The Camp Crystal Lake Horror is coming and we have images to tease you with. Yes, Jason is appearing online in different forms and even showing up on the character selection screen for some. However, no, he is not yet playable. However, there is a teaser image of him in game play as well as (basically) proof that the developers and/or Q/A team have been busy testing him out.
Check it out below!
He's almost here...
When he will be playable to Kombat Pack (Season Pass) owners is a little unclear right now. The date of April 26th is what we have, which is this Sunday. However, Kombat Pack owners get characters early, so Sunday may be the day that Kombat Pack owners are able to play with Jason while non-Kombat Pack owners may have to wait a little longer. We cannot confirm this at this time though. Will update when we know more!
Update! Jason is coming May 5th!
edited/promoted by STORMS*