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Self Reflection-Improving Your Game


This is a different kind of thread. A lot of the times I see people lose offline and online, lots of excuses for why we lose and the opponent wins, but what about self reflection? I feel this is one of the most lacking attributes in players and in the community in particular. Not dissing anyone or trying to throw shade, but just an observation of mine.

Self reflection and honest criticism of your play, your errors and your reads is paramount in order to engage in productive and sustainable growth as a competitive player. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging we are not as good or as developed as we think or thought we were in the meta/game.

We all have room to grow and improve. A lot of us are guilty of looking at our options, tools etc in a linear and flow chart way that causes us to fail more than we otherwise would.

Many times when someone gets outplayed, they are quick to claim bad match up or that their character sucks or their opponent is merely playing a better character. Own your failures as much as you own your successes, there's nothing like taking responsibility and changing things, taking control is empowering and a huge motivator to me.

There are many instances where people think that because I don't complain about my characters that I am upplaying, but in reality, I am fully aware of my character's flaws, I just prefer to focus on how I can make them work and get better instead of using them as a crutch, which is why I tend to not be salty, frustrated or emo about my characters. Dwelling on things changes nothing or helps you get better.

The goal of this thread is to start a community dialogue where we all actually talk about some of the things we need to work on to improve our games honestly and critically. I'll start with a couple of my current bad habits and sloppy play that costs me matches and rounds that I otherwise could have won.

As a Goro player, there are certain things I need to stop doing that I feel I do too much of currently:

1. Telestomping too much- I use this entirely too much and sometimes I lose a lifelead that I worked hard to build due to impatience and sloppy play.

2. Zoning when I'm not winning the war- The zoner in me sometimes wants to force people to come to me in a zoning war, but then I end up falling behind by a notable margin and it becomes trickier to come back.

3. I don't walk enough, I'm used to high mobility characters so I end up sometimes hanging myself more trying to get where I need to go when walking could have gotten me in while taking minimal chip damage anyway.

Since I'm aware of what I'm doing wrong, I can start to rectify my issues and bad habits so that I can stop losing due to my own bad choices and sloppy play.

What about everyone else? I look forward to hearing the experiences of others :).


"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
I suck at zoning and it's hard for me to stay on the lead when winning by a lot when I try doing it. So, I try to rush down which is what I do best but this only gives my opponent the advantage as he expects me to come to him. And sometimes I end up losing cause if it...I need to get good at zoning!!


My blades will find your heart
But... when my opponent is just mashing low pokes at will and their followups beat me everytime no matter how negative the move is, thats not me getting outplayed. Thats called fuckin online button mashers gettin away with murder n shit... -__-

Should my critique be "dang. Shoulda lag switched him, picked Jacqui/Kitana/Ermac/Inferno Scorp, and made profit?"
Your critique should be "I tried to play MKX online"

On topic I like this thread because this is something I have always focused on. I dont think ive ever played one match where I didnt notice something I could have done better. I always find it funny when people complain about characters/matchups yet when you ask what they could have done better they have no idea.

Edit: As far as my personal faults go, it has always been anti-airing. Ive gotten better about it in MKX but im still bad at it.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main

Weird to hear a KJ player say that, I'm sure but its just not something I have made myself accustomed to.


Has no idea
I just cant handle being zoned at all. It doesn't even have to be good zoning lol. I just can't focus and end up blocking too much

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Coming from SF, I block low all the time. This game is totally different in that overheads are a big deal. I need to block overhead more often. I just feel vulnerable not blocking low.
I know exactly what you mean! It just feels so much more secure blocking low. My characters starter is overhead so that kinda tought me the importance of stand blocking but dang its off putting to get hit by a random overhead.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
- Sometimes I jump by accident when I T-Bag after bodying my opponent and it makes me look stupid :(

- I have a tendency to mess up my fatality inputs after a win and I end up looking like a scrub :(

- I body my opponents so hard they leave straight away and now I can't get games :(

Seriously though I need to stop jumping from full/midscreen when trying to get in since I end up taking more damage than just walking in and holding the chip. I also need to actually go over how to tech throws - I'm super free to them for anyone who fights me.

RM Ree

Shiba Tamer
I'm guilty of blaming losses on high tier character shenanigans. Typically that anger leads to lab sessions, making me a better player in the end. Thinking about it now, I've got two bad habits that immediately come to mind.

1. I jump in a lot. It's powerful in MKX and I abuse it. However, it gets me punished often, either by anti airs or trip guards.

2. I auto pilot strings into special cancels instead of hit confirming. Lots of times, I end up leaving damage on the table because of this.


Regarding the online thing... it's a different game. If it's not a satisfying game to play, don't play it. I personally find it unsatisfying because my lag has been so bad that doing anything on read is nearly impossible (say 160+ ms lag). It's mostly a guessing game, and being smart enough to use fast and safe moves.

Still, I don't blame the button mashers for playing that game to win. If I want to play that game then I have to adapt my style, possibly change my character. But if somebody is repeatedly beating me at a game I choose to play then I would find it foolish to blame them rather than trying to identify the reasons that I'm failing.

I think the introspection thing is a very good point, for MKX (online or off) and for life. Marriage, raising children, building a career, or just plain getting laid.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
- Sometimes I jump by accident when I T-Bag after bodying my opponent and it makes me look stupid :(

- I have a tendency to mess up my fatality inputs after a win and I end up looking like a scrub :(

- I body my opponents so hard they leave straight away and now I can't get games :(

Seriously though I need to stop jumping from full/midscreen when trying to get in since I end up taking more damage than just walking in and holding the chip. I also need to actually go over how to tech throws - I'm super free to them for anyone who fights me.
Man you don't even know.
Sometimes I t-bag for so long I don't have time to do a fatality:(


In Zoning We Trust
1) I don't take enough risks. I'm usually drawn towards zoning/footsie based characters, and slow games down. Being that MKX is so fast and has many rewards I fail to take advantage where my opponents do. I've been told to "play faster" quite a few times and need to start doing so.

2) I need to stick with a character. I've always been best main'ing one character, but due to the nature of MKX's playstyle it has taken me much longer to feel comfortable with one. Almost every character I used either felt weak or was nerfed to be weaker so I haven't stuck with one. Feel like I lose out on progress I could have made by switching too often.

3) I need to work on my tournament nerves. I can't tell you how many times I've been up and had someone comeback and win. I need to get better at being composed rather than overwhelmed that the opponent made adjustments. I need to make adjustments of my own and finish out the win.

I think if I can get these three things in order I can be more of a force.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Good thread...

In order to improve, one must know how. Its all about recognizing tools a character has and knowing how to practice to effectively implement them.

Once you feel like you have fulfilled this, focus on the frame data to maximize matchups. It all works much better when you know when its your turn.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Too often I block a poke and try to poke back when the opponents poke is safe. I'm used to being able to full combo punish D1's from MK9 (I still play that game ;)) or at least getting a guarenteed poke to start my pressure when I should really just be counterpoking with my pressure if I know the opponent is going to respect my counterpoking game.

Oh and not optimising combos. Too often I stick to my easy to do day one combos when that extra damage is what wins the match.

I'm often just too patient or too respectful and you can't do that in this game. Patience isn't rewarded like it is in MK9, since there a just 50/50's all the time to blow up being overly-patient. So it doesn't suit my style of baiting a normal and whiff punishing it like I would in Street Fighter or any other fighter, so I need to adjust and be more rushdown all the time. Guess this game's just a lot faster than other games.

Apart from these little flaws... I'm fucking awesome. No reflection required. :DOGE


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Patience could use some work.

I could block better than I do.

I backdash on wake up too much.
(Probably a habit I picked up from abusing Batman's godlike backdash)

I let my temper get the best of me and salt out to the point where nothing productive gets accomplished.

I over-respect my opponent's options.

I have trouble keeping people out of the air.

I have EXTREMELY bad tournament nerves which have cost me games I could have just as easily won if I had calmed the fuck down.