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Differing Reacting Quicly from the Ability of Reading: The "Spark" Moment

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
hya, i've been think if i should post this or not, but to hell with it, if you guys finds out that needs improovement, it would be very enjoyable if more experienced players could help out to develop this though, i would like to see your thoughs about 2 abilities that doesn't depent of any character, only players itself.

Maybe it can result on a more clean thread and more explicit than my very bad English.

Quick Reaction

Mortal Kombat its been always a game, where the fastest input has advantage in most of the cases, so in many matches, those who can quickly see what is happening and yet during this Spark be able to do anything are the ones who will definitely win most of the macthes. To this little space of time (small time windonw) i will be calling in this thread as the "Spark".

That is one of the reason i really do love this game.

Considering that every own mind has is speed of understanding, in MK exists players that can react incredible fast to every step or movement you just decide to do, resulting in serious Punishment games.

How fast you think you can React to a situation (Counter, Block, Zoning whatever)

This is just a simple Category from general Players in MK i've ecountered

Beginners - 120 game-ticks (2 seconds)
Regulars - 90 Game-ticks (1,5 seconds)
Experts - 60 to 40- game-ticks (1 second)
Advanced 30 game-ticks (Half Second)
Insanely Strong - Blink of an eye (Less than Half Second)

Reading Ability

I think as a must have, in MK game, since i've registered myself here, i could see that Reading differs from Player to player.


Lvl1: Players that Limits to read the actual Situation and tries to counter acording to what he/she sees.

Lvl2: Players that read Actual Situation, and a few steps above, considering possible situations after he decides to react to them

Lvl3: Players that Read actual and future situations, and still prepares himself for a possible surprise in case of the opponent plays along with the plan or not.

In base of those thoughs, there still exists players that will consitely Patch his gameplay in order to win matches.

These 2 abilities working together generates an incredible gameplay and in very serious situations, players will face the Spark moment to be in advantage in the first mistake the opponent shows, in the very Small window of time, ocasionally happens when:

Someone decides do Counter someone who is jumping in any direction.
The Kung lao's Anoying Spin misses.
Force Jax do Dash Punch to counter him with pokes
Etc etc.

What Tolkeen said... edited* ~ STORMS


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
1- Action is always quicker than reaction, it's a physical law. Anyway, a very good defense answer (reaction), can minimize this gap and help to build a perfect counter-attack. Speed of reaction, indeed, is a very important point in fighting games overall.

2- "Reading" is linked/chained to experience, the most you play a game, the most you know what each character can do, what you can expect, what a first move can give options for the following combo, etc ...... it's about you trying to make yourself appear less predictable, while trying to foresee what your oponent intend to do ...

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
1- Action is always quicker than reaction, it's a physical law. Anyway, a very good defense answer (reaction), can minimize this gap and help to build a perfect counter-attack. Speed of reaction, indeed, is a very important point in fighting games overall.

2- "Reading" is linked/chained to experience, the most you play a game, the most you know what each character can do, what you can expect, what a first move can give options for the following combo, etc ...... it's about you trying to make yourself appear less predictable, while trying to foresee what your oponent intend to do ...
After reading, can i assume that even if i can manage to counter, since my opponent it still attacking he is in complete advantage?

About your 2 opinion, its impossible to disagree, so if a player manage to do this will possibly have a flawless gamplay, not only to make himself less predictable, but also, set up traps inside his gameplay un-noticed.

Yesterday i got challenged by 3 new complete persons, one of them use to play in Manchester, he said he could see trough my moves but still everytime he tried to to something about what he sees, he was getting punished seriously every time, in the end he didn't said i know how to play MK, he simply said i can do a lot of combos that is why i won everyone in the room lol.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
After reading, can i assume that even if i can manage to counter, since my opponent it still attacking he is in complete advantage?

About your 2 opinion, its impossible to disagree, so if a player manage to do this will possibly have a flawless gamplay, not only to make himself less predictable, but also, set up traps inside his gameplay un-noticed.

Yesterday i got challenged by 3 new complete persons, one of them use to play in Manchester, he said he could see trough my moves but still everytime he tried to to something about what he sees, he was getting punished seriously every time, in the end he didn't said i know how to play MK, he simply said i can do a lot of combos that is why i won everyone in the room lol.
well, in MK, or any fighting game, you can choose as initiative :

- Attacking at same time as your oponent, but, it's impossible 2 persons to act & react exactly the same time, so, a fraction of split second will determinate who hits first (one of the guys will always be faster), or, depending of the character, a move with priority over another one, maybe make diference, and this explain why 2 players, fast as hell, one of them is able to hit faster, but, maybe in another turn, the other guy can be faster, so, there are some variables here ........... "chaos theory ?" hehe

- You can decide to let your oponent do his move, and so, you purposely defend, dodge, escape , to play with counter-attack .... you can bait purposely to make him "Whiff" and so, you attack next ..... it's a risky business, but, can work sometimes

- You can decide to "turle" , but, this is not a good idea, since you are giving advantage if you abuse "turtling" and keep annoying defensive all the match ..... and taking risk to be put in the corner, what is never a good option, never .......