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The Real Johnny Cage Match-up Chart


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
I have my doubts on the reptile matchup being 3-7. It is possible to trap him with ex forceballs. You gotta use 13 ex force ball. It jails, so you can use this off a jip. You can use 44 but that string doesn't jail. You can also do 11, 11, 11 ex force ball. At close range, there's a sweet spot where both force balls hit, and three 11s or a 13 will put you there. Unfortunately, there's no way to trap him in the corner, 13 ex force ball only works at mid screen.

I also say ermac is 6-4. You can also use 13 ex forceball, or 11, 11 ex force ball. In the corner, ermac is totally screwed. F33B3 ex force ball jails on everyone except reptile in the corner.
Cool, didn't know this. It's too bad though that on hit 1,3 makes the EX forceball whiff so once they know this they can take that hit and go into duck, then uppercut or D4. I guess it would create more mind games so you can use 1,1 or some other strings instead or just not use EX forceball. All in all the option to do this is huge.

Tom Brady

after staying with PL for a while and finally had someone to play with again,i was able to get my Cage back into shape. also, as a sub-zero player i know this match very well from both sides.

cage vs sub is more like it was day 1 then it was after the first major patch. the 2 biggest differences are that F+32 no longer gives a nut punch and sub-zero now has armor.

F+32 was so good once cage got in because unless the sub player released block as the 2 made contact, cage will be at advantage. the best thing was the if F+32 happened to hit that cage also got a nut punch. now it doesnt matter as much if F+32 hits because all cage gets is advantage allowing sub to jump out of anything that grants a nut punch combo besides dashing 1 or B+3. both can be escaped by armor and b+3 on block is a slide punish and sub can duck the standing 1 and poke out and get away. Cage has to use more F+33 which removes any chance of pressure like the F+32 string used to apply.

theres a lot more here for me to break down in this match, i'll get to it tomorrow.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
If you hit a F32 you're able to get another free F3, if they jump they get launched. If they stand they get a blockstring mixup, Cage can still use that string as much as he likes against Sub.


If you hit a F32 you're able to get another free F3, if they jump they get launched. If they stand they get a blockstring mixup, Cage can still use that string as much as he likes against Sub.
Pretty damn hard to AA with F3. Even then, the results are bittersweet because he still escapes JC's pressure. Unless he's in the corner, in which case you can combo into nutpunch.

Cool, didn't know this. It's too bad though that on hit 1,3 makes the EX forceball whiff so once they know this they can take that hit and go into duck, then uppercut or D4. I guess it would create more mind games so you can use 1,1 or some other strings instead or just not use EX forceball. All in all the option to do this is huge.
Sorry, I just found out that it is possible to force ball trap reptile in the corner with 114. You have to be close though. Also, F2 works midscreen.

Tom Brady

If you hit a F32 you're able to get another free F3, if they jump they get launched. If they stand they get a blockstring mixup, Cage can still use that string as much as he likes against Sub.
forgot to list F+3, my bad.

but, you can use armor to escape that as well. before not only did cage get a guaranteed nut punch after F+32, but sub also didnt have armor. the GUARANTEE is gone... no more free F+32~nut punch, safe jump in punch~F+33~ex force ball, back to F+32 pressure. thats a big difference.

i'll break this match down in more detail tomorrow.


I think F32 might be +7 on hit. I say this because I was able to get a guaranteed uppercut but never a guaranteed 11. It is possible to still land the 11 on a crouching opponent however, because there are start up frames in going from standing to crouching (or something like that). Example: go to practice and set AI to crouch. Try and do 11 on an opponent in F32 hit stun. Occasionally you'll land the 11. This 11 isn't guaranteed though. I say this because when you land a hit, the life bar will show blood splatter. The only time it won't show blood splatter is when you're in the middle of a combo or if the hit is guaranteed (ie. after nutpunch). After F32, you may land the 11 on a crouching opponent, but since there's blood splatter on the life bar when you land it, I'm deducing the 11 isn't guaranteed and crouching has 1-2 frame start up.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I think F32 might be +7 on hit. I say this because I was able to get a guaranteed uppercut but never a guaranteed 11. It is possible to still land the 11 on a crouching opponent however, because there are start up frames in going from standing to crouching (or something like that). Example: go to practice and set AI to crouch. Try and do 11 on an opponent in F32 hit stun. Occasionally you'll land the 11. This 11 isn't guaranteed though. I say this because when you land a hit, the life bar will show blood splatter. The only time it won't show blood splatter is when you're in the middle of a combo or if the hit is guaranteed (ie. after nutpunch). After F32, you may land the 11 on a crouching opponent, but since there's blood splatter on the life bar when you land it, I'm deducing the 11 isn't guaranteed and crouching has 1-2 frame start up.
This is why F3 is a better idea, because if they're ducking they can poke out of 11. If they jump they can be reset by a nutpunch combo, if not the blockstring mixup can begin, which variation of F3 are you gonna use? its just got more options. 11 is probably Cages worst string because the mixups off it it are his weakest. So when you use it its gotta be pretty sparingly for meter building IMO


How is Kitana a 6-4?
I always thought that Cage needs meter to get in, but at the same time if he does get in, it's pretty much death for Kitana.