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Evo 2015 Shoutout Thread


Kono Dio Da
Can we give some Special Shoutouts to these people, and all you feel deserve it

@Tom Brady for beating @GGA Dizzy in a clutch 2-1 match in pools. Probably one of the best sets of the tournament

@Kitana Prime For beating @YOMI MITYEAP in a match all of TYM wished they saw

And that Clutch again Ketchup. Making the world hate Tanya once more.

@rev0lver For taking it far with the Jacqui "The Bae" Briggs

and @Madzin for showing Blood God Kotal Kahn.


Attack pekingese
Who did Rev0lver go through? Wish those matches would of been on stream. Was nice to see @daddydab32ho representin Jacqui on stream in his convincing win over Detroit.

Until next EVO Jacqui, was good to see you on an offline major stream...

Was also sick to see Milky Situation's Reptile doing well and making Top 8. Coach Steve had a good fight VS DJT. Didn't expect anything less from @HoneyBee , But it's always good to see him taking D'Vorah towards the top. Wish I would of got to see some of @Kitana Prime 's matches when he was killin it, good job over all to him. @Tom Brady over Dizzy was one of the sickest matches I got to watch, good shit Tom.


Who did Rev0lver go through? Wish those matches would of been on stream. Was nice to see @daddydab32ho representin Jacqui on stream in his convincing win over Detroit.

Until next EVO Jacqui, was good to see you on an offline major stream...

Was also sick to see Milky Situation's Reptile doing well and making Top 8. Coach Steve had a good fight VS DJT. Didn't expect anything less from @HoneyBee , But it's always good to see him taking D'Vorah towards the top. Wish I would of got to see some of @Kitana Prime 's matches when he was killin it, good job over all to him. @Tom Brady over Dizzy was one of the sickest matches I got to watch, good shit Tom.
All love your way widow <3 you gotta come out soon!!! Thanks for the love!!!


Attack pekingese
All love your way widow <3 you gotta come out soon!!! Thanks for the love!!!
Might try to make it out to some offline events at some point. For whatever reason from my location Online is TOTALLY unplayable so, I do not get nearly enough MU experience.

But as always... Good shit DAB! Love watchin that Jacqui, and your Cass. But you know I got that Ms. Briggs love.
I would like to give a special shout out to Noobe. I had to play him in Winners after pools. Him and Bread were talking about me hours before our match and I guess they didn't know who the hell I was because I was standing right there listening to them the whole time. Noobe gave Bread that look like, ”Oh, this guy is going to be free as hell." Then Bread proceeded to give Noobe all the wrong Intel on me saying that I use D'Vorah. I dropped her months ago for Sonya.

So when the match came aeound, I proceeded to dig in on Noobe and made it look as free as possible.

Now as for Bread, I will never understand why he thinks I'm nothing more than a Lag Swticher. I don't need to resort to that type of shit, but apparently this dude just can't stop talking about me. I'm a somewhat accomplished NRS player. I've almost made top 8 at Evo for MK9, made top 8 at a couple of MK9 Majors, made top 8 in an Injustice Major, etc.

I look forward to playing Bread in an offline tournament so I can give him the proper beating he deserves. You are what we in the business call an, "Obtainable Goal."


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Wow...evo is over and all i can really say is it was one of the best weekends i ever had in terms of enjoyment. This was the first time i actually got to travel to evo and Vegas is a crazy city. so many things to do and people to see i didn't even get to really meet everyone that i wanted to this weekend. and to think i almost didn't make it.......

So i won't get into too much detail as to why, but on Thursday night i missed my flight to evo along with other yomi members. usually they will allow you to just get on another flight except for the fact we were flying on frontier and they only had one flight to vegas a night. what makes it even worse is when we tried to book the flight for friday we were told that the flight was booked and the next one we could get on was saturday night. obviously this was not an option since pools were saturday. many of us gave up trying to find a way to vegas for the biggest NRS tournament of all time, but i never gave up. that thursday night we congregated at a bar and tried to drink our misery away, but while everyone was feeling sorry i was trying to come up with a plan to make it, i would not give up hope.

come friday morning i decided to search for a frontier flight to vegas on there website just to see if there was anything i could do. i realized there was one seat left on the friday flight we were told was full. out of the 6 that got left behind i decided that instead of booking it for myself we would try to get as many people on standby for the flight at the airport in person. two others ended up getting a flight on a different carrier and myself and trepound ended up trying to get the flight for friday. we haggled and hassled with the Customer service reps calling multiple times to the hotline and talking with the check in personnel until i ended up booking my flight for free friday night and trepound got a standby. finally everything was turning around. obviously i am not writing every detail, but we literally tried everything in a span of 5-6 hours. luck was finally at our side when someone ended up not showing up to there flight and trepound was able to get on with me to vegas. as many of you know i did tweet about it and many thought i was not going to make it this year, only for me to show up friday night and surprise pretty much everyone since my phone died before i got my ticket so i couldn't broadcast that i actually got a flight. @YOMI Trepound380 said that one of us is going to make top 8 to make up for all the BS that went down in the last 24 hours.

we landed and tried to get some practice before saturday and went to sleep to be ready for our pools. i'm not going to lie, i had to clutch out a lot of games to make it to top 16 winners at evo, a few times i had to make miraculous comebacks to stay in it. my match vs viking, and a warlock quan chi player who had me down to 5% health come to mind, but in my head i just kept telling myself i was not going to lose, not now, not after all i went through just to get here. i don't think i have every played as good as i played on saturday in my life!!

now onto shoutouts!

First up is @Yomi Gaming . Jesus were would i be in terms of gaming had it not been for @YOMI Reno_Racks and yomi gaming. there was a point in time about a month ago were i almost wanted to quit, it was right after the x battles exhibition, i literally had close games with everyone there but i couldn't close out the win. i ended up losing all my matches with takeda, but players like @YOMI DJT @YOMI REO and such never gave up on me. they believed in me and told me to just switch my character that i was not going to have success with takeda. i finally did just that before CEO and finally made it out of pools!! had i not had those great players there to level up and great friends to have my back when the times were ruff i would not have made top 8 at evo this year, i really owe it all to them, they played me even though i sucked, they tried to help me get better and if anything it shows that Yomi Gaming is the best place in the world to level up. it really shows when someone like myself who struggled all year in MKX at every tournament continued to play at Yomi Gaming and eventually got good enough to be an Evo Finalist.

i personally want to thank @YOMI REO for being a good friend and training partner. he was one of the only ones to believe in me and helped me get better not matter what. when i struggled picking up jax he took time out of his training just to watch me play against other yomi players just to coach and give me tips. if it weren't for him i might still be playing takeda too!!! he was telling me everyday "bruh you need a new character takeda doesn't fit you" and i kept saying "nah i'll make him work", but eventually i came through once the variation i liked the most for liu kang was buffed (then nerfed lmao). before the game came out i was going to use Liu kang, i said it everywhere, either takeda or kang, but when the game came out flame fist sucked horribly. i didn't like DF that much so takeda it was.......worst decision ever.

i also want to thank @AK ichokeonkush for playing with me every single day and pushing me to my limits. i think by far Kush is the most underrated player at Yomi and is consistently, aside from the terry brothers, that beats me every time we play. i really hope he gets his time to shine because he deserves it and i'm willing to bet sooner rather than later he will prove my words right.

also shoutout to @FOREVER KING JR aka Forever Gimmicks Jr for helping me find Kang tech and being a little punk for almost getting top 8 at every tournament.

last but not least shoutouts to all the doubters/haters!!! hehe you know who you are, thanks for fueling my fire yet again!!! See you all at the next tournament!!

TL;DR fuck off, also if you don't see your name shouted out don't fret i'm still tired from evo and i'm sure i forgot a bunch of people so if you are someone that i forgot, i apologize you know who you are if you have helped me through thick and thin and i'll forever be grateful!!

oh and shoutouts to Yomi Zyphor, that guy got bodied by sonicfox at top 8 at evo lmfao!!!


Official Master of Salt
Good stuff. Was great seeing you make it with a character I know you love. Your streamed matches on the Saturday were great, actually inspired me to pick up Kang as well I think.

Clark L.

F1 ftw.
i can really say is ..
i ever had ....
i actually got to..
i didn't even get to really meet....
i wanted to this weekend.
i almost didn't make it.......

i won't get into too much detail..
i missed my flight to evo..
i never gave up...
i was trying to come up with a plan...
i would not give up hope..

i decided to search for a ...
i could do.
i realized there was one seat left ...
i decided that instead of...
myself and ....
i ended up booking my flight .....
i am not writing every detail,
I did tweet about it .....
i was not going to make it this year.....
i got my ticket so i couldn't broadcast ...
i actually got a flight...
i'm not going to lie, i had to clutch out..
i had to make miraculous comebacks...
i just kept telling myself i was not...
i went through just to get here.
i don't think i have every played ....
i played on saturday in my life!!

now onto shoutouts!

i be in terms of gaming ...
i almost wanted to quit..
I literally had close games with.....
i couldn't close out the win.
i ended up losing all my matches...
i was not going to have success....
i finally did just that before CEO...
i not had those great players....
i would not have made top 8 ....
i really owe it all to them,
i sucked, they tried.....

i personally want ....
i struggled picking up jax ...
i might still be playing takeda
i kept saying "nah i'll make him work",
i came through once the variation i liked
i was going to use Liu kang, i said it
i didn't like ...

i also want to
i think by far
i really hope he gets his time.

i'm still tired from evo and i'm sure i forgot
i forgot, i apologize you know who
i'll forever be grateful!!


Hehehe. <3
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Man.....man....man..... I'm really glad you did good man....but you couldn't sqeeze one match in with takeda ? Just for old time sake and then people could be like ,"takeda helped zyphox make top 8 so
see, he's fine" Lol. I'm joking ....but really good job man. Great determination. Plus this year's top 8 was fucking beast. Even top 16. Crazy good man. Respect.


I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
I won $10 because you're awesome:p Flame Flist Liu Kang 4 Prez. Nah man it was sick meeting you though and really cool to see some nice Kang action


Administrator and Community Engineer
@YOMI Zyphox congratulations on your top 8. Just keep your humility man. I saw you going at Curbo out of nowhere on Twitter, when Curbo is actually one of the few people who believed in, supported, and upplayed Liu Kang from Day 1 weeks ago.

For you to do that after you just picked the character up a couple weeks back looks silly and it reminds me of Old Zyphox, and it's not very befitting of a guy with an EVO medal.

Let your gameplay speak for itself; don't feel like you have to brag or talk yourself up, just keep grinding, improving and placing. Consistent results have a way of shutting doubters up on their own.

I tell you this because I love you and wish you the best. Hoping you have much continued success, and don't want you to get caught up in smelling your own salt like a couple years back.

Kudos for doing so well, and as former Shirai Ryu bretheren, make me proud, foo :). Will be watching and rooting for you.
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a foxy Grandpa

And now introducing..
a phoxy aieches Or artistfox

Either way evo 2016 top 8, with this new found Fox power, here I come.


Wow...evo is over and all i can really say is it was one of the best weekends i ever had in terms of enjoyment. This was the first time i actually got to travel to evo and Vegas is a crazy city. so many things to do and people to see i didn't even get to really meet everyone that i wanted to this weekend. and to think i almost didn't make it.......

So i won't get into too much detail as to why, but on Thursday night i missed my flight to evo along with other yomi members. usually they will allow you to just get on another flight except for the fact we were flying on frontier and they only had one flight to vegas a night. what makes it even worse is when we tried to book the flight for friday we were told that the flight was booked and the next one we could get on was saturday night. obviously this was not an option since pools were saturday. many of us gave up trying to find a way to vegas for the biggest NRS tournament of all time, but i never gave up. that thursday night we congregated at a bar and tried to drink our misery away, but while everyone was feeling sorry i was trying to come up with a plan to make it, i would not give up hope.

come friday morning i decided to search for a frontier flight to vegas on there website just to see if there was anything i could do. i realized there was one seat left on the friday flight we were told was full. out of the 6 that got left behind i decided that instead of booking it for myself we would try to get as many people on standby for the flight at the airport in person. two others ended up getting a flight on a different carrier and myself and trepound ended up trying to get the flight for friday. we haggled and hassled with the Customer service reps calling multiple times to the hotline and talking with the check in personnel until i ended up booking my flight for free friday night and trepound got a standby. finally everything was turning around. obviously i am not writing every detail, but we literally tried everything in a span of 5-6 hours. luck was finally at our side when someone ended up not showing up to there flight and trepound was able to get on with me to vegas. as many of you know i did tweet about it and many thought i was not going to make it this year, only for me to show up friday night and surprise pretty much everyone since my phone died before i got my ticket so i couldn't broadcast that i actually got a flight. @YOMI Trepound380 said that one of us is going to make top 8 to make up for all the BS that went down in the last 24 hours.

we landed and tried to get some practice before saturday and went to sleep to be ready for our pools. i'm not going to lie, i had to clutch out a lot of games to make it to top 16 winners at evo, a few times i had to make miraculous comebacks to stay in it. my match vs viking, and a warlock quan chi player who had me down to 5% health come to mind, but in my head i just kept telling myself i was not going to lose, not now, not after all i went through just to get here. i don't think i have every played as good as i played on saturday in my life!!

now onto shoutouts!

First up is @Yomi Gaming . Jesus were would i be in terms of gaming had it not been for @YOMI Reno_Racks and yomi gaming. there was a point in time about a month ago were i almost wanted to quit, it was right after the x battles exhibition, i literally had close games with everyone there but i couldn't close out the win. i ended up losing all my matches with takeda, but players like @YOMI DJT @YOMI REO and such never gave up on me. they believed in me and told me to just switch my character that i was not going to have success with takeda. i finally did just that before CEO and finally made it out of pools!! had i not had those great players there to level up and great friends to have my back when the times were ruff i would not have made top 8 at evo this year, i really owe it all to them, they played me even though i sucked, they tried to help me get better and if anything it shows that Yomi Gaming is the best place in the world to level up. it really shows when someone like myself who struggled all year in MKX at every tournament continued to play at Yomi Gaming and eventually got good enough to be an Evo Finalist.

i personally want to thank @YOMI REO for being a good friend and training partner. he was one of the only ones to believe in me and helped me get better not matter what. when i struggled picking up jax he took time out of his training just to watch me play against other yomi players just to coach and give me tips. if it weren't for him i might still be playing takeda too!!! he was telling me everyday "bruh you need a new character takeda doesn't fit you" and i kept saying "nah i'll make him work", but eventually i came through once the variation i liked the most for liu kang was buffed (then nerfed lmao). before the game came out i was going to use Liu kang, i said it everywhere, either takeda or kang, but when the game came out flame fist sucked horribly. i didn't like DF that much so takeda it was.......worst decision ever.

i also want to thank @AK ichokeonkush for playing with me every single day and pushing me to my limits. i think by far Kush is the most underrated player at Yomi and is consistently, aside from the terry brothers, that beats me every time we play. i really hope he gets his time to shine because he deserves it and i'm willing to bet sooner rather than later he will prove my words right.

also shoutout to @FOREVER KING JR aka Forever Gimmicks Jr for helping me find Kang tech and being a little punk for almost getting top 8 at every tournament.

last but not least shoutouts to all the doubters/haters!!! hehe you know who you are, thanks for fueling my fire yet again!!! See you all at the next tournament!!

TL;DR fuck off, also if you don't see your name shouted out don't fret i'm still tired from evo and i'm sure i forgot a bunch of people so if you are someone that i forgot, i apologize you know who you are if you have helped me through thick and thin and i'll forever be grateful!!

oh and shoutouts to Yomi Zyphor, that guy got bodied by sonicfox at top 8 at evo lmfao!!!


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
@YOMI Zyphox congratulations on your top 8. Just keep your humility man. I saw you going at Curbo out of nowhere on Twitter, when Curbo is actually one of the few people who believed in, supported, and upplayed Liu Kang from Day 1 weeks ago.

For you to do that after you just picked the character up a couple weeks back looks silly and it reminds me of Old Zyphox, and it's not very befitting of a guy with an EVO medal.

Let your gameplay speak for itself; don't feel like you have to brag or talk yourself up, just keep grinding, improving and placing. Consistent results have a way of shutting doubters up on their own.

I tell you this because I love you and wish you the best. Hoping you have much continued success, and don't want you to get caught up in smelling your own salt like a couple years back.

Kudos for doing so well, and as former Shirai Ryu bretheren, make me proud, foo :). Will be watching and rooting for you.
It was dumb of me to try and throw shade at him for thinking he was downplaying kang when I wasn't willing to actually research if he said it or not, I will admit that. However that dude had been throwing little shade at me for some time now so I don't care lol trust me crim I'm eating my humble pie right now, had this been during inj it would have been super different lol