hatspin is an interesting idea u have never thought off, very nice as his strings will jail into it he just can't run in so freely

Very good shout dude on the timer and hat

I won't comment on your other things
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I want Kronika to step on my face

Generic round timer down to 50 seconds, rounds are currently only lasting 30 seconds max with the range of offensive options.

Push block, or block breaker should cost only one bar, and half stamina.

Universal damage buff on uppercuts when connected with a jumping opponent, around 25%; As jump in punches can land big damage, and considering AA'ing the opponent is a always a risk in MKX, and the AA ALWAYS DEALS LESS DAMAGE than the JIP combo, it seems there should be a deterrent to jumping in this game.

Invincibility increased on back dashes, too many normals and jump in's in this game crush back dashes, and considering some characters have horrible mids AND horrible back dashes, they are forced into a up close game and can always be low profiled during it.

Can no longer tech a MB throw.
Greatly improved netcode.

All variations have the hell fire move.
All variations should have his F2 overhead, Ninjutsu f2 remapped.
Option to enhance the regular spear on hit, not just the MB version.
Enhanced version of the spear on hit should deal a considerable amount of damage and deal damage over time.
MB Spear should be armoured and remain mid.
Regular takedown slide should be safe at -6 (exception to Special reversals at 6 frames or quicker)

F4 recovered frames lessened to allow tick throwing and staggering.
Third hit added to the F42 string and B12 string.
112 should be 0 on block, while 114 should be -6 on block.

Grand master klone shatters on a grounded opponent should allow for a follow combo, even when connected from a F4 shatter, it should not launch the opponent full screen.

Cryomancer F12 should be +2 on block.
Cryomancer D2 start up should be 9/10 frames.
Cryomancer NJP animation should include the sword.

Unbreakable regular aura cancels should all have the same advantage that F4 does, from all major strings.
Parry should recover instantly on projectiles, and build an additional chip of meter for every successful projectile parry.
MB aura should boost sub zeros damage output.
When in the regular Aura, sub should build the same meter Blood God Kotal Kahn does while blocking.
When in MB Aura, sub should build the same meter and take the same damage that Blood God Kotal Kahn does.
When in MB Aura, his DB2 Aura shatter should be plus on block.
MB aura shatters should push his F42 Throw conversion to 30%.
Consider a ground freeze move making a come back, but actually useful...possible caltrop style move with those properties.

11 should be 0 on block, and not +2, as his throw then crushes every counter poke, in the corner, this all adds up, especially in Tempest.

Regular hat spin should be high, not mid. He already has plenty of mid options, this MID hat spin ruins most of the cast.
Should not be able to cancel hat spin from D1, D3 and D4, IF it remains MID.

Hat trick hat call back should not launch the opponent, but keep them grounded, like tempest hat spins.
Hat trick MB call back should be armoured.
Hat trick Air call back should allow Kung Lao to special into Teleport or dive kick.
Hat trick should be allowed to call the hat back from a teleport.

Can no longer back dash or armour his Claw Swipe after F21.
34D4 should be -5 on block.
F21 should be -2 on block, recovery shaved off.
14 should be 0 on block.
21 should be +2 on block.
Slide should be a HKD.
MB Elbow dash should follow through, like MK9, possibly +2 on block.
Stopping the MB Slow ball shouldn't require another bar of meter.

MB ACID SPEW: Absolute overhaul.
Should disable wake up attacks.
Add options for Acid Spit ranges, close, mid and far.
Area of puddle increased.
Should still deal damage while the opponent is knocked down.
Damage increased on spit puddle.

Both stink clouds (DD3) should stay on hit and block.
Damage on both DD3 and MB DD3 should have the damage increased.
Should be able to connect both DD3 and MB DD3 from 34, 12, 21, B1D4 and F21.

Increase the start up speed of normal DD3.
Remove chip damage scaling when in DD3 or MB DD3.

Regular stealth should start up at the same speed at the MB version.
Regular steal should stay on block and hit (exactly like predator)
Regular stealth should reduce the chip damage he takes, if not negate it completely.

Uppercut start up increased.
D4 start up increased.
Start up on F2 should be faster on start up, and +2 on block.
Gap in F212+4 removed.
Should be to stop the MB fire ball in all variations.

MOS Static ball thing should deal way more damage on hit, instead of the pathetic 0.00000000000001 percent it does over time.
The first static ball should never disappear until it is connected with another.
Any static trap that is connected to an upward static balls should stay for 10 seconds until the opponent comes into contact with it.
MB Static trap should be mid.

Option for away teleport.
MB Teleport from all strings should frame trap into standing 2.
MB Teleport from B2 should allow for an easier combo extension.
My God you ask way way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too much from your characters.


Ain't nobody trilla than shootah.
- B2 option select where special move doesn't come out on block but only on hit is now removed
- B2 cancel advantage reduced so energy wave doesn't jail on block afterwards
I knew of the option select but I think it's because of how his B2 works didn't know that shit jailed.I'm gonna abuse that.


"You think you bad? Pffft, You ain't bad.."
Basically there's some inconsistency with Kung Jin's current EX chakram. Sometimes you can armor or backdash out, sometimes you can't. I'm not exactly sure if it has to do with the normal linked into it, screen positioning, specific character hurtboxes, etc. I just think it's kind of annoying the way it is now and there should be some form of consistency so players know what it is already.

I think Takeda's EX kunais currently are top ten dirtiest things in the game right now, lol. They set up psuedo unblockables, are heavily frame advantage on block, do great chip and build solid meter, lead to full combos, and create insane throw traps that catch you even if you tech. I think the move needs at least one down side, and it disappearing on hit like some other things in the game (Scorpions minions mid-travel, Quan Bat mid travel, etc.) wouldn't be too bad.

Thanks, man. I've been playing and labbing close to over 20+ characters over the past month and some of shortcomings or kind of unfair things some characters have really stuck out to me. I'm not sure why some things like Warrior Predator B,F+1 are the way they are, lol.
I've put a lot of time into warrior and i whole heartedly believe that he needs some buffs. It's nice to see there's more then 3 people in the world that have noticed warrior predator's bf1 lol. It becoming safe would be fantastic, minus 1 would be a dream come true, almost too good. He would have actual pressure options. I love the idea of giving ex self destruct a hit of armor, that might make it useful for anything other then swag. Also, I can't stand the fact that the ex version of bf1 has so much freaking start up that it won't combo half the time. B311, ex bf1 should combo. A 29 frame mid, Jesus... lol


welcome to the ButtSlam
Making A-List Pressure from +12 to +10? lol No. He's fine as is. More nerfs to pred and quan chi. Add a little something to stunt double. Give ALOT OF HELP TO Fistycuffs
Add to stunt double? hell no lol


Generic round timer down to 50 seconds, rounds are currently only lasting 30 seconds max with the range of offensive options.

Push block, or block breaker should cost only one bar, and half stamina.

Universal damage buff on uppercuts when connected with a jumping opponent, around 25%; As jump in punches can land big damage, and considering AA'ing the opponent is a always a risk in MKX, and the AA ALWAYS DEALS LESS DAMAGE than the JIP combo, it seems there should be a deterrent to jumping in this game.

Invincibility increased on back dashes, too many normals and jump in's in this game crush back dashes, and considering some characters have horrible mids AND horrible back dashes, they are forced into a up close game and can always be low profiled during it.

Can no longer tech a MB throw.
Greatly improved netcode.

All variations have the hell fire move.
All variations should have his F2 overhead, Ninjutsu f2 remapped.
Option to enhance the regular spear on hit, not just the MB version.
Enhanced version of the spear on hit should deal a considerable amount of damage and deal damage over time.
MB Spear should be armoured and remain mid.
Regular takedown slide should be safe at -6 (exception to Special reversals at 6 frames or quicker)

F4 recovered frames lessened to allow tick throwing and staggering.
Third hit added to the F42 string and B12 string.
112 should be 0 on block, while 114 should be -6 on block.

Grand master klone shatters on a grounded opponent should allow for a follow combo, even when connected from a F4 shatter, it should not launch the opponent full screen.

Cryomancer F12 should be +2 on block.
Cryomancer D2 start up should be 9/10 frames.
Cryomancer NJP animation should include the sword.

Unbreakable regular aura cancels should all have the same advantage that F4 does, from all major strings.
Parry should recover instantly on projectiles, and build an additional chip of meter for every successful projectile parry.
MB aura should boost sub zeros damage output.
When in the regular Aura, sub should build the same meter Blood God Kotal Kahn does while blocking.
When in MB Aura, sub should build the same meter and take the same damage that Blood God Kotal Kahn does.
When in MB Aura, his DB2 Aura shatter should be plus on block.
MB aura shatters should push his F42 Throw conversion to 30%.
Consider a ground freeze move making a come back, but actually useful...possible caltrop style move with those properties.

11 should be 0 on block, and not +2, as his throw then crushes every counter poke, in the corner, this all adds up, especially in Tempest.

Regular hat spin should be high, not mid. He already has plenty of mid options, this MID hat spin ruins most of the cast.
Should not be able to cancel hat spin from D1, D3 and D4, IF it remains MID.

Hat trick hat call back should not launch the opponent, but keep them grounded, like tempest hat spins.
Hat trick MB call back should be armoured.
Hat trick Air call back should allow Kung Lao to special into Teleport or dive kick.
Hat trick should be allowed to call the hat back from a teleport.

Can no longer back dash or armour his Claw Swipe after F21.
34D4 should be -5 on block.
F21 should be -2 on block, recovery shaved off.
14 should be 0 on block.
21 should be +2 on block.
Slide should be a HKD.
MB Elbow dash should follow through, like MK9, possibly +2 on block.
Stopping the MB Slow ball shouldn't require another bar of meter.

MB ACID SPEW: Absolute overhaul.
Should disable wake up attacks.
Add options for Acid Spit ranges, close, mid and far.
Area of puddle increased.
Should still deal damage while the opponent is knocked down.
Damage increased on spit puddle.

Both stink clouds (DD3) should stay on hit and block.
Damage on both DD3 and MB DD3 should have the damage increased.
Should be able to connect both DD3 and MB DD3 from 34, 12, 21, B1D4 and F21.

Increase the start up speed of normal DD3.
Remove chip damage scaling when in DD3 or MB DD3.

Regular stealth should start up at the same speed at the MB version.
Regular steal should stay on block and hit (exactly like predator)
Regular stealth should reduce the chip damage he takes, if not negate it completely.

Uppercut start up increased.
D4 start up increased.
Start up on F2 should be faster on start up, and +2 on block.
Gap in F212+4 removed.
Should be to stop the MB fire ball in all variations.

MOS Static ball thing should deal way more damage on hit, instead of the pathetic 0.00000000000001 percent it does over time.
The first static ball should never disappear until it is connected with another.
Any static trap that is connected to an upward static balls should stay for 10 seconds until the opponent comes into contact with it.
MB Static trap should be mid.

Option for away teleport.
MB Teleport from all strings should frame trap into standing 2.
MB Teleport from B2 should allow for an easier combo extension.
KL's 11 is +1, but if he gets nerfed to 0 i wanna see Erron's 11 (wich is +2) get to 0 as well


Joker waiting room
I would much rather they remove the weird blockstun rather than make Kotal's EX OSS -20 but hopefully they do both. One of the best EX moves in the game, the best IMO, shouldn't be anywhere near safe.


Scrubby nice guy
I really like a lot of your suggestions REO.

These are some changes I'd like to see in KP2 that I believe are reasonable for Sonya.

Covert Ops

-Military stance 1, 3, and 4 give you super meter. The reason I say this is because Covert Ops doesn't build meter naturally like other characters, and unlike every other character that has block pressure, uses special moves to launch, uses special moves to extend combos, or for ending combos she only builds it when she's losing. Also Erron Black gains super meter when he uses every move in his Stand Off Stance with the exception of canceling stance.

-(Luxury) EX Air Strike. I wouldn't even want more damage with this honestly, I think it's a really useful move because it's unbreakable and can't be throw teched. What I would like is a side swap option, similar to Ferra/Torr with their EX grabs. It really hurts when you have your opponent in the corner and using it will side swap and put you in the corner.


-Grenades should be Unbreakable. I don't think it's too unreasonable for the 17% ~24% you get from just using grenades back-to-back is too much to ask.

-B14 is a hard knockdown again, or give Sonya an option (like a demolition specific string?) that allows her to reload safely after a knockdown with out being negative since grenades are her only source of a launcher.

Special Forces

-Give special drone moves a buffer window. I'd like for the drone to be as easy to use as Quan Chi's bat, it's the only variation I know with this issue (correct me if I'm wrong).

-I agree with REO's B2 change


-(Luxury) Make EX Leg grab +20. This may be a Covert Ops and Demolition only buff, it could be really OD for special forces.

-Fix whiffing issue on 121. At certain ranges when using the 121 string if blocking the 1 will land, the 2 will whiff, and the next 1 will land. Not only is this armorable but you can also d1, d2 (with the exception of Ferra/Torr), d3, and d4 with most of the cast.

-Make 222 neutral or +1. Sonya's 222 string is a 9 frame high starter, that has a gap, that leads to an uncancelable techable knockdown, and it's -17. It could help Sonya in the neutral instead of having to use f2b1 making you -6, having to jump in, or doing instant air dive kicks.

-Make B33f4 -3 or higher (or an overhead to justify it being punishable, this would be a luxury though) . This chang isn't needed at all, but it's a really useless string, it's punishable at -9, uncancelable, and doesn't launch. You're better off using b332 which is -5, cancelable, and extendable with 12 (which is also cancelable). Even b33u4 is better at -7, with pushback, and launches in the corner.

-Make throw -2
"-(Luxury) Make EX Leg grab +20. This may be a Covert Ops and Demolition only buff, it could be really OD for special forces."

Thx for making me laugh today.


MK1 is the best MK period.
Buzz saw- hitting an airborne opponent with a hat will cause a juggle state similar to kitanas fans
-less dmg scaling on(Buzz saw/hat trick) ex spin

Predator- MB self destruct is now unblockable with less recovery
-pounce now absorb projectiles and has faster start up.
-BF1 now launches MB BF1 now has armor
Reactions: REO


So block breaker would cost a bar of meter and the one of the best zoner with the best 50/50 in the game as well as mad unbreakable damage gets a damage scaling on the bat?


Kano. Do something about whiffs. CGrabs whiffs in Commando and DmG scaling. ExBuff needs lose DoT or has to get more DMG. Something reasonable, so he can compete and be viable. Some + strings maybe?