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Casual fan trying to turn into Kombat Master


Hello fellow gamers,

Been lurking these forums for couple months now and decided to join the ranks. I've been playing MK-series since the first one was released and been a big fan ever since.
Even tho I've been playing fighting games my whole life, my skill level is extremely low since I've mostly played against AI and with my group of friends who are as bad at them as me.
So when MKX came out, I decided to see how the online play was...
My record after first session was 1-11 and I realized I have a long way ahead of me before I can actually enjoy the online aspect of the game the way I want to (winning=enjoying :p ).

So here I am, crying for help.

I have been studying some tutorials for fighting games in general and some MKX related tutorials aswell.
I got myself a fightstick when the game was released since I played the first MK-games in arcades back in the days. I got the Hori RAP4 Kai for PS4.
I quickly realized the stick ain't the same as riding the bike. After using pad for last decade, going back to the arcadestick has not been as smooth of a transition as I hoped for.
One issue I have is that my hands are pretty huge now and after I got the stick I can't really get a good grip on it.
I'm thinking about getting a battop on the stick. What do you guys think? I think it might help with the issue.

Now i'm at the point I can do every basic kombo with my kharacter (Kano, Cybernetic) and every special move so I can do them without messing up 10 out of 10 times.
Where I'm struggling now is linking them together.
I've tried to figure out how people do them, watching videos and reading some articles about it, but for some reason after I do a Kombo and try to link Special attack to it, nothing happens. I occasionally do them correctly, but its not consistent at all.
I've checked the input feed and it all looks alright.
Maybe I'm missing something, some mechanic in the game or something.
Any tips you can give me regarding this issue?

Thanks in advance and nice to meet you all,



gotta stay sharp!
Well I play cyber too, we can practice. I kinda kno what you mean. I get like 80% of the combos. What part are you having trouble with? Like the db1 ground laser?


Filled with determination
Honestly fight sticks aren't necessary for Mk games at all maybe for street fighter or tekken but not really MK make sure you have negative edge and all that crap turned off in the controller set up because that messes up combos hard. Just keep playing dudes and it'll come to you.


MKX is more timing-dependent than MK9. Also the options can screw with your input, and there's a cancel mechanic in the game etc.

You have to practice to see what works, try timing your input differently as that may help (e.g. you must wait for the second hit in the string to put in the special move, something like that).


Thanks for the replies!
As for the fightstick, that's just how I like to play, I just have to figure out how to hold the stick properly so my hand wont get sore after 1 hour of gaming.

Timing might be the reason I'm messing up the combos so bad. Now that I think about it, I usually try to just string them all together in one big input string.
I'm gonna see if I can figure out the timing on the combos today after I get home from work.

And yeah regarding db1, i think thats the one I get correct most of the time if I'm going 112,db1. This further confirms that it's a timing error since the 112 is very fast kombo and you really have to input the db1 right after it. other kombos seem to give me more trouble, regardless of the special move used.

Edit: Regarding the Release Check/Negative Edge: Is that why sometimes when doing 112, db1 it sometimes does up-ball instead of eye-lazer? That's been bugging me quite alot lately.

Samsung Crunchy

Studying all of her moves
Descend into the lab and do kombos until they're muscle memory. MKX is dial a combo so timing and accurate notation are key. Pad over stick because the motions for special moves aren't that complicated but it's personal preference. Most importantly, enjoy playing your kharacter :)


gotta stay sharp!
Thanks for the replies!
As for the fightstick, that's just how I like to play, I just have to figure out how to hold the stick properly so my hand wont get sore after 1 hour of gaming.

Timing might be the reason I'm messing up the combos so bad. Now that I think about it, I usually try to just string them all together in one big input string.
I'm gonna see if I can figure out the timing on the combos today after I get home from work.

And yeah regarding db1, i think thats the one I get correct most of the time if I'm going 112,db1. This further confirms that it's a timing error since the 112 is very fast kombo and you really have to input the db1 right after it. other kombos seem to give me more trouble, regardless of the special move used.

Edit: Regarding the Release Check/Negative Edge: Is that why sometimes when doing 112, db1 it sometimes does up-ball instead of eye-lazer? That's been bugging me quite alot lately.
Hmm for sure. Then it sounds like timing cause after the db1 you have alot of time to extend it. So honestly more lab time


Alright labwork it is then. Whole weekend off and nothing else to do. I'll be Dexter come Monday. Thanks for all the advice!