Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
It was 3 weeks ago lol. Exactly what has changed in the GM match up to make it suddenly go from one of QC's hardest, to an easy match up? GM wasn't even changed lol. Like I'm willing to hear it out, but wtf is the logic here :SDude that MU chart is pre patch lol. A lot has changed
Also, the statements you are referring to being made about Quan chi by Tom Brady were made before the patch as well. Lol.
Actually, what you mean to say is I made this account on 4/20 this year, seeing as you have no idea how long I been browsing the site. But regardless, that is your rep, truth hurts, get more upset. And this is coming from one of the people who likes you.You've been on this site since April 2015. You hardly know me well enough to be defining me as anything. get lost noob