Kitana has 100% combos? Or do you mean she sets you up in this super amazing 50/50 that no one knows about and takes away all your health? Or maybe you don't know how to block low?
Also, I didn't insinuate that she's the worst character in the game. She went up a fair amount after her buffs. But yet here you are, bitching about her like she's the best character in the effing game when you have characters like Kung Lao, Raiden, D'Vorah and others doing shit she can't even think of doing.
I swear you try and find shit to bitch about.
you know, these posts are really starting to annoy me. If you can't read, that's your problem. Don't assume I meant whatever you want me to, just so you have a leg to stand on.
Never said she had 100% combos. Never said she had 50/50. Said she had amazing keepaway with one of the best projectiles in the game. Said she had one of the strongest air game. Said she has amazing pokes and fast and safe strings.
I mocked you for laughing at the idea that kitana is top 10. Top 10. Not the best character in the game. Top 10.
Not the best character in the game. Not top 5. TOP FUCKING 10. Can you read now or will you act like an idiot again?
By the way, thanks for mentioning Lao. Cute how you mention Lao as someone really strong yet fail to see what makes Kitana strong too. Hint: It's pretty much the same thing.
I called her a top 10 character. Somehow that translated into me finding shit to bitch about and having people bitch about me yet again for my opinion. Next time I'll start throwing out insults because I just won't tolerate the condescending tones these kind of posts have