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Combo List - Sonya Blade Sonya Blade Combo Thread


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Updated 6/11/15


Any string that starts with b33 -> military stance can be done with b14 instead for the overhead mix up.

Any string that ends in 213, bf4 can be ended in 21u4 for the same damage and not switching sides

Any string that ends in 213, bf4 OR 21u4 can be ended in 2134 instead for a splat knock down and 1% less, but giving you time to either call drone or refill grenades.

Everyone fears Sonya's 50/50. The option of b14 and b332 open people up so consistently that Sonya almost doesn't need other tools. However, she has MORE!

Sonya's main pressure tool (outside of making your opponent guess every time you get in) is her 121. The string leaves you at +2, and with competitive tier pokes, you can be a monster without needing the execution of run cancels (see Jax, scorpion, raiden, Dvorah, etc). Her f4 string also leaves you at +2, but I would recommend using 121 instead in every case... f4 hits high twice - 121 hits high then mid, faster than f2. 121 comes out faster, leaves you RIGHT on top of them to continue the pressure.

ALSO, if you catch with 121, the opponent will stay staggered in front of you, instead of mid screen/full screen clearing them. NOTE! 121 doesn't have enough hit stun to link into your MS Cartwheel. It can link to MS low kick, but only combo-able in the corner.

F2B1 string has STUPIDLY large advance on it, and even if the f2 whiffs, the b1 has INSANE active frames, can anti-air jumping opponents (because it distorts her hurt-box), and generally catches people by surprise. This is a great alternative for approaching and creating threat outside of jump-in range.

Everyone's favorite crutch the DIVE KICK! One of Sonya's best tools for mobility, catching people by surprise and CRUSHING your opponent's footsie game. I recommmend DO NOT crutch on this too hard... it's hugely punishable if you're throwing it out too much, and Sonya's air strength comes from her jump in 1, which has a hitbox comparable to KK's. Also, ALWAYS put in the input for a b332 or b14 after you throw a dive kick. If you hit, you'll seamlessly combo. If you don't, you'll just flip away anyways. No reason to not convert when throwing this out.

If you know your opponent will try to poke, or you think they will whiff a string, jump backwards and dive kick into full combo. This is the text book use for our dive kick, to crush pokes.

If you KNOW you will hit at the opponent's knees or below. Sonya's dive kick is SUPER punishable if you land above their knees, but landing low on the opponent's hit box will cause you to flip away faster and flip away farther.

Getting in/Getting over projectiles. The dive kick prolongs how long Sonya is suspended in the air, so at full jump height you can get over slow moving/large projectiles that would normally be difficult to jump over. Be careful, as most people will anticipate an approach from the air. KNOW MATCHUPS, AND WHO CAN ANTI-AIR. some people are 100% free to jump-ins, especially since Sonya's is so good.

My favorite. Bait! I dive kick right in front of my opponent, whiffing entirely and recovering instantly. IMMEDIATELY after landing, jump backwards again to create space. When people see the dive kick and don't get hit by it, they get hungry for a punish and will start coming after you, only to see you jump away and issue ANOTHER dive kick right to face.
nice post, i also wanted to add to this great bit of sonya info.... i main Demolition, and Covert Ops. never really messed with special forces much..

at select i will use Demolition when they use a character that has farther range than me, goro/D,vorah/Ferra-torr/Kotal/Kung Jin, Raiden TG....

her stun grenades are awesome for setups and zoning, that's right... anti air and all... not bad with 50/50 pressure either, she is like a tamed down cyrax to me, grenades are not unblockable but hit mid.... with that said, you would be surprised how many times you throw SG after string and opponent will unblock after 3rd hit leaving you a devastating combo with reload linked onto F4 on end.

sub zero grandmaster will hate you for this var... wait for the sz B12 into clone right when clone is coming out train yourself to throw Stun G.... it will go right through the clone and if timed right on detonate will catch SZ before he fully recovers.

here is an example of liu kangs flying kick bait and setup:

if they pick zoning characters i use covert... has more than enough gap closers to bridge those lockdown gaps and give them a hard time;)

and don't ever spam air drop:

Be careful of your B14 and B332 into MS3/4 there are gaps:
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and don't ever spam air drop:
Air drop is a big part of my Covert Ops Sonya game but I came across this disciplined Mileena player, who read right through me and started tele kicking every time I took the air, I felt parlayzed, but in general spamming air drop is a great tool to bait punish, I love it when they fall for it and I crush them with a second air drop and proceed to combo them to the end of the screen.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Air drop is a big part of my Covert Ops Sonya game but I came across this disciplined Mileena player, who read right through me and started tele kicking every time I took the air, I felt parlayzed, but in general spamming air drop is a great tool to bait punish, I love it when they fall for it and I crush them with a second air drop and proceed to combo them to the end of the screen.
i used to spam it untill the patch, added 5 frames on wiff and block. she has energy wave mid on ex... it has decent KB so u can RC into F2B1 or B14


i used to spam it untill the patch, added 5 frames on wiff and block. she has energy wave mid on ex... it has decent KB so u can RC into F2B1 or B14
5 frames just on whiff, it's the same on block.

The whiff has affected me, I've become more careful and space my whiffed air drops accordingly.


Air drop is a big part of my Covert Ops Sonya game but I came across this disciplined Mileena player, who read right through me and started tele kicking every time I took the air, I felt parlayzed, but in general spamming air drop is a great tool to bait punish, I love it when they fall for it and I crush them with a second air drop and proceed to combo them to the end of the screen.
Depends on how good your opponent is and their spacing abilities. If your careless with your dive kicks good players will trip guard you or in this case characters with 50/50s will get you blocking which is never a good thing.


Depends on how good your opponent is and their spacing abilities. If your careless with your dive kicks good players will trip guard you or in this case characters with 50/50s will get you blocking which is never a good thing.
lately I've been testing parrying right after a whiffed air drop, I'm surprised by how many people I've caught in the parry, its almost like the added five frames on the whiff puts the parry in a better position to counter a move.

but yes in general careless air drops leads to alot of Pain!


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
You can combo after ex gun in the corner now. It's great if you don't have any grenades loaded and land the hit.


b332~bf2(ex), d1, 12, 12, 12, 124 (29%)
Yeah this was doable pre-patch too, and you can just go into 12 after BF2EX, but now she has safe hitconfirmable 50/50s in every variation that lead to a combo in the corner lololololol.


Retirement my ass
I've begun using air drop differently; no longer can you braindead spam it, because you get blown up.

Jumping is a big part of Sonya's game, you'll probably be jumping in w/ your ji1 a lot. I will jump in from just outside her ji1 range, when they see they're going to be able to trip guard me and start back up and do a string, I'll do a really delayed dive kick and catch em full combo. More a spacing/approach tool.

The parry after an intentionally whiffed dive kick is a great idea, just remember it is at least 9 frames to get out. They have to be using something slower than that for you to catch.

Ayase Chihaya

Hey, I'm new to Sonya and I found this in the OP:
B33212 df11 4 df11 4 df11 4 bf4 = 42%
Is it just me, or is 4 df11 impossible mid-screen? I can't get it...

Instead I go for B33212 df11, 21 df11, neutral jump punch, 21 df11, f4 - this gives me a safe reload as well (not counting Kung Jin fly kick etc).


Hey, I'm new to Sonya and I found this in the OP:
B33212 df11 4 df11 4 df11 4 bf4 = 42%
Is it just me, or is 4 df11 impossible mid-screen? I can't get it...

Instead I go for B33212 df11, 21 df11, neutral jump punch, 21 df11, f4 - this gives me a safe reload as well (not counting Kung Jin fly kick etc).

That one is a corner combo listed wrong, I usally go for a b33212, f2 df11 f2 df11, f2 df11 213~ reload. This is a safe reload btw.


Miley Cyrax®

Demolition 45% meterless midscreen combo :D

Edited to add notation

JIP-Dive kick, B33212-SG (*small pause before detonating), NJP, forward dash, 4-SG, forward dash, 213-SG, RC, 213-BF4

*If you don't pause properly before detonating, you will miss the NJP.

I'll re-do this later without JIP-Dive kick.
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Retirement my ass
OP checking in again. Love the swag combos and midscreen hitting near 50 is baller. If anything should be added to BnB's or if something in the OP is wrong, please just make it clear what is wrong and what it should be. Inputs and dmg% make it easy for me.

Also, still behind on playing anything besides CO, so if someone feels that demo/special forces need a touch up, let me know what things should be. Want this to be a living thread that keeps the best info available.

Tony at Home

OP needs to be updated to get rid of Demo combos that don't allow for a safe reload but use all her grenades.

Or perhaps make a specific section for those combo's, specifically meant for when the damage is enough to finish off an opponent. I don't think people understand how extremely dangerous it is to be without grenades.

We could even have a section just for "swag" combos. But there definitely needs to be a way for people to identify what are the BnB combos that she should be using consistently. The defaults.

Even after a bf4 ender that leaves the opponent full screen, a reload can still be punished by the opponent just running up to her and doing a full combo.
OP needs to be updated to get rid of Demo combos that don't allow for a safe reload but use all her grenades.

Or perhaps make a specific section for those combo's, specifically meant for when the damage is enough to finish off an opponent. I don't think people understand how extremely dangerous it is to be without grenades.

We could even have a section just for "swag" combos. But there definitely needs to be a way for people to identify what are the BnB combos that she should be using consistently. The defaults.

Even after a bf4 ender that leaves the opponent full screen, a reload can still be punished by the opponent just running up to her and doing a full combo.
Agree with everything except the out of grenades part. She has ridiculous setups with ex reload with no grenades, 112 ex reload throw pressure is just a taste of what she can do:=)

Tony at Home

Agree with everything except the out of grenades part. She has ridiculous setups with ex reload with no grenades, 112 ex reload throw pressure is just a taste of what she can do:=)
Yeah, I don't mean to say she's completely useless without grenades. I just want to emphasize that the extra damage is not worth the extreme risk of having no grenades.

F1 and B1 are much safer, solid, stronger, and meterless options with great range- but these only work in such a way when she has grenades available. The fact that any tactic she uses would rely on starting with a low range high-starting string is very risky.