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New to TYM! Hi everybody!


Hey my name's Erik, I'm 19 and I live on the East Coast of the U.S. I've been playing Mortal Kombat X on PS4 since midnight of launch and I absolutely love it. I've played MK casually since I was young with friends and family. Other than Mortal Kombat and a little Soul Cal I have no fighting game experience, I wouldn't call myself a button masher but I'm not far above one. With this game I've decided I want to actually put a lot of time into it and get good. So far I've browsed these forums a little and watched a YouTube video or two on combos but I'm barely able to pull off strings or combos and I still don't know any of the technical stuff.
I've been jumping between characters trying to learn what best fits me so I don't have a main yet, same goes for factions. I've been trying to hit the level cap with all of them so I can get the achievement but they're all so cool I don't know which to pick for my permanent one haha.

Sorry for the lengthy intro. If you want to add me on PSN my name is eHawk96. If you have any advice at all or just want to say hi please tell me below. I'm looking forward to getting better and talking to you awesome dudes/ladies as I do it!