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Bob Ross is on Twitch.


It's all so very confusing.
For those that don't know, Twitch is running a Bob Ross marathon to celebrate the Creative section opening or somesuch.

The reason is unimportant, what matters is Bob Ross. A lot of people, a LOT, know the whole 'happy little trees' thing, and know about him by reputation and such, but have never seen the show.

Do yourself a favor and WATCH THIS SHOW. Seriously. I GUARANTEE whatever stress you are feeling, whatever salt you are tasting, whatever negative emotions you have bottled up.. Bob will paint them away. I am not being sarcastic, I am being serious. This dude was a national treasure.


Ayase Chihaya

30 year long stream delay and doesn't even shoutout new subs - trash stream. It is more stressful to see him ruin every painting followed by the suspense of waiting to see if he will save it or not than blocking summoner quan chis vortex.


It's all so very confusing.
I love Bob Ross, me and my mom watched him when i was young.

All the episodes of The Joy of Painting are on a youtube channel called Bob Ross Painting if anyones interested.

This I did not know.

When I was a kid I used to spend my summers in Maryland with my Dad and Grandparents on that side of the family, and they didn't have cable or anything, but one of the local stations was PBS or an affiliate and Bob was on a couple times a day. I watched that show religiously when I was there. My home-life with my Mom and Stepdad was violent and almost write-a-book-about-it bad, so my summers were sacred, and sitting there listening to Bob's calming ass voice and watching him create, what to a kid, seemed purely impossible, out of such simple techniques, was huge for me. It was so relaxing, and safe. It sounds corny now, but it played a large roll in my childhood, though I didn't then appreciate it for what it was as much as I do now. Good ole' hindsight.