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The Video Critique Thread


Dojo Trainee
The Official Video Critique Thread

Video Critique


This thread will be dedicated to improving ones skill through showing a video of themselves for critique. Do not be shy to post extremely bad matches against a player who could flawless you half the time. To be honest the BEST way to critique you is for you to fight against someone who you lose to 90% of the time but once out of like 10 matches you can squeeze a win. That way we can see your options and not just seeing you get combo'd to death. Hard to give advice on your offense when you weren't able to preform any. I want anyone to help jump in on this if you could.

Why only ones that you lose? Well it's only a rule because in the past when I've done this with other games, you got a few douches who like to destroy some random newb and then post a vid asking for critique, when they are not actually looking for critique, they are looking for praise. To avoid matches like these it's best to apply this rule. besides you learn the best from a match you lose.

1.) It must be a match of you losing. preferably best 2 of 3.

0:05: You should've opened with U3, it's twice more safe than the move you used.
0:17: He crossover jumped you at :10 after the same string 3 times. You should consider an anti air option after the string.
0:45: You dropped a combo again. might want to look into improving your combo consistency.
1:00: You dropped 2 bars of meter to desperately win, when you were already at a major disadvantage and lost. So now you start round 2 with nothing.
^ This is how I want to see the advice. pointing out every mistake and how to fix it. (going even more in depth would be helpful)

ECT ECT ECT... I'm sure you get the picture.

Posting times helps the person asking for help to know which situation you're talking about easily by following your notes one by one while watching the vid.

Explain in depth why you say they should do something. Just telling someone to do something will only help them once. If you teach them why, they can self teach later.
You can feed a child.... But if you teach a child to hunt/cook you have fed them for life.

I hope people take advantage of this for sometimes even if you think you know enough. You will be greatly surprised by what other people can offer you. Even people less skilled than you.

So post your matches!!



My blades will find your heart
Finally got this up here! :D

Way tired of posting videos in the TRMK one lol, hopefully someone else jumps on this lmao

Vulcan Hades

TYM members are way cooler and more knowledgeable than most TRMK members lol. I'm sure this thread will have more activity than there. :p

I think it's a great idea to seek constructive feedback from better players to improve.


My blades will find your heart

Still cant always compete with his Rain after like 20 games lol

Still processing, a couple good matches against Warborn, won 2 lost 1 but all were down to the wire and had a lot of mistakes


Your sacrifice honors me!

Still cant always compete with his Rain after like 20 games lol

I'll give it a go:

0:01 - No sound? :-(
0:14 - Klassic music yay!
0:18 - Uppercut as a starter? Does it reach if the opponent stays still? If not what about d4 to start quick looking for first hit bonus?
0:22 - I'm not a big fan of you throwing out fireball every time you knock him down...gives him a free teleport in where he can pressure you. If you do nothing and he teleports you can quickly punish I believe with spin. If he doesn't naked teleport then he has to work his way in, where you can AA with your new spin and just be more prepared for his pressure.
0:25 - Just pointing out here is the spark followup again
0:29 - 3 fireballs in a row leads to an easy punish w/ex teleport. A little uncreative from distance, and with one of the lousier fireballs in the game imo
0:37 - Not sure what you tried to do after his teleport, but you either need to use a faster move (new 7 frame spin?) or if you don't react to teleport right away just keep holding block so you don't get caught for full combos (or RH cancel shit like you do here)!
0:49 - So you've taken heavy damage in the last 12 seconds and the round is pretty much lost, so IDK about using a bar for ex blade charge here...maybe save for round 2?
0:52&:054 - Great use of the new spin...seems like it should be a bigger part of your strat against Rain
0:55 - Again with fireball followup!
1:03 - And again w/ fireball followup, he gets wise again to your pattern and teleports -> round over
1:23 - Again with spin knockdown followed by spark, followed by his teleport to pressure!!
1:33 - You didn't fireball this time! But when he teleported you went d3 I believe? Don't like the range on that move (hence it whiffed) - maybe try your new d1 - I think that would hit him early on in his jump-over?

Overall, I'd say your uppercut to start a round is predictable and I'm not sure how effective. Big time pattern following spin or charge knockdown/back with spark followup. And, being too eager to attack and letting go of block too early and getting nailed for it. With Baraka's slow normals you need to block more patiently, poke w/d1 (or d4 for ranged poke), then attack off of a poke landing. When a poke lands it stops their stuff mid-flow, and IDK about other people but when a string of mine is suddenly stopped via poke it takes me a split second to process this during which time I'm just standing there like a dope open for an attack :)!

So there ya go, hope my tone isn't too critical, only meaning to be helpful!


Dojo Trainee
So there ya go, hope my tone isn't too critical, only meaning to be helpful!
You did great man, that's exactly the kind of stuff I'm talking about. I don't know much about Rain and barakka enough to give a good analysis myself.

so not only does zoidberg gain knowledge from your advice. I learned about stuff myself just from reading your critique on someone else.

question opening up with D4, isn't that just as dangerous if they chose to jump in on you?


My blades will find your heart
If I ever start the round with an uppercut, just know it was supposed to be a blade chargeXD

and thanks for the feedback


Your sacrifice honors me!
You did great man, that's exactly the kind of stuff I'm talking about. I don't know much about Rain and barakka enough to give a good analysis myself.

so not only does zoidberg gain knowledge from your advice. I learned about stuff myself just from reading your critique on someone else.

question opening up with D4, isn't that just as dangerous if they chose to jump in on you?
Well, yeah it is. I'm a wimp and usually start the round by holding block :)


Your sacrifice honors me!
Haha, I hear you there. If I ever start a round with a standing 2 know it was a poorly executed (or input bug?) upball :)
Zoidberg I will leave few comments on the Sektor fight.

I think you are engaging in too much of a projectile battle with him in which he was being extremely predictable, 90% of the fight was straight missiles which is ok only because you werent making him stop and let him get comfy. Use your EX blade charge eat a missle and close the distance as it's full screen and has armor, there were a couple times Im sure you meant to use an EX and the regular came out, I HATE that. Once you knock him down the match seems to be all yours. He never used his wakeup options so I say pressure him as much as possible with b+3s and 2,2,1+2s. Other than that things looks good to me.