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Red Hot Sunday Night Gauntlet Series -WEEK 2 SCHEDULE IS POSTED IN OP

Shifty Capwn

The greatest bad player of all time.
Best of luck to all fighters, however on a side note big D Asterisk asterisk asterisk made me laugh.


PSN: Skkra
Are there results posted for this? A server blew up at work and I ended up having to go into the office all night and missed this.
it just sucks because even when i win online i feel like i lost with this nrs community they like to blame lag so its kinda pointless lol i stick to ki online because there no excuses when you lose online in ki flawless netcode so i just stick to offline for mkx i dont mind playing a set online hear or there for match up xp or join a esl sometimes get some money but when someone states me as the lag monster rebelo you already know when i win there will be talk about it was so laggy bla bla bla so if you wanna play me just holla at canada cup :) or come on over for casuals lol
A couple of key points:

1) Just because the Playstation 4 Mortal Kombat X launch had disastrous online (at first) doesn't mean there aren't plenty of games that operate perfectly (or near perfectly) online. I only got into the Call of Duty franchise just recently and I was extremely impressed with Advanced Warfare (which I have) for the PS4. This game is a really spectacular example of how online play is nearly flawless -- perhaps with some minor hiccups here or there. But in all honesty, I think every game I played for Advanced Warfare online was smooth or perfect.

2) Some people don't believe that there can be good players rivaling tournament players online, and this is nothing more than a myth. I'm well aware of the fact that frame data can have a difference from online to offline, but even on games that operate fluidly online (such as Killer Instinct), the changes in the data will be slim to none in many matches. I can personally testify that Injustice PS4 used to operate almost perfectly online (in most matches), outside of 1 here or there that would be so laggy it would immediately cause a desynch -- not giving either player a win or loss. At the beginning of April 2015, however, the online for PS4 Injustice went SLIGHTLY downhill -- and perhaps this had to do with the developers preparing for MKX servers.

What's my point? Good players can be online or off, all the way up to the highest levels on the planet. This is a fact, regardless of this idea that a difference in frame data can be argumentally applied to the debate when bringing up games like PS4/MKX at launch. Just because some games offer poor online, doesn't mean that others (or the majority) do. Another good point worth bringing up is MMORPG's. Those games virtually HAVE to run clean, and if they don't, their community will be reduced.

3) Last but not least, I think it's worth bringing up the fact that some of the most successful people (in any field) sometimes get there for not nitpicking every little criticism that gets thrown in their direction. A good point by Michael Douglas is that some people in Hollywood get so caught up in all the social media and who's saying what about them that they aren't honing their craft enough:


That's a good point from him, and it's the essence of why not to pay attention to what other people think.
"Masculine Aussies"... lol.. only Americans would think Hugh Jackman was "masculine"... a guy that made his fame by dancing and singing in things like Anything Goes. Remember when he sung at the Oscars and looks like a big pansy? That is the real Hue.


Normalize grab immunity.