This weekend I would like to get our ranks done. So Tryouts should come to an end soon. Im making sure everyone knows this. Like if you understand.
@Bomborge @StealthyMuffin StealthyMuffin tryed out Bomborge last night and He made the cut. Welcome to Uprise Family. Please send me a PM so i can make your logo. Everyone give him a welcome
If your down for some games after 6 p.m EST let me know@CoolChameleon @TamedLizard @The chosen puddle @FluffyKittenPops thanks for welcoming me guys. Looking forward to being a part of this!
I'll be on probably. A friend is coming overso i might be playing offline play.If your down for some games after 6 p.m EST let me know
Yeah...probably can't. Swamped with work today and a midterm tomorrow.If your down for some games after 6 p.m EST let me know
Good luckYeah...probably can't. Swamped with work today and a midterm tomorrow.
Thanks for the moral supportWish I could join.... But seeing as my local scene and friends that consistently play are non-existent I don't know that I could recruit much of anyone.I Respect what you're doing though and hope to see some of y'all start hitting some top 8s
I had to demand alot lmfao
Either way, best of luck. I am on ps4 although I admittedly tend to shy away from online. But if y'all ever wanna get some matches in, add me. PSN: gaylord42Thanks for the moral support! We are most online clan, but once we develop for awhile, I'd say we could start doing offline events.
sure @CarmineIf anyone is free I am down for some games now
Did you play SergeantMajor?@Xx-TGODPRINCE-Xx Welcome to the Uprise Family. He started off rusty with his ermac but switched to predator and tremor. Showing great improvement. I have taken him into the clan. give him a warm welcome with your troll photos.
not yetDid you play SergeantMajor?
I cant right now im making dinner thanks for the invite though if the food doesnt put me to sleep ill definitely jump in if you guys are still onHey @The chosen puddle me and carmine are gonna do a koth, wanna join in?