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Question - Dragon Naginata Does anyone still use DN And if so how to play her?


Make Harley Consistent 2k18
I really wanna use Dragon Naginata, Because its the coolest variation of hers. But I find it hard to use it effectivley.


Your halo is mine.
Basically, without making things too complicated, remember this:

- Use B2 for godlike footsies (but be careful not to abuse it too close because it is punishable by some characters)
- Standard B'n'B's, such as 112~MB Teleport~Jump Kick~Teleport~NJP~34~flip kick will work fine (only Kobu Jutsu really has unique B'n'B's IMO)
- However, to go into your B'n'B's in this variation, it requires you to master her staff stance in the air; in other words when over someone's head, use the staff stance. If it hits, then follow up with another staff stance into j2 into your standard B'n'B's. If it doesn't hit, then teleport away and continue keeping them out with B2
- You can also use staff stance from full screen into the spin kick to play a sorta keepaway game
- Remember that this is the only variation with true 50/50's; you can either do B3 (low) or instant staff stance (overhead) when in their face.

Hope I wasn't too confusing haha. It's a fun variation; the first one I picked up lol IMO it's her second best variation so it's a good choice!
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Make Harley Consistent 2k18
Basically, without making things too complicated, remember this:

- Use B2 for godlike footsies (but be careful not to abuse it too close because it is punishable by some characters)
- Standard B'n'B's, such as 112~MB Teleport~Jump Kick~Teleport~NJP~34~flip kick will work fine (only Kobu Jutsu really has unique B'n'B's IMO)
- However, to go into your B'n'B's in this variation, it requires you to master her staff stance in the air; in other words when over someone's head, use the staff stance. If it hits, then follow up with another staff stance into j2 into your standard B'n'B's. If it doesn't hit, then teleport away and continue keeping them out with B2
- You can also use staff stance from full screen into the spin kick to play a sorta keepaway game
- Remember that this is the only variation with true 50/50's; you can either do B3 (low) or instant staff stance (overhead) when in their face.

Hope I wasn't too confusing haha. It's a fun variation; the first one I picked up lol IMO it's her second best variation so it's a good choice!
Thank you So much! Tanya is my secondary, and I used Kobu Justsu before but I really like the damage that Dragon Naginata can dish out. Like How much better is Kobu Jutsu? Like is it way Over DN or just little?
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Loud and Klear~
It's less reliant on pressure and more about staying in spots that are harder to deal with coz the of the pogo stance and confusing them/annoying them coz you're pogo'ing everywhere. She also has the biggest damage in this variation last I checked coz you can do stuff like ground string xx tele pogo j1 ground string xx tele pogo ji1 ground string into finisher for ~40% meterless.
b2 and db2 are both really good anti-airs coz the naginata doesn't have a hurtbox.
b32 is gapless and has 2 quick hits in the middle (can be used to stuff armor), last hit is an overhead so you can cancel into drill or teleport cancel before it to do mixups.
f42 is gapless and hits OH, you can mixup with f43.
b1 has awesome range but it's a high. b12 is too slow so I never really use it.
bf2 has insane range so you can use it as a poke/check, they can't punish if you use it from max range-ish. EX goes into pogo and you combo after but it's a waste of a bar from my experience.

It's biggest strength imo is how you can stay in the air (pogo) more or less the whole match if you want to, which is in general a hard place for most characters to fight you in. You can cancel air normals into pogo then cancel into tele or pogo again or more air normals.
Against a lot of zoning tools you can just pogo f2/2 pogo with air tele mixed in to avoid all of it, it's awesome.
pogo~ 4 is amazing to deal with people that think just jumping and hitting buttons is the answer to pogo coz it's quick and off of a blocked pogo there's a very small gap (not enough for their jump in to come out).
pogo~ 1 is slow but it's a safe overhead and has mad range, midscreen you can combo a b2 after to push them to the corner and in the corner you can do a full combo.
pogo~ 3 is a pretty quick low that knocks down, it's a ghetto mixup with pogo~1 but it's like -17 so don't overuse it, I use it as a check if I see people always stand blocking when I'm close or using pogo stuff.
Also don't forget you can cancel pogo with 2 and do you air normals so you can do stuff like pogo 2 nj1.


Make Harley Consistent 2k18
It's less reliant on pressure and more about staying in spots that are harder to deal with coz the of the pogo stance and confusing them/annoying them coz you're pogo'ing everywhere. She also has the biggest damage in this variation last I checked coz you can do stuff like ground string xx tele pogo j1 ground string xx tele pogo ji1 ground string into finisher for ~40% meterless.
b2 and db2 are both really good anti-airs coz the naginata doesn't have a hurtbox.
b32 is gapless and has 2 quick hits in the middle (can be used to stuff armor), last hit is an overhead so you can cancel into drill or teleport cancel before it to do mixups.
f42 is gapless and hits OH, you can mixup with f43.
b1 has awesome range but it's a high. b12 is too slow so I never really use it.
bf2 has insane range so you can use it as a poke/check, they can't punish if you use it from max range-ish. EX goes into pogo and you combo after but it's a waste of a bar from my experience.

It's biggest strength imo is how you can stay in the air (pogo) more or less the whole match if you want to, which is in general a hard place for most characters to fight you in. You can cancel air normals into pogo then cancel into tele or pogo again or more air normals.
Against a lot of zoning tools you can just pogo f2/2 pogo with air tele mixed in to avoid all of it, it's awesome.
pogo~ 4 is amazing to deal with people that think just jumping and hitting buttons is the answer to pogo coz it's quick and off of a blocked pogo there's a very small gap (not enough for their jump in to come out).
pogo~ 1 is slow but it's a safe overhead and has mad range, midscreen you can combo a b2 after to push them to the corner and in the corner you can do a full combo.
pogo~ 3 is a pretty quick low that knocks down, it's a ghetto mixup with pogo~1 but it's like -17 so don't overuse it, I use it as a check if I see people always stand blocking when I'm close or using pogo stuff.
Also don't forget you can cancel pogo with 2 and do you air normals so you can do stuff like pogo 2 nj1.
Damn! I really like the range on her normals. I also like how she can get kinda anti zoning pogo into a B2 And Teleport and Pogo and repeat. Its almost like playing prepatch. cx


The saltiest
Midscreen: B32xxtele cancel 24/4 ex teleport ain't a thing no more. So I dropped her(latest patch)


if you are playing against someone who knows how to fight Tanya, then dragon naginata will be difficult to play. she doesn't have projectiles in this variation. and her means of getting in on you are obvious. try to teleport and you"ll get knocked out the air most of the time you try it. the pogo then teleport away tactic works, (right until someone blocks it) lol. overall there may be some good to this variation. could just be match up dependent though.


The saltiest
Why not just down 1 then ex drill 112 Flip kick
Because I believe it was most damaging and also depending what you chose to do whether it be 24 or 4. you choose where you want to switch sides. If I remember correctly 4xxextele kept you on the same side while 24xxextele switched sides. It was very good and I had plenty of success online with real opponents.


Your halo is mine.
Thank you So much! Tanya is my secondary, and I used Kobu Justsu before but I really like the damage that Dragon Naginata can dish out. Like How much better is Kobu Jutsu? Like is it way Over DN or just little?
No problem, glad to help. And if you want me to be really honest, I think Kobu Jutsu is indeed way better than Dragon Naginata haha. But Dragon Naginata is still good. IMO Kobu Jutsu is what makes Tanya Top 5/10 in the game, not Naginata or Pyromancer. I say this because DN is somewhat gimmicky and its pressure isn't anywhere near as good (even though that isn't exactly the point of this variation, her pressure is part of what makes Tanya so good overall) not to mention your safe wake up that can lead into pressure (EK rekka) is nonexistant in this variation. However, what DN has that Kobu doesn't is better range overall and more damage (technically speaking, however, it should be noted that Kobu regains meter far better, and when combining her chip damage along with a real combo when you do open them up, it probably equals or maybe even surpasses DN)

I think all 3 of Tanya's variations are good tho


Make Harley Consistent 2k18
No problem, glad to help. And if you want me to be really honest, I think Kobu Jutsu is indeed way better than Dragon Naginata haha. But Dragon Naginata is still good. IMO Kobu Jutsu is what makes Tanya Top 5/10 in the game, not Naginata or Pyromancer. I say this because DN is somewhat gimmicky and its pressure isn't anywhere near as good (even though that isn't exactly the point of this variation, her pressure is part of what makes Tanya so good overall) not to mention your safe wake up that can lead into pressure (EK rekka) is nonexistant in this variation. However, what DN has that Kobu doesn't is better range overall and more damage (technically speaking, however, it should be noted that Kobu regains meter far better, and when combining her chip damage along with a real combo when you do open them up, it probably equals or maybe even surpasses DN)

I think all 3 of Tanya's variations are good tho
Thank you cx I havent seen DN competivley played until sonic fox... but that was pre-patch and she was amazing in all variations. Kinda wish he'd pick her up again, Im also thinking of picking up tanya as a secondary overall.