We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
This Week The Break Weekly had less players than Normal But it was still very lively. About 17 players entered the ring tonight to try to and come out on top. This Week it was Team Spooky's Own Art. Also this week we had No Controller issues. As in we had nobody turn their controller on messing up a match in progress.
For now here are the videos for the tournament tonight. I will upload youtube videos when they are uploaded:
Youtube Videos:
Here are the challonge Brackets:
From Left to Right: Battlebear, Cloud, Sabin
First Place: TS| Sabin (Raiden, Takeda) *Possibly More
Second Place: RM| Cloud (Armor Quan Cheesy)
Third Place: Battlebear (Hammer Sub Zero)
8 On the Break is Located:
Address: 340 North Ave, Dunellen, NJ 08812
Phone: (732) 752-8880
The Tournament is Hosted by KDZ Every Tuesday at around 8:30pm 9:00pm. The Tournament is also Streamed by Jaxel over at 8 Way Run. And the Brackets are made and called by Hacker. Please Make sure to support the stream by following, Subscribing, Turning off ad block, or subscribing to his YouTube channel. Tournament entry is $10 Dollars. With no venue fee. Thats right. NO VENUE FEE. Stop by and play against some of the players in the area. Meet new people and level up. If you are in the area you should also check out the Break which holds many different games. And is home to the Break Steak Special.
MKX will be Ran on PS4. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
@RM JagoBlake
@Tim Static
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