Punching bag that throws fans !
Never said it was the "right way", just asked a question to TYM community and offered options, one being sending someone from TYM to get answers from NRS, and it ultimately became this thread here.I understand all of that, but there is a right way and wrong way to handle something. Doing a chant, in my opinion (and several others from the looks of it) is not the right way to go about it. You can get the same results via different methods. It's not a one way street.
But right or wrong, hurting NRS people feeling shouldn't get into the mix.
They can't care less about us being unable to play their shitty games online for like ... years !
So I won't need any tissue if they go all wet-eyes when people get them cornered for answers.
It's bad enough they dodge shit on any other form of media, be it Tweeter / Facebook or any forum really.
But that open letter is a step in the right direction, we agree on that.