I told myself I wouldn't but people are about as fucking retarded as I expect a TYM poster to be, so here's my suggestions. None of them have any goal of offering balance or upping Goro's tier list because : A) this shit is subjective and B) Paulo gives absolutely zero fucks about any community-made tier list (see Batson, Billy as a prime fucking example - born a bottom 3 shitter, remained a bottom 3 shitter, and Paulo was still saying everyone was playing him wrong.)
For the record, I'm not a fan of King's suggestions beyond the typical improve b12u2, u1/u2 (though I still think they should be separate moves).
Instead of going to the well of "this character has this thus Goro would be okay with it" which is a bullshit argument - Erron Black's 21122 into command grab shouldn't be a thing, or even if it should be a thing, there is no reason why Goro would need that when he can get his own dirt. Every single one of the changes I've mulled over has the goal of giving Goro his own dirt or at least making him into a stronger Goro, rather than a pale 4-armed copy of everything else in the fucking game. These may or may not make him top-tier or even good, but it'll certainly enable him to enforce his gameplan more.
u1, u2 split into two different moves
They're currently 14f startup, bounce up high somewhat decently, scale horribly and do ass damage.
I'd keep u1 as is, give it a bit more damage, less scaling unless you repeat it more than once in the same combo, and have the opponent bounce up. I'd also reduce recovery a tad. This would make this strictly a combo extending normal.
u2 would become an anti-air that's specialized in anything that crosses-up, like it currently does. I'd just enable to it to do it better, but penalizing on the recovery. Ideally, you should be able to link out of it to negate the massive recovery nerf. To counteract that, it'd be faster (around 8-10f), and have extra damage tacked onto it to discourage people from jumping over Goro and establish his "wall of pressure" style of gameplay. I'd go as far as to say from 4% to 10% would be ideal if you can't link from it, or just make the scaling horrible to discourage that behavior.
b2 launch behavior matches b12u2
Landing a b2 should feel like you hit a fucking homerun and you're gonna dunk on that guy in order to score a goal. My sports metaphors are shit. So is your chances of landing this normal in a match. Making it more along the lines of b12u2 would give it the extra beef for impressive Goro combos, and likely up his damage a bit.
Add two strings that gives a u2 option
Why? 'cause u2 is iconic to fucking Goro in MKX and we all know they're not gonna give vacuum to b12u2 or extend the range so all hits hit proper. Instead, why not create the following strings?
21u2 - Grants u2 off a overhead confirm, leads to meterless combo damage, gives him mid, overhead and low options into u2 with the second string.
b3u2 - Low starter, leads to meterless combo damage, has the additional comedy of Goro stomping on your foot to bust up your dome.
Rework d2 so the hitboxes prevent decent jump ins on a read
Pretty much it - characters with aerial mobility are going to be a bad matchup still, but no one else should jump in on Goro with the knowledge he can't do shit about it.
With that, he's a bit scarier in his base incarnation because any of his non-jab hits leads to u2 and thus damage. Since Goro's meter build is so horrible, he can now at least hold his own in damage and also defend his territory if anyone tries to jump over him. His ideal way of playing would be a constant wall of pressure that seeks to crush you in the corner, not with 50/50s but because you simply have no way to avoid taking damage when you're on the offensive. As we know, defense kinda blows in MKX unless you're one of the chosen few, so that should already tremendously help him.
Chest Lunge gains Launcher functionality
I always wondered why the fuck Goro would want to chuck someone in his back. It then hit me that it's because he's garbage. Since we're aiming to make him less garbage, I tried thinking what would make Goro stronger yet keeping the intent of the move. Turns out Marvel might be a kusoge but it had it right in this incarnation - Hoodlum Launcher.
Regular bf2 would still hit high, and just launch the opponent in the air. Same toss, but the opponent just floats in front of Goro allowing for followups instead of launching backwards. Meterless Launch assuming you can hit it proper - recovery lessened on hit, worsened on block. Also duckable, so it's a gamble.
bf2+BLK is where the real change lies. It's now considered a throw that causes a ground bounce on the opposite side - akin to TJ Combo's shoot toss, only you don't need to recapture because your juggle game already gon' be godlike with these changes. The idea being that you can scare the opponent with a combo starter if you're pressured with one hit of armor that places them in the corner, as a reversal of fortune. Predator has something similar, but it ain't a command grab.
Mini improvements on regular Ground Pound
This should be there to keep people in check and force them inside Goro's grasp. If it's not enough to do that job (which it's not, but there's no fundamental design flaws on it), a simple adjustment on frame data should enable it to be okay.
Regular db2 causes hard knockdown
Siddown didn't I just give like 2-3 fucking new launchers already? I'd improve the startup on this one as a sort of Lariat-like move - I'd actually like to see this replace u2/d2 as the anti-air, allowing Goro to close the gap and knock them towards the corner - give it a vacuum-type effect so all three hits, well, hit.
Enhanced punches
He has blades on his fucking arms - why in the fuck aren't the hitbox changes more significant, and why don't his punches do extra damage? The sake of balance? Fuck that shit. +1-3% on all punch normals and Punchwalk, and extended hitboxes assuming the animators can get the blades out for these moves. The idea is with his weapons on, Goro is the unstoppable force. Punchwalk hits for miles on end, an anti-air that'll catch whatever is over him and in front of him AND that pops up on EX, etc.
This has the goal of making this variation the "default Goro" - He sacrifices a great launcher, extra fireball pressure, and a few other things, for straight up better normals and damage.
Clean up the gaps between low fireball/dragon breath pressure
Right now, using these is essentially asking to be armor reversal'd into full combo for most characters that can do that. It's completely fucking ridiculous is what it is. Dragon Breath should allow us to remain safe, and low fireball give us a way to create mixups in close range, as well as keep opponents in check at long range. We should get punished for Low Fireball whiff or even block, but Dragon Breath should be fast enough that it can't get armored through.
EX Fireballs hit mid and for unscaled 5% each if they are the only thing comboing and improve frame data
Right now, the EX Fireballs in Tigrar hit high, and for a total of less damage than the other EX Fireball. That's dumb. If we're already wasting meter on this piece of trash we shouldn't be penalized for it by having it do less damage than anything. These should do a ton of chip.
Improve frame data on regular fireball
While we shouldn't get into fireball wars, a better fireball will certainly help this struggling variation. Hell, just make it slower so Goro can walk behind it, old school sonic boom style.
As much as I want to claim shit about this one, I really can't. I didn't think as much as I wanted about this one, but an interesting idea would be to make it the ranged chip damage variation by making every fire special do a ton of chip - To the point where playing footsies and scoring blocks would be just as important as actually landing a hit, placing the opponent in a hard situation where they may need to stop blocking and play riskily vs. a Goro on fire.
With these changes, we have three different styles of Goro with a very similar goal - Push someone to the corner with varied tools. Kuatan excels in the mid-range, forcing people in there with ground pound then punishing them with Chest Lunge if they jump in, or if they're blocking with a fast advancing command grab in EX Chest Lunge which could be comboed out of. Dragon Fangs is the Goro we all fell in love with, except much improved. Tigrar Fury would be more akin to pushing someone in the corner with fireball pressure, advancing while spitting hot fire at them.
Chances are you won't agree with the changes. That's not a problem because I sincerely doubt they'd actually get in (shit one of them asks for an animation change on his normals forget it!), but speaking with a few peeps I know they'd be more enthusiastic about Goro if a few of them were implemented.
To me, as much as I actually like Goro, he feels like a completely unfinished character.