The Flow Instructor
Sure it's a start. I think them patching in network statistics as a whole would be useful in being able to select your opponent. I forget what game it was that I played (was it Halo 3?) that actually booted folks with bad latency and you also had to have an open NAT type on order to even search for a server to play on.do you feel that having a Ping in game could help us find a solution, or at lest the proof of problem! something to at least evade online lag issues
But having things like network stats for dedicated servers and regions, individual players, network load, etc would be nice. Would at least help steer us to a semi playable match. Time of day is huge too remember. You'll experience the most lag during peak hours (usually between 4:30 pm and 10:30 pm) than off hours like early morning/afternoon and late night.
But at the end of the day, that's simply a reporting feature showing you a mere taste of what's what behind the scenes. The code is still buggy at best and needs to be reviewed, revised, and stress tested before patch. Testing is so incredibly important and it is staggering how many developers (not just NRS so not conducting a witch hunt here) skip that part before launch and then magically release a patch weeks later when they actually have time to sit and QT.
Perhaps they even set minumum connection requirements. No red or yellow pings for instance. That would at least ensure clean connections on the wire. Remember that even if you aren't playing someone with bad ping, those with bad ping still connect into NRS servers in general. When someone's connection isn't very good, they require more resources to compensate. More resource consumption then impacts overall performance for everyone.
Multiply that by however thousand less than optimal connections are on at once and that's one bottleneck that could be addressed right there. That would be my first step from a networking standpoint. Apologies if you have a bad connection but you would hate online anyway as I'm sure it's laggy as hell.
Next steps are out of my arena. But I've always had the best results when working with a clean canvas. Weed out the connections that only make it harder to troubleshoot and go from there. And then provide realtime statistics for disclosure.