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So I wanted to ask you guys what are your fight stories?

One of mine is when I was getting changed for gym and a kid shoved me into a locker and I started hitting him and all of a sudden a metal chair knocked him out that one of my friends threw lol.


Come On Die Young
I got punched in the face during lunch my freshman year of high school. Since I'm a pacifist, I did nothing. Kid got suspended and I was fine.


"More stealthful than the night"
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So I wanted to ask you guys what are your fight stories?

One of mine is when I was getting changed for gym and a kid shoved me into a locker and I started hitting him and all of a sudden a metal chair knocked him out that one of my friends threw lol.
i think i saw a video of that somewhere.


Grapple > Footsies
I have only been in 2 real fights my entire life.

The first was in high school when I was on the bus and some gangsta type guy kept starting shit and eventually threw his full pop can at the back of my head when I wasn't looking. I have never been that mad in my entire life. So I got off at HIS bus stop, he started laughing and talking and I just hit him as hard as I could in the face. He hit me back and we tussled eventually i got on top of him on the ground and just pounded until he stopped. Then walked home. I was pretty roughed up too, but he never talked to me again after that. And my god that first punch felt good.

The second was in a bar on my 21st birthday. A girl and booze were involved. I lost badly. Thats all I wish to say about it. lolz


I am your god
Well at 40+ I have fought so many fights, no clue of a number, but that don't mean I am a tough-guy. There is two I can remember well. One where I used a top locker to grate a guys face, now we ride to work together on train daily. The other had bit my back when I had him in headlock. So I took a 4 in piece of flesh from his thigh. Needless to say his scar is a reminder of the fight. So he has told me.


How's my volume?
All 3 confrontations I had were at school and none lasted very long.
First mini-fight was in 2nd grade, and a classmate was calling me a bitch while we were in line for the cafeteria. He saw me clenching my fist and he laughed and taunted me again. I punched him in the side of his mouth and he lost a tooth. No teachers were around.
2nd mini-fight I don't feel like talking about because I was in the wrong and overreacted to something.
3rd mini-fight in 6th grade class one of the students kept calling me all kinds of slurs while the teacher was tellling the other students a story. I yelled out for him to stop and kicked him. He laughed and grabbed me by the collar and tried to hold me down on a desk, but I was so mad at that point that I grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall. Teacher broke it up and we got suspended for a day.
Last year some kid I didnt like was talking about me,saying he was gonna beat my ass, and what not at school.
So i confronted him and he got me mad so i punched him in the face and he swung back, we started fighting. I won with just a bruise and he lost with a broken nose and a messed up face lol. we both got suspened but im on some contract and have anger mangment classes? -__- Hes also was and still is my cousins boyfriend :/
So many to choose from :/

I don't like fighting.. but I have seemed to find myself in many situations that call for my fists of fury.

First one was in year 7 (13 years old), I was walking around school and happened to come across my friend getting beaten up (and I mean viciously beaten) by someone in the year above us. I tackled him off, hopped up and he started swinging. 1 punch is all it took to break his nose cleanly and he just knelt down screaming. It was hilarious. The was my first true one.

Next few years I was playing football.. things get messy in Aussie Rules Football sometimes.. okay, alot of the time. Never came out of a fight during a footy match with more than a single black eye.. which is an achievement considering the amount of people wildly throwing punches around. I'm talking the other team, parents, coaches, trainers, everything, all in brawls.

One other one I can remember was when we went out drinking one night and one of my friends sisters was blind drunk. We were carrying her out and a guy walked past (by himself?!) and grabbed her on the crutch and said something smart-assy (can't remember exactly). Without thinking I just dropped my side of her and dropped the guy as he went to walk past me. He didn't get up.. and we left. She was so sloshed she didn't even remember him grabbing her.

The rest are all just purely because I have friends who get lippy when they're drunk. Theres been times where I've walked away purely because my friends have actively attempted to start a fight.. which I don't try and do.. but there are also times when the situation really didn't call for a punch to be thrown.. so I'll be in there attempting to pull friends out and if it ends up with me throwing punches then it happens.