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New to "terminology" stuff little help here

Hey peeps, not really a "competitive" guy like a lot are or claim to be here. one thing i do know is i like to understand what da fuq im reading and in many threads about character strings and so on, i have to google the shit out of the terminology, which for the most part comes up conclusively and i learn some stuffs.

one thing i cant find is "vortex" like i have found one explanation but it didn't eem overly clear or in line with how i understand mkx mechanics, was something along the lines of "if a player gets hard knocked down, vortex is a move that can be applied otg" or something like that which i think in mkx is not the case. please tell me whatdafak vortexing is with like an example or something. if you can spare a brain cell for a moment

Tanks xx


Do not provoke a god
A vortex is pretty much an inescapable reset (whether standing or a knockdown) where you have no other option but to guess between multiple blocking option (for example: blocking low for a low attack or blocking high for an overhead attack). A vortex also keeps endlessly looping into itself, meaning that as long as the person being vortexed keeps guessing wrong on the vortex, they will always stay in the vortex.
so like d'vorah bug spray in venomous? although you have to be pretty tight to hit it with its startup from cancels it allows you to reset then go into low poke with d+4 or overhead f+22 and again so long as your tight with cancels you can use bug spray again or until u fluff the input.

is that in the same realm. im guessing scorpions teleport overhead followed ub by highs, oh's and lows is a vortex or am i completely off from what your explaining?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Vortex is basically a situation that every time there is a point that forces you to guess, and if you guess wrong he will put you back on that same situation as long as necessary or until your life reaches 0 if the game allows character to do such thing. Vortex is the loop


My GT: UncappedWheel82
@NinjahMeh This is a vortex...

This second video has no explantation, but know that after Scorpion's teleport the opponent is left standing while Scorpion is at "advantage". At this point Scorpion can attack overhead or low (a 50/50), while the opponent can only guess his way out of Scorpion's next attack...which leads into another vortex situation.

Scorpion's vortex...

tym needs to step up their game and make a thread or video series that covers all the basics.
that would be pretty cool, if i had any skill or knowledge whatsoever and didn't sound like a perverted peeping tom idbe happy to make some videos with people, sadly the above is all true