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Question Skarlet Instant Air Dagger Potentially useful?


Since I have contributed nothing to the skarlet forums at all, I thought I'd share this footage with you guys of Skarlet's iAD. I swear that it got buffed but I'm not sure.
WARNING: Due to lack of recording equipment/ brain deadness video is backwards and low quality.
You can hit confirm in to slide at midscreen and teleport at full-screen if you hit them in the air.
anybody find this move useful?Thoughts?
EDIT: Daggers can be thrown so that they hit the top of the head every time but its super hard.


Nice! You know i think they just aren't really used because her standard daggers are so good. Overlooked, imo.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
I do instant air daggers until I hit the opponent in the head 10 times in a row as part of my warmup workout. It takes practice but gets easier over time. Doing them consistently online is a horse of another color. After the patch the instant air dagger is faster than the standing dagger cancel if you are looking to machine gun the opponent. It also does more damage than 1 single standing dagger toss on hit and block. On the negative side its hard to do consistently, almost impossible online, and can be ducked easily. On the plus side it adds another level of depth to skarlet.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Oh and... I use a hitbox btw. I don't think I could have ever done them consistently on a stick, but if you can, then more power to ya :)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
If you're using a hitbox, this'll be cake once you get it down. iAFs are VERY easy on hitbox.


Reppin' The Royalty!
Hmm, Didnt know you can hit confirm them into anything tbh.. i rarely use them. Unless im going for a JK starter, this is kinda cool, Will have to hit the lab with this!


Dojo Trainee
I'm a silent skarlet player, Thanks for this vid man it never occured to me to try iaf with her. I guess I was so attuned to doing ground ones.

I just dropped Jade cuz the patch practically did nothing for her, so now I'm gonna give skarlet a shot as a main.


When done correctly will these actually hit a standing opponent or do they whiff just over their head?


Dojo Trainee
it was easiest for me to do this by quickly doing up then I hit 1, before I even leave the ground and then quickly hit DF and use negative edge to my advantage.

Nevermind now I got problems once in a while nJP in place once in a while I better try to learn it the carpal tunnel way.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
When done perfectly and it truly is instant it hits em smack in the face, even little sindel. Now, even if it isn't exactly perfect, i find that it has a few degrees of forgivesness and still hits them, in the eyes, forehead, and top of the head. Practice against sheeva until you can hit her in the face 10 times in a row without missing, then work your way down the ladder height wise. (This should have been the kind of shit in the challenge tower rather than the useless junk you had to do there). Anyway, I make up games like this to make practice fun and improve execution.

Also remember that there is a damage advantage to this compared to the single ground dagger, but its easy to skrew up and easy to duck, the goal in using them should be to catch a character possibly trying to jump your daggers occasionally, so throwing one thats high every once in a while isn't a bad thing. Make them guess if it is going to be an instant air dagger or higher or ground, so that you can trick them into trying to come at you. If they do jump and it hits them be ready to follow up with a teleport from full screen, or if you are closer, a ground dagger cancel dash into mini combo.