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CEO 2015 Shout-outs and Thank you Thread

Alright RyRy

Florida Kombat
As many of you know CEO is one of the biggest Majors of the year over 4,000 people attended this year and was the biggest CEO to date. I just wanted to make a HUGE shout-out to everybody that attended the event and supported the MKX scene.

@Kitana Prime da GOD - Mad props for holding pretty much everything pool / MKX related down. Cannot wait until meet again.

@Big D - That Ermac is the truth man, and good luck at the ESL finals you deserve it man.

@YOMI DJT - those buff conversations at 5 am were too good. Also congrats to you and your brother @YOMI MITYEAP.

@All of South Florida - for those counting the Tanya teleports, that was god like. 78 was the highest we hit and it was very entertaining. Be sure to check them out at twitch.tv/VSGC , every Wednesday night around 8pm.

@Hollywood DMS - that Pop off after beating Glass Sword. Also good to finally meet you in person.

@Goro players - As I was the only person who represented Goro in the team variation tournament. #GoroLives

@HoneyBee - for the beatdown you put on me, I really need to work on that match-up, I have never looked so free in my life.

Also SHOUTOUTS to my PS4, as it can be considered at CEO CHAMPION! (Thanks for all of the koins)

I know I am missing people but again Thank you to everybody that helped run / attend the tournament. Cannot wait until CEO 2016.
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I want Kronika to step on my face
This was an awesome tournament.

As a viewer I thought it was pretty awesome, no crazy delays, different streams running at the same time to make sure we're getting it all, no shenanigans, hype stage and entrances.

A really good tournament. Shoutouts to all the staff.

Big D

Relevant In An Irrelevant Time
I am going to make this post as accurate as possible. NOTE: IF I FORGET YOU, DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY! Oh, and shout outs are in NPO lol

@AoK Ryan Nothing needs to be said. Another year, another great time. You and the Tampa guys are a great group. You guys are welcome to Versus ANYTIME. Oh, and Yung Bacon is the truth.

@Kitana Prime My true friend, almost like a brother. This guy is as professional as it gets when it comes to running pools. MK is his passion, and being able to run pools flawlessly and make it out of your own in top 32 winners is nothing short of amazing. Now work on the ESL finals!

@Tom Brady Its almost tradition at this point to meet at CEO and talk about how aweful our characters are to us lol. Although we didnt go to Chuy's, it was a blast seeing you again. I'm sure we'll run into each other at a tournament again soon.

@Pig Of The Hut Glad to finally see you in person after my hiatus of a couple years. Didn't get to talk to you too much since we were all busy, but we'll change that at the ESL finals!

xJohnny2dx (someone tag him for me) Actively looked for me, introduced himself, and proved to be a real stand up guy. Didnt see you too much after pools day, but it was great talking to you!

@gross My own cR teammate and a personal friend. This guy proved to everyone he is a beast, and proved that the Versus group is not to be overlooked. A major contender for the best Cassie in the world, and I think that will be proven at EVO. Our training for EVO starts now man.

@D.R. (Someone help me tag him) This guy has been my friend for a LONG time now. Glad to see he showed the world that Shinnok is extremely viable in the right hands. Now he just needs to actually train with the rest of us and that EVO placement is his for the taking. Side note, you need to learn the Ermac match up :D

@YOMI REO Another long time friend (and Dota 2 partner) It was good to talk again, and constantly making dumb Dota 2 jokes (Gondar to Tanya? wat). Hopefully I'll be seeing you at YOMI soon, and then EVO!

@YOMI DJT @YOMI MITYEAP You guys were hilarious. Great showing at CEO. Keep beasting it!

@michaelangelo Turns out we never got our long set in after all..I'll blame that one on me lol. Beastly Quan and a pretty damn cool dude. Hope to see you at EVO!

@Ashenar Man...I dont even know where to begin. The amount of improvement you have made over the past month is nothing short of incredible. You surpassed your own, and even my expectations for CEO. A true friend and definitely part of my Salt Fam. Dont you dare stop training now. I know this weekend opened your eyes to how good you can be.

GodSpeed, Tyrant, and AwesomeO (cant find tags) Finally had a chance to meet you all. You guys were hilarious. Had a great time with yall; we'll get that 3v3 in soon enough! See you in a couple weeks!

@IIWade3II A crazy good competitor, and a recent personal friend. It was this guy's first major, and he made it in top 32 above some serious known killers! Keep up the beasting, we'll be showing up alot more to body people. WE HUNGRY

@HoneyBee All around nice guy even though we didnt talk too much. Insane D'Vorah man, keep up the great work!

@YOMI Reno_Racks Its been way too long since we saw each other! Still one of the nicest guys in the community. I look forward to making my trip to YOMI soon!

Sorry to anyone I forgot! I am still mentally drained after this weekend. Thank you guys so much! The experience eased my salt of barely missing top 16 :)



gotta take it to make it
Shoutouts to all the staff, got to talk with a lot of them and they worked their asses off all weekend. Thanks to them, I and everyone I met/chilled with had an amazing experience we will never forget. Hope all of you are resting well now.