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Breakthrough - Hunter Detonating Predator's trap scales damage MORE in combos than not detonating trap.

RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
This is nonsense. Me and @BlackBryan just tested this. In the corner he did trap, let it hit, into standing 4 SS. That combo did 23%. Then he threw the trap out and detonated it immediately, and standing 4 into SS again. This combo did 21%. We haven't went further into this to see how it would scale in doing a full combo, but the fact that detonating the trap in a combo scales more than the regular trap is ridiculous for more than one reason.

1. When you get out a trap safely, it is MUCH easier to get someone to confirm a combo into the trap because of his setups with his almost instantaneous OH lows, low OH mixups.

2. If someone get hits by the trap full screen, it is MUCH easier to confirm a full combo because if the trap holding you for 3 seconds. You can full combo off a full screen trap detonation, but its much more difficult to confirm. You HAVE to run to full combo off a full screen detonation. But if the get hit by a trap full screen, you can just dash up or simply walk forward to confirm a full combo.


My personal opinion is that detonating trap should scale less than not detonating the trap.



That Welsh Guy
Yes and no, because the trap takes longer to activate *unless you EX it* making it more difficult to execute.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
From my experience the detonation has a pretty good hitbox so I use it to catch people off guard or force them to block a little which allows me to move while they respect it. Idk how good it is but yeah. It has some use though so just don't use it in the situations it's not useful in. There is no reason to complain. It's like saying, my projectile isn't as good as my d1 at poking out of pressure, my projectile needs buffs. Just play the game.


Why shouldn't it? Detonating the trap has a whole other bit of utility to it.
What is this other utility you speak of? So far if you detonate the trap it only seems like you can get b2 pressure, but then what? I've even tried MB the trap because it has more plus frames and yeh, same thing b22 pressure. Only, it's a true block string off of the MB version. If you don't MB then the opponent just MB through all of your follow ups or recovers fast enough to nullify your attempt at more pressure. I don't think it should scale after being detonated either, if anything it should deal more damage. Mainly because of the slow startup animation predator does to press the button, and why is the MB version called armored explosion if its not an armored move?


You will BOW to me!
That is what I was looking at last night, it's really deceptively good lol. I was very pleasantly surprised.
That move is ridiculous. I mean, srsly ridiculous. Hunter variation is super solid, but to the point being just super solid, not broken. If people think Predator is "broken blah blah blah blah", they should go to practice and learn how to block against him, instead of whining. He requires good thinking to play with, he will not be easy to master at high lvl.

Alvhe Feleo

Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow.
I just hate how long it takes to place the setup. Techrolls and armor wakeups are really hard to come around while placing them, so I sometimes cancel into cloak instead and start over with a 50/50 (is it just me or cloak is underrated)