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Serenity Games presents THE WAR ON I-4 12/10/11 MK9 only tourney St. Pete, FL


Where: serenity games in St. Petersburg FL. Address: 6151 Central ave, St. Petersburg, FL
When: December 10, 2011 3pm est

Entry fee is 15 dollars, 5 goes to house, 5 goes to tourney pot, 5 goes to 1st place bonus

Rules: double elimination best 2/3 matches, 3/5 matches for winners, losers, and grand finals.
Kratos is banned
Stages chamber of the flame and the street are banned
All dlcs are allowed

Here's the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=131282216977258

Hope to see everyone there. GET HYPE!!!


Rain for MK12 Kombat Pack 3
Where: serenity games in St. Petersburg FL. Address to come soon
When: December 10, 2011 3pm est

Entry fee is 15 dollars, 5 goes to house, 5 goes to tourney pot, 5 goes to 1st place bonus

Rules to be updated later
Good. We got a name, date, logo...

Let's get a Facebook Event so we can get a headcount

Also, Let's get some flier printed up. Head out to your local Gamestop/PnT's/Etc and ask them if they'd help you advertise, or at least hang a flier for ya! Let's do it big baby!!!!!

Also, maybe (Maybe) consider nixing the pot bonus to entice more casuals to come! I've never organized a tourney before though, so take my opinions with a grain of salt.


We are working on getting a stream going but worst case scenario we will capture matches in some way shape or form


Just a slightly above average player.....
I'll try to make it out to this Nec is the week before and my cash flow might not be up to making the trip solo.


Just checking in on this, making sure that everything is still on as planned.

Also wanting to know about the sign ups and such before hand. I won't be able to make it there until 3 at the earliest, probably a little later, and I want to make sure that I'll still be able to enter.


Just checking in on this, making sure that everything is still on as planned.

Also wanting to know about the sign ups and such before hand. I won't be able to make it there until 3 at the earliest, probably a little later, and I want to make sure that I'll still be able to enter.
Registration starts as early as twelve but we start at 3pm. How late do you think you will be?


Registration starts as early as twelve but we start at 3pm. How late do you think you will be?
Hopefully not too late. Alot depends on traffic. I'm an hour and a half away I can can't leave until around 1:15/30.

If you would like, I can PM you the necessary information and you can sign up and put me last in the bracket, or however this tournament is going to be set up.


Well the latest we will start will be around 330 or so. If u want just pm me the info and I'll make sure you get on