Edit: Hold on, I realized that some of these combos with regular f22+4 are in fact Displacer and MoS only. TG version of string is holdable and it doesn't pop up opponent hight without holding it - but then opponent will be much further. Gotta add TG combos from that video because I failed to account for this nuance.
Some combos from video by
@TONY-T . Because he used infinite stamina I may be missing runs here and there. Please tell me if that's the case.
MoS/Displacer midscreen
34, f22+4, b111+3 - 30%
Thundergod midscreen
f12b[2], b14~lightning run cancel, 214~shocker - about 30%
34, run, b14~lightning run cancel, 214~shocker - about 33%
Thundergod corner
b2, b2, b2, f12b[2], b14~shocker - about 45%
b2, b2, 213, f12b[2], b14~shocker - about 43%
Maybe I should try to do b14~lightning ender for standing reset, not sure if it will connect. But you already know when you can maybe do that, so it's up to you.
1 bar combos
Displacer/MoS midscreen
213, f22+4, f22+4~EX-shocker, b14~fly - 39%
34, f22+4, b14~EX-shocker, b14~fly - 43%
214~EX-shocker, NJP, f22+4, b111+3 - about 43%
b2, run, f22+4~EX-shocker, f22+4~shocker - 41%
33~EX-shocker, NJP, f22+4, b111+3 - 41%
EX-Rising thunder, NJP, f22+4, b111+3 - 26%
NJP, f22+4, f22+4~EX-shocker, b14~fly - 39%
Does about 29% if you don't MB shocker, fly should net similar results.
Thundergod midscreen
b11[2]~EX-shocker, NJP, b111+3 - 31%
When you absolutely need to get 31% off b1 I guess. But why would you need that when TG has meterless 30% off 5 frames mid, I don't know. Arguably, this ender knocks down harder, but... Eh.
f12b[2], b14~EX-shocker, b11[2][2]~fly - 35%, swaps sides
214~EX-shocker, NJP, run, b14~lightning run cancel, 214~shocker - about 47%
Off low static trap (MoS) meterless:
d2 (opponent hits the trap), f22+4, b111+3 - about 30%
Thundergod corner:
214~EX-shocker, b2, 213, f12b[2], b11~shocker - about 53%
214~EX-shocker, b2, b2, f12b[2], b11~shocker - about 55%
This must be supplemented by other combos ITT because there are universal meterless corner combos and TG-specific meterless of b3[2] starter that I believe is a huge deal. Should be roughly the same as meterless f12b[2] combos, I suppose, that are missing too (maybe I missed them).
It's about time to compile this stuff in the OP, what do you think,
@Chaosphere ?
Also, my formatting sucks. Tell me how to improve so you could move finalized version into OP.
Again, please, point out mistakes. Yesterday I had hella time failing that meterless 30% for example, I kinda think at this point that there's something wrong with notation. Is there some microrun or I'm just bad?
P.S. That damned f22+4 giving me hard time. I keep missing 2+4 left and right. Why did you do that, NRS?.. *groans of frustration*
Ah right, do I really need the fireball cancel or can I just run over & continue the combo?
Just about to head to work, so I can't try it myself.
Cheers again.
You need to fireball cancel, otherwise opponent will be at mere -7 and maybe not even fully comboable.