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Guide - Grandmaster Sub-Zero GRANDMASTER Guide


Joker waiting room
At what point on the combo if they wake up with amour your blocking behind the clone
B33 into shatter is interruptible. Unless you do B33 from a proper distance and clone spacing then they can armour out. Does this setup prevent that?


Dojo Trainee
B33 into shatter is interruptible. Unless you do B33 from a proper distance and clone spacing then they can armour out. Does this setup prevent that?
ok I get what your say if you try and mash out a reversal after the b33 yes the shatter will be there amour


I'm an SF4 player very new to NRS games, slightly dabbled in Injustice, but attempting to take MKX rather seriously. I'd appreciate some feedback on my pools match against Slayer at NWM:

I don't actually own a PS4/XBONE, so I haven't had a chance to run through the cast and find out what's punishable, so you'll see a lot of dropped punishes that I know about now. I play at my friend's house when I have the chance. But I'm asking for feedback about my neutral and overall approach more than anything. Thanks!
Ok, let's see if I can help you out.

At 00:23 you used a meter to do EX Slide. I don't really know why. You put yourself into the corner situation when you had total control and advantade. Plus you could have punished that arrow with the normal Slide anyways... Then you crossover jump with JiP, b12, ice ball. Don't know why the Ice Ball if Slayer was blocking since beginning. b12 is really easy to hit confirm into Ice Ball on hit and Ice Klone on block. Even without Option Select.

Another tip for you is to master the f42 after hitting EX Ice Bomb (smash). It's so good to get out of corner pressure. EX Ice Bomb has armor and followed by run~f42~grab puts your opponent into the corner instead. If you're using EX Ice Bomb in midscreen you can just finish the f42 string with Slide for more damage instead of just doing a Slide.

In the first round of 2nd match you used 2 bars of meter to get out of pressure. The problem it was you were like 20-25% of life left and Slayer was like 90-95%. I would definitely saved those meter for the round 2, since only a TRUE MASTER would have made that comeback. :)

The rest of the tips I could give you are shit that you are going to learn with time. Just don't play so aggressively against Kung Jin. You have to be flawless and play really, really patiently in this particular match up. Let him come to you and not the other way around. Try to bait him to come to you and then pop Ice Klone. Don't hide all the time behind it. And obviously, I think you noticed by that match, respect Kung Jin more when you get him down and he has meter. His wakeup attacks using meter are devastating and lead to 35%+ combos.

Down here you can see Tom Brady vs Slayer. You can learn a lot more just from watching these matches than everything I've just said lol

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Hey guys I got a little sumthing for you for what I showing here is how to get of your clone safley in perfect spot for those meterless big damage clone shatter combos.
That's really cool setup, but comboing in Ferra/Torr and/or Goro makes everything so much easier, right? :D Nice setup nonetheless.


Dojo Trainee
That's really cool setup, but comboing in Ferra/Torr and/or Goro makes everything so much easier, right? :D Nice setup nonetheless.
Well I can make I video doing it on other character if you like that's who random select game me lol this work on every body but vs female characters you need a use a bar for meter burn ice ball


Well I can make I video doing it on other character if you like that's who random select game me lol this work on every body but vs female characters you need a use a bar for meter burn ice ball
I don't think b12~clone in the corner works against females. Does it?


The saltiest
Ok, let's see if I can help you out.

At 00:23 you used a meter to do EX Slide. I don't really know why. You put yourself into the corner situation when you had total control and advantade. Plus you could have punished that arrow with the normal Slide anyways... Then you crossover jump with JiP, b12, ice ball. Don't know why the Ice Ball if Slayer was blocking since beginning. b12 is really easy to hit confirm into Ice Ball on hit and Ice Klone on block. Even without Option Select.

Another tip for you is to master the f41 after hitting EX Ice Bomb (smash). It's so good to get out of corner pressure. EX Ice Bomb has armor and followed by run~f41~grab puts your opponent into the corner instead. If you're using EX Ice Bomb in midscreen you can just finish the f41 string with Slide for more damage instead of just doing a Slide.

In the first round of 2nd match you used 2 bars of meter to get out of pressure. The problem it was you were like 20-25% of life left and Slayer was like 90-95%. I would definitely saved those meter for the round 2, since only a TRUE MASTER would have made that comeback. :)

The rest of the tips I could give you are shit that you are going to learn with time. Just don't play so aggressively against Kung Jin. You have to be flawless and play really, really patiently in this particular match up. Let him come to you and not the other way around. Try to bait him to come to you and then pop Ice Klone. Don't hide all the time behind it. And obviously, I think you noticed by that match, respect Kung Jin more when you get him down and he has meter. His wakeup attacks using meter are devastating and lead to 35%+ combos.

Down here you can see Tom Brady vs Slayer. You can learn a lot more just from watching these matches than everything I've just said lol

Nice. Where can I find all those Tom Brady combos??
Edit: nevermind.
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The saltiest
I couldn't find any general section where we talk about the game and it's mechanics. So if anyone here can help me out. Please do. How the hell do you tech a throw in this game? I try pressing grab button and it's not working. I've done it on accident before...but idk how.


Sub-Zero's iceball should hit his own clone too. He should either hide behind the clone, or go on full offensive. Also the slide in this variation should be more unsafe or not go under projectiles.
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Well I can make I video doing it on other character if you like that's who random select game me lol this work on every body but vs female characters you need a use a bar for meter burn ice ball
The same setup wont work on regular characters because Ice Clone is too close for shatter to hit meaty. It works if the clone is further.
Try making the same setup on sub zero.


Dojo Trainee
The same setup wont work on regular characters because Ice Clone is too close for shatter to hit meaty. It works if the clone is further.
Try making the same setup on sub zero.
No it does work on regular character I'll make the video now if u like


The saltiest
Subzero is too fucking good in this game. 50-50 all over the place into ice clones, block strings into ice clones. so you can't jump in or rush him. What would you guys say is his worst match up? I'm leaning towards kung Lao just because that's the only character I've mostly beat him with and its always a long ass boring match.

Edit: I'm sure this has Been said many times. But subzero should use up a bar to use the ice clone as a projectile barrier. It shouldn't be a free special move.
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