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So I've heard the lag is pretty bad


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
If the lag is better in EU than the US, then it must be godlike, because it's pretty good in the US.


The 6'4 King
Great answers guys, you actually managed to not give me a clear answer in 4 posts.
Lol, anywho, I mean that there is LESS lag on EU.


" Bros before Hoes"
I'm in EU as well and i have close to no lag when i play (esp within U.K). I sometimes get "underwater combat" in King of the hill. U.S players will probably always have lag because of how big America is. Its go 3 time zones for crying out loud!


I'm in EU as well and i have close to no lag when i play (esp within U.K). I sometimes get "underwater combat" in King of the hill. U.S players will probably always have lag because of how big America is. Its go 3 time zones for crying out loud!
4! ;)

but it really depends. I typically create a "817DFW" room and the lag is very good. If I go random matches I'll sometimes get a laggy connection, but who knows where those people are actually located...
Personally speaking, I get way less lag than I do in SF4 or MvC3. Take that as you will.

I'm in Manitoba though and I've had near-offline quality games with people as far as Chicago and Florida.


Dojo Trainee
The answer is very easy: "it depends".

Performance in western European countries might be better because the people have a higher on average internet connection than US players (if i remember the statistics correctly), there is less distance between endpoints and the infrastructure is newer (wiring). For example in our country, landlines don't exist, everything is underground, specifically shielded against environmental as well as electromagnetic disturbances and most lines are regularly maintained (the companies try to renew all cables every 5 to 10 years). The biggest problem is the wiring in the building because in some situation this may still originate from way back when the thing was built.

This all means squat though because I do have a high quality 100 mb/s internet connection but that is completely useless if the guy I'm playing on his 56k modem. So all in all, yes, the chance for good connections might be higher here but in the end such broad generalizations are beyond useless. Also the situation varies drastically from country to country and even from region to region.


all my games feel like underwater combat. Online for this game sucks ass. I have a 22/5 connection with my modem hardwired to the ps3 and online is utter shit. The game feels clumsy and slower online. Do the test and listen to the speed in which shao kahn anounces round 1 fight at the beginning of every match. Sounds like he's in slow motion online.


Ya, all lag sucks, but today has seemed worse than usual. Wonder if it has something to do with all the high profile site outages lately (MSNBC, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.. all have gone completely offline througout the day).


EX Ovi should launch
Im from the UK and have ps3, i recently changed from xbox, and i remember the lag to be terrible on there playing anyone who wasnt down the street from me. I have decent connection now most of the time, but it spikes alot more and is very inconsistant, like i will play perfect connection throughthe first round whereas second round will stutter and freeze at random. Its hard to tell if thats the network or my connection though because i do like live on a farm out in the country with very bad internet coverage.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Regardless of whether it's in the EU area or the US area, lag depends on some factors including:

1. Distance
2. Connection sources
3. The server through which the online gameplay is conducted

Sometimes all the factors influence your connection strength, at other times some of them may have no effect.


Online Punching Bag
It really depends where you are where the person you are fighting is from. I'm in Canada and I have no idea why but fighting people whos profile says they are from Mexico is just rediculous delay comparably to anyone else that I've seen, do they have slow or bad service providers there? My moves come out at least a second or 2 after I push the button. Blocking on reaction is almost pointless.