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Patch Notes Stream 8-31-2015 (Updated w/ Stream Youtube Link)

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Listen, I know its been said before, but they need to buff online. There is no reason why a SF beta should play with less lag and latency then this finished MK. I don't care about the characters, I'm about threw with this game online. I can't make locals, and playing the AI is FN boring. Fix the damn online man.


if nothing changes for the online...please change the requirements for some of the unlockables...try getting a survivor match on pc...much less the 10 win streak necessary to unlock hot shot johnny.


It's comments like these that remind us how spoiled we really are. Midway went bankrupt and WB was the only one to bid on the franchise. We almost lost mk. We're not trying to get our money's worth, we're supporting a brand we love and hold close to our hearts. If you're only worried about getting what you paid for a game and not all the extras they put into it to make it the best mk game of all time then you best go back to GTA
Funny because I was complaining about this same issue with GTA. Quality >> Quantity and I could care less how much WB did to help MK, I'm still going to complain, as a paying supporter of the game, so that I can see the steps taken to improve a game that I love. Nothing elitist about this ideology at all, I just expect perfection or close to it and WB has done nothing to strive for the same attitude. Don't get angry with me because I'm only stating what a lot of us here are thinking, but are too afraid because of posts like yours that demean them when they do.


This better be the Patch to END all LAG! or at least the start.... better see some improvement. Sigh:(:coffee:

as of now, only thing i can do is :blk continuously! and Cry and laugh about whats happening online!
One can dream right? And after the latest embarrassment of that PL vs SonicFox match, I need these patches to be good.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Funny because I was complaining about this same issue with GTA. Quality >> Quantity and I could care less how much WB did to help MK, I'm still going to complain, as a paying supporter of the game, so that I can see the steps taken to improve a game that I love. Nothing elitist about this ideology at all, I just expect perfection or close to it and WB has done nothing to strive for the same attitude. Don't get angry with me because I'm only stating what a lot of us here are thinking, but are too afraid because of posts like yours that demean them when they do.
I'm not getting angry with you. I'm saying you're acting spoiled and unappreciative of what you've recieved which is the best mk so far and the most they've supported any game ever

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Here's the buffs I wanna see...

1. I'd list Sub Zero buffs, but lbsh... Sub never gets buffs.
2. Displacer Raiden - Buff that teleport to MK9 status. That way I can play the REAL Raiden.
3. Reptile - Faster acid balls. Oh and a 6f elbow dash :DOGE
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