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Gears 3 ending thoughts? *spoilers*

So for everyone who finished the game, what are your thoughts on the end?

I thought that it left way too much unanswered, sure you find out why the Locust invaded, which is because of the lambent from the imulsion being a parasite. But why are they there in the first place? Also is Myrahh human or not, it was bullshit that Marcus' dad dies before you can ask him and how you kill the queen without asking her. I just have way too many questions for this to be the end.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I've yet to play it, but I highly doubt it's the end of the series, now quit being 360 exclusive! :rant2:


King of the Jobbers 2015
Agreed. They never explained the whole Sires thingy from Gears 2 or why was the queen human.

And that machine thing at the end seemed pretty Deus Ex Machina to me -_- Why was Marcus even needed there?

Also, for some reason, the last act reminded me a lot of Dead Space 2, the whole EarthGov Sector o_o


PTH | Korpse
I've yet to play it, but I highly doubt it's the end of the series, now quit being 360 exclusive! :rant2:
it's the end of the trilogy but not the end of the series as a whole, it will stay 360 exclusive though.

My thoughts i loved it especially after really not liking the last two campaigns that much, i felt they did a great job with the emotional parts, i honestly wouldn't have put it up there for a true GOTY contender, but now i can say if it wins, it is deserved (unlike last year, Mass Effect 2 deserved it billions time over than goddamn RDR)


PTH | Korpse
Agreed. They never explained the whole Sires thingy from Gears 2 or why was the queen human.

And that machine thing at the end seemed pretty Deus Ex Machina to me -_- Why was Marcus even needed there?

Also, for some reason, the last act reminded me a lot of Dead Space 2, the whole EarthGov Sector o_o



Marcus was needed to get his dad out of the room the queen had him locked into, she wanted him to create a bomb that would destroy the lambent and humans instead of the lambent and locust like adam made it do, so he would have been locked in there until he made a bomb that destroyed the humans along with the lambent thus letting the locust walk Sera instead of the humans had marcus not shown up to get him out


King of the Jobbers 2015


Marcus was needed to get his dad out of the room the queen had him locked into, she wanted him to create a bomb that would destroy the lambent and humans instead of the lambent and locust like adam made it do, so he would have been locked in there until he made a bomb that destroyed the humans along with the lambent thus letting the locust walk Sera instead of the humans had marcus not shown up to get him out
And couldn't Adam just tell the Queen it was going to work just fine, turn it on and kill all the Locust? He knew he was going to die so, kinda dumb don't you think?


Brain Dead Bro
it's the end of the trilogy but not the end of the series as a whole, it will stay 360 exclusive though.

My thoughts i loved it especially after really not liking the last two campaigns that much, i felt they did a great job with the emotional parts, i honestly wouldn't have put it up there for a true GOTY contender, but now i can say if it wins, it is deserved (unlike last year, Mass Effect 2 deserved it billions time over than goddamn RDR)
I'm sorry but I completely disagree. Mass Effect 2 didn't receive better ratings nor was it a better game. RDR was an all around amazing game from multiplayer to the amazing campaign.

So for everyone who finished the game, what are your thoughts on the end?

I thought that it left way too much unanswered, sure you find out why the Locust invaded, which is because of the lambent from the imulsion being a parasite. But why are they there in the first place? Also is Myrahh human or not, it was bullshit that Marcus' dad dies before you can ask him and how you kill the queen without asking her. I just have way too many questions for this to be the end.

Great job with the game. The end of Dom was WOW and it was inevitable that Anya and Marcus were in love. Getting to Adam Fenix only for him to die right away was surprising. They didn't try doing too much which most games do. You'll probably learn more when they release a prequel (my prediction) and they'll probably call it Gears of War: E-Day. They can't answer EVERY question. No game or TV does but overall the game was amazing.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
None of the gears of war games have had a good story. It's like playing Soul Calibur and trying to figure out why one of the characters uses Soul Calibur as a funny hat at the end. It's not supposed to make sense in the first place.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
it's the end of the trilogy but not the end of the series as a whole, it will stay 360 exclusive though.

My thoughts i loved it especially after really not liking the last two campaigns that much, i felt they did a great job with the emotional parts, i honestly wouldn't have put it up there for a true GOTY contender, but now i can say if it wins, it is deserved (unlike last year, Mass Effect 2 deserved it billions time over than goddamn RDR)
I'm a hardcore ME fan butttt RDR is probably the best game i've played in my life. I love ME 2 is one of my favorite games of all time but i think it's way overrated, i still think the first one is better.

But yeah, perfect ending for a perfect game!

I also had a lot of questions as well, like why the hell was the queen almost human, what were the sires from GOW 2, and what are the origins of the locust , i mean fuck were they underground like since forever?

Searched gears wikia for info on the Sires and they're apparently the locusts' predecessors you know like us evolving from apes. But aside from that not really much info.

Probably gonna sound stupid but i think Myrrah is marcus' mom. Yeah i know lol but i was looking in gears wikia on the comics section, and found that Adam fenix's wife ( marcus' momma) discovered strange things in the hollow before E-Day and began researching it until she mysteriously disappeared. Call me crazy but there's a possibility she's his momma.

Can't wait for the DLC, though kinda sucks it's not gonna feature Delta, i really thought they were going to release a chapter on how cole and baird found the navy.

Would of liked the ending with Dom there but his death would of had a better impact. Smart choice to kill off since he was the only one who really didn't have much to look after the war with his family dead and all.