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Northwest Majors shout out/after thoughts thread


The Free Meter Police
Had an awesome time at NWM. Seattle is awesome. Pretty crazy to just roll up a fatty joint, step right outside the door and smoke as people are walking by. My illinois paranoia was at peak levels 420xxblazeitxxSn1p3rxxpurpaxKuSh. Also, it was awesome seeing some high level play right off the bat (get it? because quan chi? GET IT?)

Anyways, I need to give some shout outs.

@STB Shujinkydink - thank you so much for running this tourney and providing a room for me. You're a class act in every sense. I learned a lesson... don't try to learn how to fight against quan chi for the first time when you're drunk.

@Busta Clown - huge props man. thanks for helping run the tourney and a HUGE thanks for giving me and soonk a ride to jack in the box and the air port. I still don't know why soonk was so adamant about going to jack in the box lol.

@Kevin 7 - good games man. thank you so much for the warm welcome. you guys are chill as f-ck and looking forward to hanging with you dudes at combo breaker. (tell illusionz and trevor that I shouted them out. not sure what their tags are on here)

@illusionz - dont know your tag. Your kotal was on point man. Even WITHOUT the tick throws lol. thanks for thangz.

@trevorthepastor - it was fun commentating with you. also thanks for the thangz. good games man. it's too bad we werent able to get an extended set in. maybe at combo breaker?

@EGP Wonder_Chef gratz on winning the tourney man. welcome to zoonks.

@Awesomo fuck 113~ex-nut punch. good games man.

@Tom Brady - time to start the fix mileena train eh? did we learn nothing from mk9 scorpion's d3? =P good games, the few we were able to get in. Let's play more at combo breaker.

@SLaYeR - don't know your tag on here. was good to meet you and looking forward to getting some games in at some point.

Anyways, anyone else I met over the weekend, if I'm forgetting you... my bad. I have a hard time remembering people's names/tags. Northwest majors was awesome and I hope I get to go again next year.


After thought. T.O.'s need to be better at organizing. Not the community's fault set-ups were late and we lost the hype bracket of our stream (and 10,000 Twitch viewers) to Skull Girls.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
After thought. T.O.'s need to be better at organizing. Not the community's fault set-ups were late and we lost the hype bracket of our stream (and 10,000 Twitch viewers) to Skull Girls.
The tournament was extremely legit. As a TO, you have no choice but to trust that your people will bring their setups on time, especially with it being the only game on PS4, so unless they can spend thousands of dollars, they have to rely on community support.

Also, since so many top players (like tom and reo) pre registered so late, MKX was given a lower priority spot than Skullgirls when the schedules were planned, because they had tons of their huge names coming out.

Sometimes at majors, game scheduling just can't be quite perfect, but I mean they gave us a spot on the main stage for Sunday, which was generous. If you guys remember, Injustice pools at SCR last year weren't fully streamed because there just wasn't enough time in the day, but the staff wanted to make sure that every game got a good stream showing, even if it wasn't 100%

Everything was run great, all of the SoCal players had a great time, and will definitely try to make it back next year. I suggest anyone in this thread who can tries to make it there too.


@EGP Wonder_Chef hey man, I think the people who run tourneys deserve all kinds of props. I mean, I always witness it first hand here in Toronto for all legwork that gets put in. My involvement is usually bringing a set up, being in charge of MK/NRS brackets and commentary and even that is stressful, so I can only imagine.

Like I said in the live thread, it's unfortunate and it's a learning experience for all. And hey, as a TO, I totally get their decision to put Skullgirls up given the registration numbers etc.

However, I do think it was a poor business decision on the TO's side given how MKX was in demand on stream and drove viewership. In order to ensure event success in the future one of the main goals is not only to pull of a successful tourney but to generate sponsorship. And that would mean demonstrating that you get the audience and the hype to offer the sponsors something. I just feel like that was an opportunity missed due to a number of factors (not all entirely in everyone's control).

That being said, given the when the switch of MKX for Skullgirls occurred and the circumstances I think it wasn't unreasonable to negotiate extra 30-45 minutes of stream time for the game, especially on day 1 and not a top 8 day.

Congrats again on the performance and organizing a major event.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
@EGP Wonder_Chef hey man, I think the people who run tourneys deserve all kinds of props. I mean, I always witness it first hand here in Toronto for all legwork that gets put in. My involvement is usually bringing a set up, being in charge of MK/NRS brackets and commentary and even that is stressful, so I can only imagine.

Like I said in the live thread, it's unfortunate and it's a learning experience for all. And hey, as a TO, I totally get their decision to put Skullgirls up given the registration numbers etc.

However, I do think it was a poor business decision on the TO's side given how MKX was in demand on stream and drove viewership. In order to ensure event success in the future one of the main goals is not only to pull of a successful tourney but to generate sponsorship. And that would mean demonstrating that you get the audience and the hype to offer the sponsors something. I just feel like that was an opportunity missed due to a number of factors (not all entirely in everyone's control).

That being said, given the when the switch of MKX for Skullgirls occurred and the circumstances I think it wasn't unreasonable to negotiate extra 30-45 minutes of stream time for the game, especially on day 1 and not a top 8 day.

Congrats again on the performance and organizing a major event.
I disagree with you here, I think the consistency and professionalism of the event is more important than trying to get a few more viewers. It isn't fair to say "Well MKX ran late, so even though you Skullgirls players are on time, we are cutting off part of your stream time.

I mean what if it was the opposite? If Skullgirls ran late so they streamed them instead of Pool 1, for example, even though we were on time, our entire community would be pissed.

Tim Static

I disagree with you here, I think the consistency and professionalism of the event is more important than trying to get a few more viewers. It isn't fair to say "Well MKX ran late, so even though you Skullgirls players are on time, we are cutting off part of your stream time.

I mean what if it was the opposite? If Skullgirls ran late so they streamed them instead of Pool 1, for example, even though we were on time, our entire community would be pissed.
The MKC has been on the other side so many times, but as a TO, they have to do what's best for their tourney, and sometimes that will piss viewers off. Shit happens but it's a hard job and a lot of pressure to undertake.


"On your Knees!"
Dont know who any of you vatos are but shot out to the 209. It not north but in central Cali but its close.
We were happy to have you guys. It was an awesome event. Unfortunately the issue with the controllers put us overschedule. The PS3 fightsticks weren't really a problem. It was people bringing wireless controllers.

So to any tournament organizers out there. Do a better job than we did with enforcing wired controllers. It was way bigger of a problem than we expected. People didn't seem to understand that turning off the controller didn't actually disconnect it.

But enough about that, you guys were great and we'd love to have you back!


The Free Meter Police
After thought. T.O.'s need to be better at organizing. Not the community's fault set-ups were late and we lost the hype bracket of our stream (and 10,000 Twitch viewers) to Skull Girls.
The problem was with controllers. Don't think the setups were that big of a deal. When I showed up before the first pool, there were 5 setups already ready to go and people playing casuals. Might need to learn wtf you're talking about before you come in to criticize an entire tournament.

The Skullgirl devs dropped 1000 for their pot. Nothing from NRS even after 6 months of trying. All of the top skullgirls players were there. A number of top players for MK didn't register until the last second.

So... stop with the misinformation please.

Kevin 7

The bad boy scout
Glad to have all of you join us. I'll inform Illusionsz and Trevar. Illusionz and I plan to be there Thursday so hopefully we can join you guys for a GGA event. Dink will be there Friday (work getting in the way). Really looking forward to Combo Breaker.

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
I would like to take a moment to thank everybody that traveled from out of town to make this a legit major. We have been shamelessly plugging NWM for years now basically any opportunity we get. It was quite a pleasant surprise to have so many big names show up like Brady, Reo, Arturo, Slayer, Chef, you Chicago guys, and ALL of the Socal scene. I've been very preachy about getting another major on the west coast for the good of all the community. Thanks to all you out of town players I believe we finally did it. I didn't have a good tournament showing at all but I feel like that weekend was still a success because you guys showed up.
Thank you to everybody for finally making NWM a legit major!
Special thank you to dink for shouldering the load of running the tourney and booking hotel rooms for people to be able to travel here. I think it really made the difference.


Gonna keep quiet about the stream situation because it would just involve me yelling at people on here for who knows how long for not knowing a damn thing so moving on

Shoutouts to all y'all that came out: @EGP Wonder_Chef @Awesomo for being great guest and helping me learn a shitton more about the game

@Chaosphere & Soonk for all the casuals & letting my drunk ass back in the room Saturday night late as hell

Always cool seeing Slayer, we just gotta actually get games in Melty Blood going for once lol

@Sabin for always supporting the hell out of NRS

Shoutouts to everyone else, I'm lazy as hell at this Shoutouts thing & all of y'all were super cool

EGP Awesomo

Gonna keep quiet about the stream situation because it would just involve me yelling at people on here for who knows how long for not knowing a damn thing so moving on

Shoutouts to all y'all that came out: @EGP Wonder_Chef @Awesomo for being great guest and helping me learn a shitton more about the game

@Chaosphere & Soonk for all the casuals & letting my drunk ass back in the room Saturday night late as hell

Always cool seeing Slayer, we just gotta actually get games in Melty Blood going for once lol

@Sabin for always supporting the hell out of NRS

Shoutouts to everyone else, I'm lazy as hell at this Shoutouts thing & all of y'all were super cool
Dude It was great meeting you!! If you come down to cali for a tourney Ill for sure house you!


The Free Meter Police
Gonna keep quiet about the stream situation because it would just involve me yelling at people on here for who knows how long for not knowing a damn thing so moving on

Shoutouts to all y'all that came out: @EGP Wonder_Chef @Awesomo for being great guest and helping me learn a shitton more about the game

@Chaosphere & Soonk for all the casuals & letting my drunk ass back in the room Saturday night late as hell

Always cool seeing Slayer, we just gotta actually get games in Melty Blood going for once lol

@Sabin for always supporting the hell out of NRS

Shoutouts to everyone else, I'm lazy as hell at this Shoutouts thing & all of y'all were super cool
Yes! I couldn't remember you or the other dude's names. Good games. #fixspectral

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Ok soooooo much to say, how do i minimize the read lol...

My first shoutout goes to Everyone who travelled from out of town for this. We've never broken more than 35 people for an MK event and this one we had 90!! We owe you guys so much we're finally on the map! @Chaosphere @R.E.O. @EGP Wonder_Chef @Awesomo @Son ov Timett @SatsuiYesHadou @Tom Brady @Sabin @Airvidal

Huge shoutouts to PNW showing up and making this no easy task for anyone to get through! Special shoutout to @Busta Clown because without your help i couldn't have gotten everything here done. I still dont really understand all the techie stuff you fixed. A true asset to the scene

btw PNW rocked injustice with @WA iLuusions taking it despite all the outside competition. Only Slayer was able to get into our top 4 ;)

So...the skullgirls thing i know still has a bad aura. I wanted to go over in more detail why we got shafted. Mortal Kombat has never been a huge draw in the PNW, where as skullgirls has consistently had top players fly out for the event. Add to that developer support and EVO placers and they had a pretty exciting tournament if you're a skullgirls fan. This was the first year MK had to prove itself. Technical errors and waiting 30 minutes on a tekken player threw us over an hour out of schedule but thanks to Deniz and crew they gave us the stream until about 3pm when we were only scheduled to have it till 2. We timed it out and pool 4 would have likely taken about an hour and a half throwing skullgirls almost 3 hours late, which imo is unacceptable. Im going to do my best to get my own stream setup so we can have the full event streamed next year regardless of schedule. Id also like to point out that as stated earlier the schedule was made before almost all the big names pre registered. So i want to say to the community as a TO and as a player if you think you are interested in going to an event, i urge you to pre register as soon as possible to give us an idea of how much time is needed. We likely could have gotten the required stream time if we knew in advance the amount of talent coming out. Worst case ontario if you cant make it email us and we will gladly refund you your money :) im sure other tournaments will do the same.

Now a personal shoutout..This was my first legitimate top 8 at a major. And I think i proved myself more by taking 4th instead of just barely getting in. I also am proud to be one of the first to beat a tester :D This game means the world to me and I train as hard as possible to get better. For anyone out there who wants to compete and doubts themselves, you can do it! I work a full time job 9-5 5 days a week and raise a son on my own. So i only have about 4 hours a night to train. If i can do it, so can you! Be smart, be prepared and train properly. But i think the most important thing i learned was just to have fun. This was the first tournament that ive played in where winning was in the back of my mind. By the time I had finished running around like a god damn chicken i was just so happy to sit down and play the game with great players. And once i got into Top 8 i was just so happy to be up there next to names like REO and Chris G that it was just an honor to play and I had a blast. No doubt you saw the big smile on my face when i got eliminated lol. I had a blast and I think it was a success. I hope everyone plus more comes back next year and we can continue growing our scene and add another major to the west coast :)

Shoutouts to everyone blowing up my phone during top 8 @Johnny2d @Jimmypotato @Pig Of The Hut @Immortal Kombat @BNA Dislexsik @STB Sgt Reed @ALLOFSTB

and last but not least....

Behind every great man is a great woman. I cant give enough shoutouts to @Goldy For the tremendous support and confidence she's given me. She puts up with my emo bullshit on a weekly basis and has talked me down from numerous ledges and gotten my head back in the game. No doubt i would not be where i am today without her patience and support. Thank you for all you do, and for keeping the Test Your Might Community updated on everything that was happening over the weekend. I was happy to see you're faster than Blake ;)

Thanks again to everyone and we will see you next year for MORE MODERATE SUCCESS!!!!

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Okay real shoutout time:

@STB Shujinkydink - Amazing job TOing, and good job on your "moderate success" this weekend, haha. Seriously, great first placement, that made a big statement. I still owe you 30$, but you left right from Chruch's =/

@haketh - Thanks for hosting us and driving us around! I already gave you a shoutout on tweeter, so basically what I said there. Grats on your vsav placement!

@Busta Clown - Thanks for housing us sunday night and taking us to the airport. That BBQ was legit, wish I had gotten more. Also huge shoutouts to TOing and making sure everything ran on time. Remember, you're the champ now, you stole the title from me.

@Kevin 7 - Great doing commentary with you, hopefully Predator ends up being a good character (not too good though!)

@The Big Palooka - Thanks for the awesome balltop! I'm going to put it on my stick tonight, I'll post a picture up when I do.

@Chaosphere & Soonk - Nice meeting you guys, wish we had all gotten to play more. Soonk has a great moustache.

@Immortal Kombat - Great showing in the STB vs EGP tournament (which I need to upload! Oops!) and GGs in tournament.

Reggie - Maybe the most slept on player of the whole tournament? Keep it up, you could have EASILY made top 8.

Iluusions - Congrats on winning the only tournament that really mattered.

@Sabin - Grats on your placements this weekend. Thanks for shouting out my stream, but you gave the wrong name so I don't think it helped me much, haha.

@Tom Brady - You are welcome for showing people that punishing Ice Clone in match is practical. Maybe now he won't get nerfed. Who am I kidding, he's getting nerfed to the ground anyway.

REO - Your moustache is almost as good as Soonk's, but like I said you have the entire facial hair matchup covered. No 3-7s for you.

Footwurk - Super cool dude who opened my eyes to Hellfire Scorpion. He's going to kill it at upcoming tournaments, watch out for him.

I know I'm going to miss a million people, if I missed you, my bad.


Mid Tier
So...the skullgirls thing i know still has a bad aura. I wanted to go over in more detail why we got shafted. Mortal Kombat has never been a huge draw in the PNW, where as skullgirls has consistently had top players fly out for the event. Add to that developer support and EVO placers and they had a pretty exciting tournament if you're a skullgirls fan. This was the first year MK had to prove itself. Technical errors and waiting 30 minutes on a tekken player threw us over an hour out of schedule but thanks to Deniz and crew they gave us the stream until about 3pm when we were only scheduled to have it till 2. We timed it out and pool 4 would have likely taken about an hour and a half throwing skullgirls almost 3 hours late, which imo is unacceptable. Im going to do my best to get my own stream setup so we can have the full event streamed next year regardless of schedule. Id also like to point out that as stated earlier the schedule was made before almost all the big names pre registered. So i want to say to the community as a TO and as a player if you think you are interested in going to an event, i urge you to pre register as soon as possible to give us an idea of how much time is needed. We likely could have gotten the required stream time if we knew in advance the amount of talent coming out. Worst case ontario if you cant make it email us and we will gladly refund you your money :) im sure other tournaments will do the same.

Thanks again to everyone and we will see you next year for MORE MODERATE SUCCESS!!!!
Thanks for clearing up the stream thing, I may or may not have freeked the fuck out over it lol.

Good job man!!