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Best PS2 to PS3 converter?


Dojo Trainee
Something that you guys use that is proven to work. I have a bunch of ps2 controllers laying around that are getting no use. Figured since i'm down a controller on PS3 this is the best and cheapest option.


Button Masher
Did google research. Thought I would get opinions from here since i've heard on streams of people using them. no need to be an asshole, just post the link I would have thanked you, then the thread could have been deleted.
the reason i could of came off as an asshole is cause all you needed to do was look on the forum and there is section for controllers. you didnt think to look there before posting?


Dojo Trainee
the reason i could of came off as an asshole is cause all you needed to do was look on the forum and there is section for controllers. you didnt think to look there before posting?

Honestly no, never crossed my mind there woudl be a thread dedicated to converters. Hitbox stuff maybe, but not ps2.