Tell me a character that is worse.
The only good thing about Goro is his pokes.
- No solid pressure
- No quick hitting mid.
- No quick advancing normals.
- Goro has alright damage at best.
- No Mix-up game.
- Not able to link any normal to SG.
- B12U2 has to be the worst string in the game with how close you have to be for it to hit, barley links on cross-ups and has the biggest gap I have ever seen in a string. (You can full combo punish it with any normal string, not even armor needed.)
- The lack of anti airs this character has is embarrassing.
- The slowest run in the game.
So please, tell me a character that has this many problems.
Also, PunchWalk to EX PunchWalk is not a thing, since you can jump out of it.
Now, do not misunderstand me, I love using this character, but he sucks and needs some help.
1. Shokan grab is 8 frames with insane reach, plus most of his strings are plus on block.
2. Shokan grab is 8 frames with insane reach.
3. F3 is more than ok.
4. I can agree with that.
5. Shokan grab is 8 frames with insane reach.
6. Shokan grab is 8 frames, i say again, plus he can link his sg from a blocked b3, not many people know this.
7. B12U2 is for punishing only, not pressuring. If you want to pressure use b121, 21, or 11.
8. Agreed, although many characters lack a solid AA option in MKX.
9. Agreed, although his walk is ok.
PunchWalk to EX PunchWalk is a mixup. If they jump after they blocked a pw you can d1 and you will catch them in air, for a full combo. He also has on of the best corner pressures in the game, along with TG Raiden these two can literally get the opponent in the corner while they are blocking, its ridiculous and once there, there is almost nothing their opponents can do.
The only buff i would give him would be 2% more damage on his regular sg and a more reliable AA for mid screen situations, since d1 is only excellent for cross ups and his u1/u2 is excellent if the opponent tries to escape from the corner.