I mean I could but what does it achieve? Everyone has different opinions. I'll just point out the ones are wildly inaccurate rather than all of the even slightly inaccurate ones because there's more than a few of those.
GM Sub is not as low as B tier, nor is Venomous D'Vorah, A-List Johnny, Shotgun Jacqui, Ronin Takeda or any of Cassie's variations for that matter.
Kanos variations are not all C tier, nor is Bojutsu Kung Jin, Hellfire/Ninjutsu Scorpion, Slasher Jason, Pyro Tanya or Warrior Predator.
Lackey and Vicious Ferra/Torr are NOT D tier, and neither is Fisticuffs Johnny.
And that's just the ones that are really off, I'm not even going to get into all the ones that are even slightly wrong. It looks like you just made the thread for the sake of it because if you truly think some characters are that good or that bad then you should probably look at some of them a lot more before deciding to post a tier list, ESPECIALLY since it's only been two weeks since the patch was actually released.