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Mk9 Cancel Moves


I saw mk9 few characters cancel their moves like Kabal and Jax i wanted to know how many characters cancel their moves and how?


Sub Zero: B2 is cancelable
Ermac: B2 is cancelable. Air Slam is cancelable
Rain: Roundhouse kick is cancelable
Freddy: NMS is cancelable
Sindel: Levitate is cancelable
Sonya: Military stance is cancelable
Jax: Ground pound is cancelable
Johnny Cage: B2 is cancelable
Stryker: Gun is cancelable
Liu Kang: i THINK his dragon stance is cancelable
Kabal: Dash is cancelable

Thats all I can remember now, maybe theres more.


Sub Zero: B2 is cancelable
Ermac: B2 is cancelable. Air Slam is cancelable
Rain: Roundhouse kick is cancelable
Freddy: NMS is cancelable
Sindel: Levitate is cancelable
Sonya: Military stance is cancelable
Jax: Ground pound is cancelable
Johnny Cage: B2 is cancelable
Stryker: Gun is cancelable
Liu Kang: i THINK his dragon stance is cancelable
Kabal: Dash is cancelable

Thats all I can remember now, maybe theres more.
Thanks few i already knows but how do cancel Jax and Stryker moves


I believe for Jax's Ground Pound cancel, you input the move (for any range of his special), and then you forward or back dash out of it. It could even be cancelled into another special if I'm not mistaken. Don't quote me here, I'm not a Jax player, but that's what I seem to remember when I was playing with him a few times. If you want to cancel into another special, just input the ground pound then immediately input the command for another special e.g. DF+2 for the dash punch.

As I said, I'd rather a Jax player confirmed this. I'm not 100%.


Dojo Trainee
Skarlet can cancel daggers and Kitana can cancel ExFan.

Also, Sub Zero can cancel X-ray. And possibly other characters too. Don't know how it's done and I don't really see the use but it's possible.


Sub Zero: B2 is cancelable
Ermac: B2 is cancelable. Air Slam is cancelable
Rain: Roundhouse kick is cancelable
Freddy: NMS is cancelable
Sindel: Levitate is cancelable
Sonya: Military stance is cancelable
Jax: Ground pound is cancelable
Johnny Cage: B2 is cancelable
Stryker: Gun is cancelable
Liu Kang: i THINK his dragon stance is cancelable
Kabal: Dash is cancelable

Thats all I can remember now, maybe theres more.
You can cancel Ermac's tele-slam? How? :wut:


Cancelling his tele-slam into teleport?

I did not know this... I'll have to try it out.
you can also cancel into just falling back down with no action lol....cant remember how since i havent used him in like 4 months :confused:

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
you can also cancel into just falling back down with no action lol....cant remember how since i havent used him in like 4 months :confused:
Make 2 of us, since i didn't like much of Ermac Outfit and Gameplay here i also forgot about this.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Dealing with Airfiled Gameplay and Ground Gameplay

Can Someone pls delete this post, i wanted to create a new thread, instead i just reply lol
Also, Sub Zero can cancel X-ray. And possibly other characters too. Don't know how it's done and I don't really see the use but it's possible.
its done by holding block+stance change and dashing. for sub it has somewhat of a use, i think b12, xray cancel jip b12 combos, or one of his other strings, something like that


Dojo Trainee
its done by holding block+stance change and dashing. for sub it has somewhat of a use, i think b12, xray cancel jip b12 combos, or one of his other strings, something like that
That's probably very flashy but if you're gonna use three bars, why not just connect the x-ray. Seems like a waste to me. :)

Skarlet Kunai Throw: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding 1
Johhny Cage b2 charge: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding 2
Sub Zero b2 charge: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding 2
Sub Zero Xray: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding triggers
Strykers Gun: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding 1
Ermacs b2 charge: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding 2
Ermacs teleslam: double tap down or input teleport
Sindels Enhanced Scream: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding 2
Sindels Levitation: block
Sonya Enhanced Kiss: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding 1
Sonya Military Stance: dash either direction or double tap jump
Jax Ground Pound: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding 3
Freddy Kreuger Nightmare Stance: dash either direction or double tap jump or input special
Liu Kang Dragon Stance: dash either direction or double tap jump or input special
Kabal Nomad dash: back+block or input special
Rain Roundhouse Kick: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding 4
Kitana enhanced fan toss: dash either direction or double tap jump while holding 1
Reptiles Acid Ball: put an enhanced and normal version of the same ball on the screen at the same time
Smoke and Reptile invisibility: re-input special

You can all see a pattern.

All cancels are usually achieved by 1 of the following (Reptiles a bit different):

A. double tap while holding input button
B. block
C. inputting specials

There might be other ways to do these cancels, so pls share.



Ermac can cancel the air slam aka "butt slam" by taping down twice. When down is tapped twice you fall back to the ground. Good tactic to use from a safe range against certain chars. Could bait mistakes and you build meter. Air slam could also be canceled by an aerial special, like the teleport or the air blast. Air slam could also be delayed in the air and you could stay hovering for a while by holding block.


Many moves are cancel-able by a variety of means. Some can cancel a d4 into a special, some can cancel specials with dash, etc. I know for Sonya, one thing that hasn't been listed yet is that Military Stance is cancelled by Block. Sonya merely stands or crouches into Block Stance.

I would assume that every kombatant has at least one cancel-able move. Take a trip to the forums of the person that you are wondering about and I'm sure you'll find them :D