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RM Sidthehaze wins That MK Weekly #4 by That Game Store

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Hands down the most stacked weekly so far in SOVA's short MKX span. Everyone considered top in the area was in the house, and even some new surprising faces. For the third week in a row we have had more than 20 entrants, creating one of the largest weeklies anywhere right now.


There has been a bracket reset for 3 tournaments straight.

Sidthehaze remains the only person not to lose the weeky, I would say undefeated but he has been 3-0'd twice by me so far

Gimpy places 4th for the 70th time

Newcomer to the area Superior Magik upsets aquaman in winners, in losers aquaman finds vengeance against his biggest obstacle in the game so far, lui kang, magik getting an impressive top 3 showing for his first appearance

Fuerte drops from 2nd to 9th in just one week

Zappa makes his first appearance, work has kept him away

Results -

1. RM Sidthehaze - Sonya - covert ops, special forces
2. TGS RM Mr Aquaman - Kotal Kahn - war god
3. Superior Magik - Lui Kang - dragons fire- also kung jin
4. Gimpy - Cassie
5. PI Blackula - Kenshi - Balanced AKA CHOCOLATE MADNESS
5. Zappa - Reptile/Shinnok
7. Dark Steel - Scorpion
7. Virtiqal - Scorpion

9, Fuerte
Immortal Skillet

Andrew C
Lion of Leos
Hatake Osawa

17. YamiRyuJin
Ice Angel

Bracket - http://challonge.com/TMT5715

Videos -

@Ice Angel
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Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
I need to re-upload winners semis between me and magik. Also everyone today is TGS's Sponsorship tournament to The Common Wealth, winner gets his entry paid.


OK guys we here at TGS want to give someone the chance to go to TCW on us. We will be holding a qualifier for TCW Major Fighting Game Event on the 9th of May!!

For more information about TCW check out TCWVA.com

This will be streamed ~

Venue ~ $10

Mortal Kombat X - 2/3 (PS4)
Tournament entry ~$10

Ultra Street Fighter IV - 2/3 (360)
Tournament entry ~ $10

Guilty Gear XRD - 2/3 (PS3)
Tournament entry ~ $10

All finals are 3/5

29 or less entrants ~ top 3 will split (60/25/15)
30 or more~top 4 will split (50/25/15/10)

Also 1st place in each game will get an extra $50 for entry to TCW to cover his/hers entry to their prospective game.
(minimum 15 entrants per game)

12 Noon~Doors Open
1PM~Sign Up starts
3PM~MKX starts
5PM~Guilty Gear Starts
7PM~Ultra Starts

So stay tuned to watch us battle it out once again for a free spot at The Common Wealth www.tcwva.com

Don't forget to preregister to save some money

$4,000 COMMUNITY driven pot bonus for MKX

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Today's tournament should be interesting. I detect salt on the horizon.
I am scouting Sid Faces, Aqua Stares, Fuerte Snorlax's, Steven Ponderings, Gruff Shuffles, and Angelo Sad Clown Faces

Also looking above, that thumbnail between me and gimpy had me dead!