So in this game, the hitboxes of moves are not made in such a way, that certain ground moves WILL beat air normals? So a move with alot of active frames will beat anti airs? Or are the interactions between the normals. Are there situations where you have to block? Like in teh corner, if they jump from certain distances? (not when you knocked down, but neutral)
AA has always been weird in NRS games.
MK9 most of the best AA's were standing 1 &2 sometimes d1's even
injustice, i think D2's were best option.
you really just have to test all your options from certain jump distances as well.
as cassie, her d2 has a really far hitbox so its great for stoping jump ins on read, while her DB2 is amazing for anti cross ups.
your best bet is just hit the lab and practice AAing will all your different normal and specials.
i wish air normals didnt seem like they have so much priority tho, i find myself making reads on jump ins and still trade :/