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Strategy - Reptile Help vs. Down 1's


Hey all,

Need some advice. I consider myself a reasonable Reptile player, can pull off combo's quite consistent etc. Would normally beat my friend loads but since he started playing J.C I've struggled. If he starts mashing down 1's I cant seem to do anything..........

I either get hit and put him at an advantage, or I block and he still seems to be at an advantage to keep mashing them out. It is only if I'm lucky that he stops down 1'in and goes for his OH starter that sometimes I can block it in time.

So the question is how do you combat consistent down 1'in from any character with Reptile, esp J.C.?


Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Block it and counter poke. He's not plus, he's negative like everybody's d1. if you block it, you can get a free d1 yourself probably and then with your plus frames you can start your pressure.


I'm sure when I looked at his frame data he was +3 on block......... maybe I've mis read this.

Guessing it is more a timing issue because when I try to poke and he still hits me with another down 1.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I'm sure when I looked at his frame data he was +3 on block......... maybe I've mis read this.

Guessing it is more a timing issue because when I try to poke and he still hits me with another down 1.
+3? Damn son that suck s if you're right. Just block until you're out of range, it's only 1% of chip and if you don't want to take it then block then back dash.


Believe in the hop kick
Crouching pokes have a very short block stun. My guess is you are just not reacting and letting go of block soon enough to counterpoke your opponent after blocking crouching normals. Your best answer with Reptile is to f4,1 into a juggle if he literally mashes those d1's on hit or block.


Dojo Trainee
Training mode helps with this, pick the character he was playing as and use the record function and see how to beat it. I don't know of any d1's that are + on block...


Former Divine Power Abuser
I hope it's not actually +3. If it is then you can't counterpoke. You can backdash, block or use an armored move if the gap is large enough but most important figure out whether it's plus or not because there is alot of incorrect frame data in the game.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
There is no way that frame data is right. I get my counterpokes on Johnny plenty of times. Just work on it in training mode man. D1, d3 are both the same speed and should definitely be able to beat put D1 after being blocked.


Thanks for the advice. I will double check the frame data. Every time I backdash he catches me with his advancing string :(


Just checked now..... his D3 is -3 on block. Been practicing punishing with B3 into Claw. Think it is going to be a timing issue waiting for the block and recognising it.