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Jason Voorhees BANNED for Combo Breaker + Reminder on Registration Deadline.


He's also banned at this weekend's MKX Asia Pacific qualifier.

And I believe Texas Showdown has banned him as well.


Bumbling towards greatness.
Jason is sad

As a horror movie buff and a Jason fan I'm sad too, but I think this is the right call. Jason isn't available to non pass holders until the 12th and Combo Breaker is on the 22nd. I'm normally a believer that a character should be out a month prior to being tournament legal just to ensure he/she has been explored fully (for both broken reasons and prepared-ness reasons). Jason can't make half that kind of timeline this month.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing him at June events!


Not at all, it's the safe bet in case he ends up breaking the game somehow with glitches. It's not a worry about him being super strong but worry about him causing things like crahses & such.
Yeah I guess I could see it either way. I'm probably just salty because I like the character.