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EGP WONDER_CHEF wins MKX at NorthWest Majors!!

I'm having the same problem. When I click the video, I just get thumbnails to other videos, which themselves are just filled with thumbnails containing no actual video :(

Nice to know either way that it's subscriber's only too.
Totally not a dick move there.
Weirdly enough, the video loads on my phone, but on the computer it goes to the same place you're seeing. On the phone it asks something about the video being for mature audiences, so maybe that gets adblocked and you cant get past it to the video? idk


It went great except 2 hours delay on VSav while GG had 20 minutes of freeplay and 10 minutes of training mode.


Wonder_Chef... a zoning master? A vortex master? Or still fool? Probably still fool.

In any case, congratulations on the victory and congratulations to all the top 8 placers.

Special thanks to all the Quan Chi players for representing zoning.
So Dave you using Quan or Kano or anyone else as your Main


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
You know what's funner than watching Quan Chi use pillar/bat full screen? Playing against a Quan Chi using pillar/bat full screen.


Shout out to Slayer for utilizing some KJ tools that not many use like 11 to be at hella plus frames and then 50/50


Heart From Iron, Mind From Steel.
You know what's funner than watching Quan Chi use pillar/bat full screen? Playing against a Quan Chi using pillar/bat full screen.


Shout out to Slayer for utilizing some KJ tools that not many use like 11 to be at hella plus frames and then 50/50
Can you maybe explain exactly what he was doing in certain situations in the KJ Living guide thread? Frame data is something I still struggle with so it'd be cool to have it explained. Or maybe Slayer himself could pop in.


I noticed a bunch of players who usually play on a fightstick were playing on pad, like Justin, Chris G, Wonder Chef, etc.

Is that due to the scarcity of PS4 sticks or is MKX more pad friendly?
It's in large part due to the fact that people are unwilling to shell out for a ps4 stick or they own an xbone and do not want to shell out for a ds4 to sync their legacy stick (ps3).

So Dave you using Quan or Kano or anyone else as your Main
Dave is still playing Zod and Deathstroke in Injustice remembering fondly the good old days of zoning :D
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Anybody else having a hard time viewing the archive?

EDIT: You do have to subscribe, but my brother who was a subscriber was still having an issue. It was a third party problem. Got it fixed! Subscribe People! It's only 5 bucks and you can cancel right after you finish watching :) show some love even if it is just a little!
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Congrats @EGP Wonder_Chef ! After I saw your Quan take out Tom's Sub I was hoping you would win the whole event. Congrats sir!

Now, for that stream archive so I can watch..